167 research outputs found

    On the equivalence conditions of two-stage and direct identification methods

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    Interculturality on the border of disciplines. Polish language teaching as a means of intercultural education

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    The goal of the article is a presentation of the existing and potential relations between Polish language teaching and intercultural education both in the theoretical and practical aspect. The authors present the basic assumptions and goals of intercultural education, paying particular attention to intercultural learning. What follows is a thorough analysis of the presence of the intercultural approach in the theory and practice of the Polish language didactics and its relation to the pedagogy

    Spotkania Małżeńskie jako droga rozwoju małżonków – na podstawie przeglądu wybranej literatury oraz badań własnych

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    Encounters of Married Couples, as a catholic association that offers retreat for marriages, has been supporting spouses for years and providing them with tools needed for effective marital communication based on the experience of cooperation with God’s grace that stems from the power of holy matrimony. The article presents the results of a study that focused on the meaning of the Encounters of Married Couples for the growth of spouses:both marital and individual. The purpose of the research was to study this development in the context of spouses’ involvement in the catholic community. Retreat facilitators participated in the research. An open-ended in-depth interview method was used as part of a qualitative research strategy. The results of the research made it possible to formulate conclusions about the functioning of relationships and the development of spouses involved in the Encounters of Married Couples. The research revealed the positive infl uence that practice of effective interpersonal communication has on the functioning and development of relationships. This practice must, in fact, involve openness, respect and acceptance of each other that grows out of understanding marriage according to the teaching of the Church. Another beneficial factor is the contact with other spouses and the possibility to share experiences of marital crises and ways of overcoming them. The results of the study allowed for new recommendations in the area of marital ministries.Spotkania Małżeńskie jako stowarzyszenie katolickie, oferujące  rekolekcje dla małżeństw, od wielu lat wspiera małżonków na ich wspólnej drodze, oferując im narzędzia z zakresu efektywnej komunikacji małżeńskiej, opierające się na doświadczeniu współpracy z łaską Bożą wypływającą z mocy sakramentu małżeństwa. W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań, których przedmiotem było znaczenie Spotkań Małżeńskich dla rozwoju małżonków – zarówno w wymiarze małżeńskim, jak też indywidualnym. Celem badań było poznanie tego rozwoju w kontekście zaangażowania małżonków w katolickiej wspólnocie. Wzięli w nich udział animatorzy prowadzący rekolekcje. Wykorzystano metodę wywiadu otwartego pogłębionego w ramach jakościowej strategii badań. Wyniki pozwoliły na sformułowanie wniosków dotyczących funkcjonowania w związku i rozwoju małżonków zaangażowanych w Spotkaniach Małżeńskich. Badania pokazały, jak pomocna dla związku może być znajomość zasad i codzienne praktykowanie efektywnej komunikacji interpersonalnej, prowadzonej zgodnie z zasadami otwartości, poszanowania i akceptacji drugiej osoby, powiązanej z rozumieniem małżeństwa wypływającym z nauki Kościoła. Niezwykle istotny okazał się również kontakt z innymi małżeństwami oraz wymiana doświadczeń dotyczących przeżywanych trudności i kryzysów w relacji oraz sposobów radzenia sobie z nimi. Wyniki badań stały się punktem wyjścia do sformułowania rekomendacji w zakresie duszpasterstwa małżeństw

    CAV3 mutation in a patient with transient hyperCKemia and myalgia

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    Mutations in caveolin-3 (CAV3) can lead to different clinical phenotypes affecting skeletal or cardiac muscles. Here, we describe a patient with Klinefelter syndrome, ulcerative colitis and Sjögren syndrome, who developed transient hyperCKemia, myalgia and mild muscular weakness. Using whole exome sequencing (WES), a missense mutation G169A was found in the CAV3 gene. In addition, we identified a homozygous frameshift deletion in MS4A12 that may contribute to inflammatory bowel disease, further demonstrating usefulness of WES in dual molecular diagnoses


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    The formulation and algorithmic aspects of nonlinear thermo-elasticity are reviewed in the paper. The attention is focused on coupling due to thermal expansion and temperature dependence of elastic model parameters, and on the consistent linearization of the ensuing nonlinear set of equations for two-field finite elements. Non-stationary heat flow, static loading and small strains are assumed. The solutions of some benchmark examples, obtained using the developed finite element environment FEMDK, are presented. The formulation has a more general application domain in the context of arbitrary coupling of a nonstationary diffusion proces and momentum balance

    Forma zatrudnienia i czas pracy jako czynniki budujące motywację pielęgniarek.

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    Red. nauk. Wydziału Zarządzania i Inżynierii Produkcji: Lewandowski, Jerzy

    Vaccination against influenza among medical students of selected Medical Universities in Poland in the 2014/2015 influenza season

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    Vaccinations against influenza are one of the most beneficial elements of prevention. Adoption of measures to popularize vaccination among reluctant to be vaccinated against influenza Polish population, especially in the environment of future doctors should be one of the priorities in the universities. The article analyzes the level of basic knowledge, opinions and declared behaviors related to influenza and its prevention among medical students of selected Medical University in Poland. The study included 1,031 individuals during the 2014/2015 epidemic. It represented a diverse population of sex, age, place of residence. For the purpose of the research an original questionnaire was used. The results were subjected to statistical analysis, which reveals that only 76 individuals got inoculated against influenza, which accounted for only 7.37% of the study population of students studying in various academic centers in Poland. Analysis of own research shows that regularly over the last five influenza seasons only 70 individuals (6.79%) have got inoculated, while the vast majority – 72.45% of the population did not get inoculated at all, and 20.75% occasionally declared inoculation against the influenza. Despite seasonal influenza epidemics, undertaken educational and preventive tests among vulnerable group rather a pessimistic picture emerges of the Polish population