184 research outputs found


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    The model of strategy selection which is based on complex assessment of the financial security level in terms of internal and external factors of commercial bank is realized in this paper. This model is based on building of strategic priorities vector via finding the polygon’s center of gravity which is constructed in an appropriate coordinate system on the basis of the calculated estimates for each of the studied components. The vector of strategic priorities determines strategy, which commercial bank must choose at the current development level and appropriate influence degree of all selected factors. Therefore, the vector determines the direction of investment to enhance the commercial bank financial security. The simulation model that makes possible to realize basic scenarios of development for innovative changes strategy is built. It is proved that the implementation of this strategy will reduce the negative impact of internal and external factors on the bank financial security and ensure effective and competitive activity of the bank.В работе реализована модель выбора стратегии на основе комплексной оценки уровня финансовой безопасности в условиях действия внутренних и внешних факторов коммерческого банкаи построения вектора стратегических приоритетов путем нахождения центра тяжести многоугольника в соответствующей системе координат на основе рассчитанных оценок по каждой из исследуемых составляющих. Вектор стратегических приоритетов определяет стратегию, которую целесообразно выбрать коммерческому банку при текущем уровне развития и степени влияния всех выделенных факторов, следовательно, позволяет определить направления инвестирования средств с целью повышения уровня финансовой безопасности коммерческого банка. Построена имитационная модель, позволяющая реализовать основные сценарии развития для стратегии инновационных изменений, внедрение которой позволит уменьшить негативное влияние внутренних и внешних факторов на уровень финансовой безопасности банка и обеспечить эффективную и конкурентоспособную деятельность банка.В роботі реалізовано модель вибору стратегії на основі комплексної оцінки рівня фінансової безпеки в умовах дії внутрішніх та зовнішніх факторів комерційного банку, яка ґрунтується на побудові вектора стратегічних пріоритетів шляхом знаходження центра ваги багатокутника, побудованого в відповідній системі координат на основі розрахованих оцінок за кожною з досліджуваних складових. Вектор стратегічних пріоритетів визначає стратегію, яку доцільно вибрати комерційному банку при поточному рівні розвитку та відповідному ступеню впливу усіх виділених факторів, отже, дозволяє визначити напрямки інвестування коштів з метою підвищення рівня фінансової безпеки комерційного банку. Побудовано імітаційну модель, що дозволяє реалізувати основні сценарії розвитку для стратегії інноваційних змін, доведено, що впровадження цієї стратегії дасть змогу зменшити негативний вплив внутрішніх та зовнішніх факторів на рівень фінансової безпеки банку та забезпечити ефективну і конкурентоспроможну діяльність банку

    Size fractionation of trace elements in the surface water and groundwater of the Ganjiang River and Xiushui River basins, China

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    The research of trace element behaviour and size fractionation is significant to understand the processes in the water-rock system. Moreover, the aqueous speciation of trace elements is strongly related to their distribution and toxicity. In this research, trace elements behaviour and their size fractionation are investigated in the natural water (the surface water and shallow groundwater) of the Ganjiang River and Xiushui River basins. Trace element concentrations were measured by ICP-MS. The authors estimated the size fractionation of the trace elements between suspended forms (>0.45 [mu]m) and dissolved fractions, which included truly dissolved (1 kDa) and colloidal particles (0.45 [mu]m-1 kDa)), after filtration through a 0.45 [mu]m acetate cellulose membrane filter. The distinct features of the trace element size fractionation were identified. The size fractionation of the trace elements under different conditions (in the surface water and shallow groundwater) was studied

    EXACT2: the semantics of biomedical protocols

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    © 2014 Soldatova et al.; licensee BioMed Central. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated.This article has been made available through the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund.Background: The reliability and reproducibility of experimental procedures is a cornerstone of scientific practice. There is a pressing technological need for the better representation of biomedical protocols to enable other agents (human or machine) to better reproduce results. A framework that ensures that all information required for the replication of experimental protocols is essential to achieve reproducibility. Methods: We have developed the ontology EXACT2 (EXperimental ACTions) that is designed to capture the full semantics of biomedical protocols required for their reproducibility. To construct EXACT2 we manually inspected hundreds of published and commercial biomedical protocols from several areas of biomedicine. After establishing a clear pattern for extracting the required information we utilized text-mining tools to translate the protocols into a machine amenable format. We have verified the utility of EXACT2 through the successful processing of previously ‘unseen’ (not used for the construction of EXACT2) protocols. Results: The paper reports on a fundamentally new version EXACT2 that supports the semantically-defined representation of biomedical protocols. The ability of EXACT2 to capture the semantics of biomedical procedures was verified through a text mining use case. In this EXACT2 is used as a reference model for text mining tools to identify terms pertinent to experimental actions, and their properties, in biomedical protocols expressed in natural language. An EXACT2-based framework for the translation of biomedical protocols to a machine amenable format is proposed. Conclusions: The EXACT2 ontology is sufficient to record, in a machine processable form, the essential information about biomedical protocols. EXACT2 defines explicit semantics of experimental actions, and can be used by various computer applications. It can serve as a reference model for for the translation of biomedical protocols in natural language into a semantically-defined format.This work has been partially funded by the Brunel University BRIEF award and a grant from Occams Resources

    Interpersonal relations of Russian adolescents in social networks

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    Background. In the period of adolescence, friendship plays the key role for developing the adolescent personality, for determining their psychological well-being now and for further living. There is lack of data about the actual size of their online friend zone, adolescent perception of real and virtual friendship, and factual features of their relationships with different categories of users, primarily with virtual friends, who adolescents communicate only in the Internet. Objective. The quantitative research of the online circle of contacts of Russian adolescnts in social media, their perceptions of real and virtual friendship, and regular features of their communication with real friends and acquaintances, and virtual friends. Design. The survey among adolescents from Moscow, Russia, and Moscow region, Russia, was conducted (N=366, aged 13-16 years old) using the questionnaire of 43 questions about their friend list size and number of online followers; youths’ relationship with real friends and acquaintances, and virtual friends; the method of the unfinished sentences with the following content analysis aimed to investigate adolescent perception of real and virtual friendship. For comparison, we also used data of the All-Russian survey Kids Online II (N=604) conducted by the Foundation for Internet Development (2010). Results. The results show that 50% of adolescent contacts (aged 15–16) and 43% aged 13–14 outweighs the lower limit of the Dunbar number (100 social connections). Thus, they are almost equivalent to the quantity of social contact of an adult. Friend zone extension occurs due to real friends and acquaintances, and ‘unknown’ virtual friends (whom the adolescent has not seen in real life), hence raising the issue of such relationships’ quality. The results of the content analysis of adolescent answers about differences between real and virtual friendship show that real friendship is more important to them as it contains Direct interpersonal contact (tactile and visual), Emotional exchange, Trust, Co-Activities, Mutual support. Virtual friendship has been characterized through absence, significant lack and/or negative inversion (e.g. from Trust to Mistrust) of these components. Simultaneously, each second youth has virtual friend, whom he/she trusts enough to share private topics, so that such virtual friends play the role of ‘by chance companions’. Adolescents discuss with them life problems and conflicts with parents (35%), real friends and teachers (51–53%), and also their beloved ones (47%). Conclusion. The number of online social connections among adolescents exceeds the lower limit of the Dunbar range, comparing with similar indicators in adults. Expansion of the virtual circle of communication occurs both at the expense of real friends and acquaintances, and virtual friends unfamiliar to the child in everyday life, which puts the question of the quality of these relations. Virtual friends act in the role of «casual fellow travelers», because with their help adolescents satisfy the needs for intimate contact. This happens even though the children themselves are aware of the disadvantages of online communication compared to offline relationships. The phenomenon of a virtual friend, therefore, occupies one of the key places in the system of interpersonal relations of a modern adolescent and requires further study. On the whole, the phenomena of the ‘unknown friend’ holds one of the key places in the adolescnet system of relationships, thus requiring special research

    Brief and screening versions of the Digital Competence Index: verification and application possibilities

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    Background. Diagnostics of the schoolchildren digital competence is now an important educational task that requires an index applicable to children of the early school age and brief enough for population studies. The Digital Competence Index (DCI) as a component of social competence was proposed for measuring knowledge, skills, motivation and responsibility / security online in each of the following areas: content, communication, consumption, and technologicalsphere. Objective. The development and subsequent verification of a brief and screening versions of DCI, and also the study of DCI in children under 12 years of age. Design. During the first stage based on the first sample of DCI approbation, items with the highest correlation with each subscale were selected. Digital competence was assessed on the basis of the Index as well as the solution of experimental tasks. User activity was assessed using EU-Kids online methodology. During the second stage, the methodwas verified in the sample of children aged 7-11 and parents of children of primary school age. User activity was measured as well. The children also filled measure of Excessive Internet Use from EU-Kids online methodology and the Dembo-Rubinstein scales assessing their general and online self-esteem. Sample. The first study included 1203 adolescents aged 12-17 and 1209 parents. The second sample included 50 children aged 7-11 years old and 100 parents of children aged 5-11 years. Results. In the first study a brief version (32 points) allows to reliably (alpha 0.69-0.85) evaluate the four components and index ensuring the prediction accuracy of more than 90%. The screening version (16 points) makes it possible to reliably (0.71-0.73) estimate the overall index with the prediction accuracy of more than 85%. Both versions reproduced the basic patterns of the differences between correctly and incorrectly solved digital competence tasks by teenagers and parents. According to the second study, brief and screening versions can be used with the primary school age, although the screening version allows to estimate only the general index, but not the components of digital competence. The average digital competence of children 7-11 years old is 30% of the maximum possible, parents take 46%, which demonstrates the improvement of digital competence in the recent five years. Digital competence in both children and parents is associated with greater user activity, and in children – with a more positive self-esteem online and signs of excessive Internet use. In parents correct answers to the digital competence tasks were associated with greater competence, primarily on the components of responsibility/safety and skills. Conclusion. The data support the possibility of using the screening version of the Digital Competence Index to obtain the general indicator in diagnosing adults and children of the primary school age, whereas a brief version of the DCI can be used not only as an overall index but also of its components

    Automation Of Making Innovative Decisions In Development Of City Infrastructure

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    An automated method for evaluating expert questionnaires proposed, in which the questionnaire considered as a linguo-numerical model of the city infrastructure object under study, which makes it possible to present it in a form convenient for automated processing in decision support systems (DSS) based on the proposed procedures

    Recognition of handwritten numbers based on convolutional neural networks

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    This article deals with the problem of practical implementation of handwritten digit recognition based on convolutional neural networks (CNN). The CNN architecture is presented and analyzed, for which it is recommended to use cross entropy as a loss function during training, and the Softmax function as an activation function of the last CNN layer. It is also recommended to use the well-known error back propagation algorithm to implement the CNN learning algorithm. To do this, the article presents the main relations for errors at each layer

    Fuzzy algorithm for situational control of urban transport traffic

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    The problem of operational dispatching control of urban transport is considered on the example of fixed-route taxis. The analysis of passenger traffic is carried out on the mathematical apparatus of the theory of queuing systems, within which a graph of states is constructed and ratios are obtained to evaluate the main indicators of the quality of minibus taxis. Due to the presence of information uncertainty in the work of urban transport, an algorithm of fuzzy situational management is proposed, which is the basis of intellectual DSS. For an optimal transition from the current situation to a situation that meets the new operating conditions, in the sense of the selected criterion, it is proposed to use the dynamic programming method

    Stabilization of positioning points in the control system of industrial robots-manipulators

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    To stabilize the position of the grip of the manipulator at the working point of positioning, a modal procedure for optimal adjustment of the parameters of the proportional and differential parts of the multidimensional PID controller based on the original method of uncertain coefficients is proposed. To eliminate the static error, it is suggested to use the Davison method of adjusting the integral part of the PID controller. The proposed approach is universal and can be used to stabilize the modes of operation of other technical objects and technological processes

    Psychological and digital factors of student attitudes towards multitasking

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    Introduction. Despite the evidence from the cognitive approach that performance decreases under multitasking conditions, multitasking is increasingly seen as an important skill to develop, especially among young people. Aim. The present research aims to reveal personal (personal traits, satisfaction of basic needs) and digital (user activity, combined activity, attitude to technology, digital competence) factors of subjective assessment of multitasking in students and their attitude to multitasking. Methodology and research methods. In the course of the research, 260 students of Moscow universities answered questions about their multitasking and their attitude to it, and then filled out the scales for assessing subjective well-being, attitudes towards learning, personal traits, basic psychological needs, user and combined activity, attitudes to technology, digital competence and the desire for digitalisation of education. The data were processed using descriptive statistics, Pearson’s correlation analysis, group comparison methods (Pearson’s Chi-square, Student’s t-test). Results. According to the estimates of the students, they spend almost half of their daytime combining different activities. Most of students consider multitasking as a useful skill and would like to improve it. Higher multitasking scores are associated with greater conscientiousness, openness to experience, competence, positive emotions, as well as technophilia, digital skills. The desire to improve own multitasking is higher among students with a higher level of combined activity, technophilia, technorationality, as well as among students, who higher estimate the opportunities of digitalisation in education. Two out of three students consider multitasking as a useful ability; every second student thinks that multitasking can be developed by training. Multitasking and the desire to improve it are related to the attitude towards multitasking as a trained and developed skill, while the idea of its usefulness or uniqueness is practically not related to psychological and digital factors. Further research may be aimed at revealing relationships between subjective multitasking with activity diary data and experimentally organised multitasking. Scientific novelty. The attitude to multitasking format among young people was investigated from the perspective of a comprehensive approach, which combines personal characteristics and peculiarities of online activity. Practical significance. The peculiarities of students’ attitudes towards multitasking as a personal choice of doing several things simultaneously, reflecting among other things a positive attitude towards multitasking and a desire to develop it, can become a significant component to develop educational programmes, as well as important knowledge to provide interaction between teachers and students under the conditions of digitalisation in education.Введение. Несмотря на данные когнитивного подхода о снижении продуктивности при одновременном выполнении нескольких дел, многозадачность все чаще рассматривается как важный развиваемый навык, особенно среди молодежи. Целью исследования является выявление личностных (личностные особенности, удовлетворенность базовых потребностей) и цифровых (пользовательская активность, совмещенная активность, отношение к технологиям, цифровая компетентность) факторов субъективной оценки многозадачности у студентов и их отношения к многозадачности. Методология, методы и методики. 260 студентов московских вузов отвечали на вопросы о своей многозадачности и отношении к ней, а затем заполняли шкалы оценки субъективного благополучия, отношения к учебе, личностных особенностей, базовых психологических потребностей, пользовательской и совмещенной активности, отношения к технологиям, цифровой компетентности и стремления к цифровизации образования. Данные обрабатывались при помощи методов описательной статистики, корреляционного анализа Пирсона, методов сравнения групп (Хи-квадрат Пирсона, t-критерий Стьюдента). Результаты. По оценкам студентов, почти половину времени бодрствования они проводят, совмещая решение разных задач. В целом студенты хотели бы улучшить свою способность к многозадачности, рассматривая ее как полезное умение. Более высокие оценки своей многозадачности у них связаны с большей добросовестностью, открытостью опыту, компетентностью, положительными эмоциями, а также технофилией, цифровыми навыками. Стремление улучшить свою компетентность выше у студентов с более высоким уровнем совмещенной активности, технофилии, технорациональности, а также у студентов, которые выше оценивают возможности цифровизации образования. Двое из трех студентов считают многозадачность полезной способностью, каждый второй – что ее можно развивать тренировкой. Многозадачность и стремление ее улучшить определяются отношением к многозадачности как тренируемому и развиваемому умению, тогда как представления о ее полезности и уникальности практически не связаны с психологическими и цифровыми факторами. Дальнейшие исследования могут быть направлены на сопоставление субъективной многозадачности с данными дневниковых исследований и экспериментально организованной многозадачностью. Научная новизна. Было исследовано отношение к формату многозадачности у молодых людей сквозь призму комплексного подхода, сочетающего личностные особенности и особенности онлайн-активности. Практическая значимость. Особенности отношения к формату многозадачности как личному выбору выполнения нескольких дел одновременно, отражающие в том числе позитивное отношение к многозадачности и желание ее развивать, могут стать значимой составляющей разработки образовательных программ, а также важным знанием при взаимодействии педагогов и студентов в условиях цифровизации образования.Исследование выполнено за счет гранта Российского фонда фундаментальных исследований (проект № 19-29-14181мк «Многозадачность в структуре цифровой социализации: когнитивные и личностные факторы эффективности в контексте цифровизации общего образования»). Авторы выражают признательность рецензентам, которые работали с этой статьей.This study was funded by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (project no. 19-29-14181mk “Multitasking in the Structure of Digital Socialisation: Cognitive and Personal Efficiency Factors in the Context of digitalisation of General Education”). The authors thank the reviewers for taking the time and effort necessary to review the manuscript