25 research outputs found

    Prosedur Pemeriksaan CT-Scan Urografi Kontras Pada Kasus Kista Ginjal Di RSUP Persahabatan

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    The urographic ct scan is a diagnostic procedure which aims comprehensively evaluate kidney, ureter, and bladder, as well as the general function of the urinary tracts.   One of common pathologies detected on urographic examination is kidney cyst. The kidney cyst is a spherical or oval-shaped sac which contains a fluid form inside the kidney. This case study aims to explain the Urographic CT scan procedures with contrast media. This study assess the strengths and weakness of CT Urographic examinations with patients with kidney cysts. The study shows that CT Urographic exmination procedure involves informed consent, patient and equipment preparation, patient positioning, image acquisition and reconstruction. The study also shows that there was a difference in scanning phase on theory and clinical practices. While the theory  states that the the Urographic CT examinations must be conducted with with four phases including non-contractional phases, cortikomedular phases, nefrographic and excretion phases, in clinical practices, the scanning was acquired with non-contrast phase, kidney phase, ureter phase and bladder phase. &nbsp


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    Shidiq Suryo Saputro, 2018, NIT: 50134743.N, “Evaluasi Kemampuan Bernavigasi Perwira di Km. Armada Papua saat Menghadapi Cuaca Buruk” Progam Diploma IV jurusan Nautika Politeknik Ilmau Pelayaran Semarang, Pembimbing Materi (1): Capt. Dwi Antoro, MM, M.Mar., Pembimbing Metodologi dan Penulisan (II): Dr. A. Agus Tjahjono, MM, M.mar. In the world of marine where human beings play a very important role especially in watch keeping or guard either when in voyage or while in port, so arranged in such a way that this human condition can remain in prime condition to be able to perform its duty either in duty service or rest period. Nevertheless, human remains are still the main cause of cruise accidents that occur to this day aside from other causes such as natural factors and technical factors. Looking at the importance of the above problems, this study raises the theme and addresses the problems of navigating well especially when the weather bad that could disrupt the safe of a voyage and the successful operation of the vessel hence the title is chosen, " Evaluasi Kemampuan Bernavigasi Perwira di Km. Armada Papua saat Menghadapi Cuaca Buruk "It aims to minimize the occurrence of ship accidents in the sea, especially in times of unfavorable weather conditions, and can improve the ability of Ship officers in carrying out procedures when navigating in heavy weather conditions. By using qualitative descriptive method and using SWOT method as problem solving method. describes the situation or event and describes and describes the object under study in order to obtain an explanation of the object to be discussed. In a broader sense this method can be seen from the description of the phenomena, explain the relationships, test the hypothesis, and make existing penyelesaean strategies when doing research in Km. Armada Papua. Based on the results of this study the authors can conclude that in navigating during bad weather Mentals must carry out observations, optimize the navigation tool and apply existing procedures and regulations. And implement the strategy as a step to save the ship from heavy weather by avoiding the bad weather. Key word : Heavy weather, Navigation, Watch keepin

    Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan, Harga Dan Lokasi Terhadap Kepuasan Konsumen Pada Rumah Makan Soto Seger Hj. Fatimah Boyolali

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    This study aims to analyze the effect of service quality, price and location on customer satisfaction at the Soto Seger Hj Fatimah Boyolali restaurant. The method used in this research is a quantitative method. The population in this study were consumers of the Hj Fatimah Boyolali soto seger restaurant. The sampling technique used in this study was purposive sampling with a total of 100 respondents according to predetermined criteria. Source of data used in this research is primary data and data collection method using a questionnaire. The data analysis tool used was SPSS version 16. The results of the analysis in this study showed that service quality had a positive and significant effect on satisfaction, price had a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction, location had a positive but not significant effect on customer satisfaction


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    Micro small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) play an important role in economic growth and contribute to overcoming the problem of unemployment. The development of the MSME sector has had a positive impact on the growth of employment opportunities and social welfare. The results of a survey of 65 MSMEs in Gamol Hamlet, Kecandran Village, Salatiga City found that MSMEs in the area are still experiencing classic problems, namely problems with capital and financial records. We mapped these problems using a SWOT analysis. Next, we formulate two ways to overcome the existing MSME problems: (1) Socialization of capital and financial records, (2) MSME assistance. This research is a qualitative research with observation, interview, and documentation methods. This research is expected to be useful for all MSMEs in Gamol Hamlet and implemented properly in businesses, so that businesses can develop further

    Perancangan Aplikasi GIS Pencarian Rute Terpendek Peta Wisata Di Kota Manado Berbasis Mobile Web Dengan Algoritma Djikstra

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    Kota Manado dimana bidang pariwisatanya sedang mengalami perkembangan dan peningkatan. Para wisatawan dari luar wilayah, khususnya yang baru pertama kali mengunjungi kota Manado akan sedikit kesulitan dalam mengakses tempat-tempat wisata di kota ini karena tidak mengetahui secara detail informasi mengenai lokasi tempat-tempat wisata tersebut. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menghasilkan sebuah Aplikasi SIG (Sistem Informasi Geografis) berbasis Mobile web yang dapat menampilkan rute pengaksesan tempat-tempat wisata di kota Manado. Metode yang menjadi dasar dalam perancangan aplikasi ini adalah metode Graf, dengan menerapkan dan mengimplementasikan algoritma Djikstra. Metode ini digunakan untuk pencarian rute terpendek dari satu lokasi menuju lokasi lain. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah berupa Aplikasi SIG berbasis Mobile web yang dapat menampilkan rute pengaksesan tempat-tempat wisata di kota Manado. Dengan aplikasi ini, akan mempermudah wisatawan dalam mencari lokasi wisata terdekat, dan mendapatkan rute pengaksesan lokasi wisata tersebut