6 research outputs found


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    Objectives: This retrospective cohort study aimed to compare the cost-effectiveness of using D10-CaGluconate and D5 1/4NS preparations in normal weight neonatal patients with Respiratory Distress Syndrome (RDS) in Kambang General Hospital, Jambi, Indonesia.Methods: The research was conducted from September 2014 to June 2015. The study participants were divided into two groups; D10-CaGluconate was administered to 40 patients and D5 1/4NS to 43 patients. Effectiveness was assessed based on the changes in the physical examination results, average weight gain (28.48 and 23.49 g/day), blood glucose levels (26.73 and 26.42 mg/dL), respiratory rate (-12.35 breaths/minute and -7.77breaths/minute), pulse frequency (-10.98 and -8.07 ±), and body temperature (0.013 °C and 0.012 °C) of the patients in the D10-CaGluconate and D5 1/4NS groups, respectively.Results: The average direct medical costs of using D10-CaGluconate and D5 1/4NS were 458,290 IDR and 408,347 IDR, respectively. The average costeffectiveness ratio value of total direct medical costs for D10-CaGluconate preparation was 35,207,467 IDR while that for D5 1/4NS was 33,958,602 IDR. The direct medical cost of the incremental cost-effectiveness ratio mean value of the D5 1/4NS preparation that compared to the D10-CaGluconate preparation was 10,017,210 IDR.Conclusions: The parenteral nutrition preparation of D10-CaGluconate is more cost-effective than that of D5 1/4NS

    Kajian Biaya Penggunaan Omeprazole Sebagai Terapi Profilaksis Gastritis Pada Pasien Demam Dengue dan Demam Berdarah Dengue di RSUD X daerah Jakarta Periode Januari – Desember 2014

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    Gastritis merupakan komplikasi yang dapat terjadi pada pasien demam dengue dan demam berdarah dengue. Faktor risiko perdarahan gastrointestinal adalah trombosit <50.000/mm3. Terapi pada pasien gastritis dapat diberikan omeprazole. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi pengaruh pemberian omeprazole pada pasien demam dengue dan demam berdarah dengue terhadap biaya, hari perawatan dan biaya omeprazole di RSUD X daerah Jakarta. Rancangan penelitian yang digunakan adalah kohort retrospektif. Kriteria inklusi adalah pasien rawat inap kelas tiga dengan diagnosis demam dengue dan demam berdarah dengue pada bulan Januari sampai Desember 2014. Sampel penelitian terdiri dari 42 pasien kelompok nonkriteria (trombosit>50.000/mm3) dan 39 pasien kelompok kriteria (trombosit<50.000/mm3). Alat pengumpul data merupakan catatan rekam medik pasien. Analisis data menggunakan uji Mann-Whitney, t-test dan uji Chi-Square. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan omeprazole tidak terdapat perbedaan total biaya perawatan (p=0,345) dan biaya omeprazole (p=0,916) antara kelompok nonkriteria dan kelompok kriteria. Terdapat perbedaan hari rawat (p=0,004) pada kelompok nonkriteria dengan kelompok kriteria. Kategori pasien yaitu kelompok pasien nonkriteria dan kelompok kriteria tidak berpengaruh terhadap total biaya dan biaya omeprazole dilihat dari nilai OR secara berturut-turut sebesar 1,191 (IK; 0,450-3,152), 1,182 (IK; 0,469-2,977). Kategori pasien berpengaruh signifikan (p=0,005) dalam peningkatan lama hari rawat dengan OR (odds ratio) = 3,963 (IK; 1,530 – 10,265). Komorbiditas merupakan faktor yang mempengaruhi terjadinya peningkatan total biaya perawatan, lama hari rawat dan biaya penggunaan omeprazole.Kata kunci : omeprazole, gastritis, demam berdarah dengue, biaya perawatan, lama rawat inapGastritis is a complication that can occur in patients with dengue fever and dengue hemorrhagic fever. Risk factor for gastrointestinal bleeding is platelet count <50.000/mm3. Omeprazole is the one of choice for gastritis prophylaxis therapy. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effect of omeprazole in patients with dengue fever and dengue hemorrhagic fever according to the cost, length of stay and the cost of omeprazole at X Public Hospital in Jakarta. Retrospective cohort is design of the study. The inclusion criteria were third class of inpatients with a diagnosis of dengue fever and dengue hemorrhagic fever in January to December 2014. The study sample consisted of 42 patients in the noncriteria group (platelets count>50,000 / mm3) and 39 patients criteria group (platelets count<50,000 / mm3 ). Data collection tool is a patient medical record. Data analysis using the Mann-Whitney test, t-test and Chi-Square test. Results showed that use of omeprazole there is no difference in the total cost of treatment (p = 0.345) and the cost of omeprazole (p = 0.916) between the group of noncriteria and criteria group. There are differences in length of stay (p = 0.004) in the group of noncriteria with the group criteria. Noncriteria group (platelets> 50,000 / mm3) and a group of criteria (platelet count <50,000 / mm3) did not affect the total cost, and cost of omeprazole seen from the OR (odds ratio) respectively, 1,191 (CI; 0,450 - 3,152), 1,182 (CI; 0,469 - 2,977). Platelet count have a significant effect (p = 0.005) in the increased length of stay with OR = 3.963 (CI; 1.530 - 10.265). Comorbidity is a factor that affecting the increase in the total cost, length of stay and cost of omeprazole.Key words : omeprazole, gastritis, dengue hemorraghic fever, cost of hospitalization, length of sta


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    Abstract – Compliance in filling out medical records critical as it has significant impact on frequently arising problems, such as incomplete filling and less specific doctors' writing on the diagnosis. This situation will impact hospital internally and externally since data processing results are the basis for hospital reports. This study aims to analyze how motivation and attitudes influence compliance levels of doctors in filling out medical resumes, which are moderated by knowledge at Ananda Hospital, Bekasi. This research was a causality research design with one short study time dimension using comparative quantitative analytical survey. A purposive sampling technique was used, and determined that the sample size was fifty people. Based on the analysis result, there were values of R2 and R3 in the linear regression analysis, motivation for compliance was 12.9%, and attitudes for compliance was 13.5%. In comparison, after testing the equation with multiple regression, the value of R1 rose to 18.2%. Therefore, good knowledge will strengthen the relationship between motivation and attitudes toward doctor's compliance in filling out a medical resume

    Kajian Biaya Penggunaan Omeprazole Sebagai Terapi Profilaksis Gastritis Pada Pasien Demam Dengue dan Demam Berdarah Dengue di RSUD X daerah Jakarta Periode Januari – Desember 2014

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    Gastritis merupakan komplikasi yang dapat terjadi pada pasien demam dengue dan demam berdarah dengue. Faktor risiko perdarahan gastrointestinal adalah trombosit 50.000/mm3) dan 39 pasien kelompok kriteria (trombosit50,000 / mm3) and 39 patients criteria group (platelets count 50,000 / mm3) and a group of criteria (platelet count <50,000 / mm3) did not affect the total cost, and cost of omeprazole seen from the OR (odds ratio) respectively, 1,191 (CI; 0,450 - 3,152), 1,182 (CI; 0,469 - 2,977). Platelet count have a significant effect (p = 0.005) in the increased length of stay with OR = 3.963 (CI; 1.530 - 10.265). Comorbidity is a factor that affecting the increase in the total cost, length of stay and cost of omeprazole.Key words : omeprazole, gastritis, dengue hemorraghic fever, cost of hospitalization, length of sta

    Differences Month of Stock Chemotherapy Based on Consumption and Morbidity Methods at Mrccc Hospital

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    The value of chemotherapy medicines' month of stock in MRCCC Siloam Hospitals Semanggi is high and is not comply to Head Office's standard of 0.66 months. Thus, an evaluation is needed to determine the differences between calculating Month of stock using consumption method and morbidity method. This is a retrospective, Empiric study using descriptive- comparative method with the purpose of explaining the most effective planning method to supply chemotherapy medicines. The study compares Month of stock of chemotherapy medicines using consumption and morbidity method. The result shows average value of Month of stock using morbidity method is 1.853 months and 2.125 months using consumption method. The morbidity method have lower avergae Month of stock compares to consuption method. Planning with a combination of the two methods obtained a Month of stock value of 1.41 months. Profitable than normal delivery. Efficiency is needed so that the hospital can develop better services in the future