54 research outputs found

    A reinforcing circuit action of extrasynaptic GABAA receptor modulators on cerebellar granule cell inhibition.

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    GABAA receptors (GABARs) are the targets of a wide variety of modulatory drugs which enhance chloride flux through GABAR ion channels. Certain GABAR modulators appear to acutely enhance the function of δ subunit-containing GABAR subtypes responsible for tonic forms of inhibition. Here we identify a reinforcing circuit mechanism by which these drugs, in addition to directly enhancing GABAR function, also increase GABA release. Electrophysiological recordings in cerebellar slices from rats homozygous for the ethanol-hypersensitive (α6100Q) allele show that modulators and agonists selective for δ-containing GABARs such as THDOC, ethanol and THIP (gaboxadol) increased the frequency of spontaneous inhibitory postsynaptic currents (sIPSCs) in granule cells. Ethanol fails to augment granule cell sIPSC frequency in the presence of glutamate receptor antagonists, indicating that circuit mechanisms involving granule cell output contribute to ethanol-enhancement of synaptic inhibition. Additionally, GABAR antagonists decrease ethanol-induced enhancement of Golgi cell firing. Consistent with a role for glutamatergic inputs, THIP-induced increases in Golgi cell firing are abolished by glutamate receptor antagonists. Moreover, THIP enhances the frequency of spontaneous excitatory postsynaptic currents in Golgi cells. Analyses of knockout mice indicate that δ subunit-containing GABARs are required for enhancing GABA release in the presence of ethanol and THIP. The limited expression of the GABAR δ subunit protein within the cerebellar cortex suggests that an indirect, circuit mechanism is responsible for stimulating Golgi cell GABA release by drugs selective for extrasynaptic isoforms of GABARs. Such circuit effects reinforce direct actions of these positive modulators on tonic GABAergic inhibition and are likely to contribute to the potent effect of these compounds as nervous system depressants

    Consolidated Biochemical Profile of Subacute Stage Traumatic Brain Injury in Early Development

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    Traumatic brain injury (TBI) in general has varied neuropathological consequences depending upon the intensity and biomechanics of the injury. Furthermore, in pediatric TBI, intrinsic developmental changes add further complexity, necessitating a biochemical dimension for improved TBI characterization. In our earlier study investigating the subacute stage TBI metabolome (72 h post-injury) in a developmental rat model, significant ipsilateral brain biochemical changes occurred across 25 metabolite sets as determined by metabolite set enrichment analysis (MSEA). The broad metabolic perturbation was accompanied by behavioral deficits and neuronal loss across the ipsilateral hemisphere containing the injury epicenter. In order to obtain a consolidated biochemical profile of the TBI assessment, a subgrouping of the 190 identified brain metabolites was performed. Metabolites were divided into seven major subgroups: oxidative energy/mitochondrial, glycolysis/pentose phosphate pathway, fatty acid, amino acid, neurotransmitters/neuromodulators, one-carbon/folate and other metabolites. Subgroups were based on the chemical nature and association with critically altered biochemical pathways after TBI as obtained from our earlier untargeted analysis. Each metabolite subgroup extracted from the ipsilateral sham and TBI brains were modeled using multivariate partial least square discriminant analysis (PLS-DA) with the model accuracy used as a measurable index of TBI neurochemical impact. Volcano plots of each subgroup, corrected for multiple comparisons, determined the TBI neurochemical specificity. The results provide a ranked biochemical profile along with specificity of changes after developmental TBI, enabling a consolidated biochemical template for future classification of different TBI intensities and injury types in animal models

    Fluid percussion injury device for the precise control of injury parameters

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    BackgroundInjury to the brain can occur from a variety of physical insults and the degree of disability can greatly vary from person to person. It is likely that injury outcome is related to the biomechanical parameters of the traumatic event such as magnitude, direction and speed of the forces acting on the head.New methodTo model variations in the biomechanical injury parameters, a voice coil driven fluid percussion injury (FPI) system was designed and built to generate fluid percussion waveforms with adjustable rise times, peak pressures, and durations. Using this system, pathophysiological outcomes in the rat were investigated and compared to animals injured with the same biomechanical parameters using the pendulum based FPI system.Results in comparison with existing methodsImmediate post-injury behavior shows similar rates of seizures and mortality in adolescent rats and similar righting times, toe pinch responses and mortality rates in adult rats. Interestingly, post injury mortality in adult rats was sensitive to changes in injury rate. Fluoro-Jade labeling of degenerating neurons in the hilus and CA2-3 hippocampus were consistent between injuries produced with the voice coil and pendulum operated systems. Granule cell population spike amplitude to afferent activation, a measure of dentate network excitability, also showed consistent enhancement 1 week after injury using either system.ConclusionsOverall our results suggest that this new FPI device produces injury outcomes consistent with the commonly used pendulum FPI system and has the added capability to investigate pathophysiology associated with varying rates and durations of injury

    Factors contributing to Post-Traumatic Dentate Hyperexcitability: A Network Model Incorporating Topographic Connectivity Patterns

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    Head injury is a major risk factor in the etiology of temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE). Studies using a rodent model of concussive head trauma have identified specific patterns of cell loss and synaptic reorganization in the dentate gyrus after brain injury, which are similar to the changes in human TLE. However, the contribution of each of these cellular and synaptic alterations to increased excitability in the dentate neuronal circuits is not known. In order to independently examine the factors critical to post-traumatic dentate bhyperexcitability, we developed a reduced network model of the dentate gyrus with 500 granule cells, 15 mossy cells 6 basket cells and 6 hilar interneurons. The topographic networks were constructed with connectivity patterns constrained by the spatial distribution of the axonal arbors of the cell types. Sprouting was simulated by addition of mossy fiber to granule cell connections with the maximum sprouting (100%) estimated from the distribution of sprouted axons in a rodent model of spontaneous recurrent seizures (Buckmaster and Dudek 1999). Simulations were performed using NEURON (Hines 1993). Our results show that perforant path stimulation evoked greater granule cell firing in the dentate excitatory network with as low as 10% sprouting compared to the control topographic network. Additionally, the topographic network was more hyperexcitable than the non-topographic network with the same degree of sprouting. Mossy cell loss decreased the spread of hyperexcitability in the network 10% sprouting. With increasing sprouting, even the complete loss of mossy cells was unable to prevent the spread of hyperexcitability. Simulations of both purely excitatory network and the full network showed that mossy fiber sprouting was sufficient to elicit hyperexcitable perforant path evoked responses in all cell types examined. Mossy cell loss was neither necessary nor sufficient to cause granule cell hyperexcitability in the dentate network with inhibition. The network simulations show that mossy fiber sprouting can contribute to increased excitability in the dentate gyrus even in the absence of cell loss or changes in the intrinsic properties of the cells. The data from the topographically constrained simulations indicate that the lamellar topology of the sprouted mossy fibers is important for the spread of granule cell excitability. The results suggest that the moderate sprouting observed after concussive head trauma is likely to be a major factor in post-traumatic dentate hyperexcitability. Acknowledgment: Supported by the NIH (NS35915) to I.S

    Current ex Vivo and in Vitro Approaches to Uncovering Mechanisms of Neurological Dysfunction after Traumatic Brain Injury.

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    Traumatic brain injury often leads to progressive alterations at the molecular to circuit levels resulting in epilepsy and memory impairments. Ex vivo and in vitro models have provided a powerful platform for investigating the multimodal alteration after trauma. Recent ex vivo analyses using voltage sensitive dye imaging, optogenetics, and glutamate uncaging have revealed circuit abnormalities following in vivo brain injury. In vitro injury models have enabled examination of early and progressive changes in activity while development of three-dimensional organoids derived from human induced pluripotent stem cells have opened novel avenues for injury research. Here, we highlight recent advances in ex vivo and in vitro systems, focusing on their potential for advancing mechanistic understandings, possible limitations, and implications for therapeutics
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