421 research outputs found

    A Model for the Formation of the Milky Way

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    A new chemodynamical model for the formation and evolution of a Milky Way type galaxy is introduced. In this scenario, the galaxy forms inside a slowly growing dark matter halo in a ΛCDM cosmology. In contrast to the simple merger and collapse scenarios, the galactic mass grows continuously over a Hubble time. The whole formation scenario is simulated with a three-dimensional chemodynamical code. Within this model it is possible to follow the evolution of the galactic substructure in detail. The structure of the galactic components — halo, bulge, and disk — and the kinematical and chemical signatures of the stellar populations in the model are in excellent agreement with data from the Milky Way. The present model provides a detailed formation scenario for the Milky Way Galaxy and it yields new information about its kinematical and chemical history. The model predicts that even galaxies like the Milky Way show phases with supernova-driven galactic winds. However, with a mass loss of the order of only a few per cent of the total baryonic mass, these galaxies are in all probability not the main contributors to the enrichment of the intergalactic mediu

    Constraints on the Astrophysical Nature of r-Process Nucleosynthesis Sites from Inhomogeneous Chemical Evolution Models

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    We present a detailed inhomogeneous chemical evolution study that considers for the first-time neutron star mergers as major r-process sources, and compare this scenario with the ones in which lower-mass (in the range 8-10 M⊙) or higher-mass core-collapse supernovae (with masses ≥20 M⊙) act as dominant r-process sites. We conclude that it is not possible at present to distinguish between the lower-mass and higher-mass supernovae scenarios within the framework of inhomogeneous chemical evolution. However, neutron-star mergers seem to be ruled out as the dominant r-process source, since their low rates of occurrence would lead to r-process enrichment that is not consistent with observation

    .… å motivere til mestring

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    Denne oppgaven tar opp utfordringer vi som sykepleiere står overfor i forhold til å motivere personer som enten står i fare for å utvikle diabetes-2, eller nylig har fått diagnosen, og har behov for å endre livsstil. Vi har valgt å gjøre en litteraturstudie i denne oppgaven, som har fått tittelen; … å motivere til mestring I oppgaven har vi blant annet valgt å se nærmere på hvordan den innledende relasjonsbyggingen og kommunikasjonen med pasienten har betydning for den videre prosessen mot atferdsendring, sett i lys av blant annet empowermentbegrepet, motivering, veiledning og opplæring. I den forbindelse tok vi med diktet ”Om at hjelpe” av Søren Kierkegaard da vi mener han her tar for seg mye av essensen i sykepleier pasient relasjonen. Problemstillingen vi har kommet frem til er: Hvordan kan vi som sykepleiere motivere pasienter med diabetes-2, til å gjennomføre helsefremmende livsstilsendringer? For å kunne motivere en pasient med diabetes-2 har vi kommet frem til at vi bør opprette en god profesjonell relasjon med pasienten, som bygger på tillit og likeverd. Vi må besitte nødvendig kunnskap om sykdommen, og om de mest hensiktsmesige metodene for å fremme atferdsendring. Empowerment er et sentralt begrep i denne prosessen. Det er pasienten selv som har ansvar for egen helse, men vi må fremme pasientens egen vilje til å ta dette ansvaret, og støtte han til å gjennomføre de nødvendige endringene

    The effect of clouds on the dynamical and chemical evolution of gas-rich dwarf galaxies

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    We study the effects of clouds on the dynamical and chemical evolution of gas-rich dwarf galaxies, in particular focusing on two model galaxies similar to IZw18 and NGC1569. We consider both scenarios, clouds put at the beginning of the simulation and continuously created infalling ones. Due to dynamical processes and thermal evaporation, the clouds survive only a few tens of Myr, but during this time they act as an additional cooling agent and the internal energy of cloudy models is typically reduced by 20 - 40% in comparison with models without clouds. The clouds delay the development of large-scale outflows, therefore helping to retain a larger amount of gas inside the galaxy. However, especially in models with continuous creation of infalling clouds, their bullet effect can pierce the expanding supershell and create holes through which the superbubble can vent freshly produced metals. Moreover, assuming a pristine chemical composition for the clouds, their interaction with the superbubble dilutes the gas, reducing the metallicity (by up to ~ 0.4 dex) with respect to the one attained by diffuse models.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figures, to be published in Astronomische Nachrichten (proceedings of Symposium 6 of the JENAM 2008, Vienna

    Building Galactic Disks in Triaxial Dark Matter Halos

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    We review our recent work on the formation and evolution of disks with in triaxial dark matter (DM) halos by means of numerical simulations, including star formation and feedback from stellar evolution. The growing disks are strongly in fluenced by shapes of DM halos and modify them in turn. Disk parameters are in a broad agreement with those in the local universe. Gas-rich stellar bars grow in tandem with the disk and facilitate the angular momentum redistribution in the system and radial gas inflow. Nested bars appear to form as a by-product. Interactions between various non-axisymmetric components -- bars, disks and halos lead to decay of bars or washing out of ellipticity in the inner halo.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, invited talk at IAU Symp. 235 on Galaxy Evolution Across the Hubble Time, F. Combes and J. Palous (eds.), Cambridge U. Pres

    Peripherisierung und räumliche Mobilität im ländlichen Raum

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    Selektive Wanderungsbewegungen, Überalterung und Schrumpfung bestimmen seit zwei Dekaden den Kurs des sozialen Wandels in zahlreichen ländlichen Regionen Deutschlands. Eine flächendeckende und effiziente Ausgestaltung ländlicher Gemeinden mit Versorgungsstrukturen und -gütern kann immer weniger geleistet werden. Für die Erfüllung sowohl alltäglich anfallender Versorgungsbedürfnisse als auch für die Ausübung beruflicher Tätigkeiten oder Freizeitaktivitäten ist räumliche Mobilität daher in zunehmendem Maß erforderlich. Die Chance der Bürger in das gesellschaftliche Leben integriert zu sein, ist demnach insbesondere im ländlichen Raum wesentlich geprägt durch die Möglichkeit räumlich mobil zu sein. Weiterhin werden politische Zielsetzungen vor dem Hintergrund des Klimawandels formuliert. Etwa Verkehrsbelastungen zu minimieren und Emissionen und Ressourcenverbrauch zu senken sind seit 2002 in der Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie der Bundesregierung verankert. In diesen komplexen Entwicklungen wird die Notwendigkeit eines Umdenkens gesehen, aus welchen zahlreiche Bemühungen erwachsen, den Verkehr ökologisch nachhaltig zu gestalten bzw. mit Mitteln technologischer Entwicklung zu substituieren.

    Sub-Galactic Clumps at High Redshift: A Fragmentation Origin?

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    We investigate the origin of the clumpy structures observed at high redshift, like the chain galaxies. We use a three dimensional chemodynamical simulation describing the dynamics of stars and a two-phase interstellar medium, as well as feedback processes from the stars. For high efficiency of energy dissipation in the cold cloud medium, the initially gaseous disk fragments and develops several massive clumps of gas and stars. We follow the evolution of the individual clumps and determine their masses, metallicities and velocities. A few dynamical times after fragmentation of the disk, the clumps merge to build a massive bulge. Calculating HST- and UBVRIJHKLM-colors, including absorption by interstellar dust, we determine the morphologies and colors of this model in HST images. Several peculiar morphological structures seen in the HDF can be well-explained by a fragmented galactic disk model, including chain galaxies and objects consisting of several nearby knots.Comment: 20 pages, Latex, 9 figures, to appear in the Astrophysical Journal. Version with high quality images available at http://www.astro.unibas.ch/leute/ai.shtm

    Dissipative N - body code for galaxy evolution

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    The evolving galaxy is considered as a system of baryonic fragments embedded into the static dark nonbaryonic (DH) and baryonic (BH) halo and subjected to gravitational and viscous interactions. Although the chemical evolution of each separate fragment is treated in the frame of one -- zone close box model with instantaneous recycling, its star formation (SF) activity is a function of mean local gas density and, therefore, is strongly influenced by other interacting fragments. In spite of its simplicity this model provides a realistic description of the process of galaxy formation and evolution over the Hubble timescale.Comment: 11 pages, LaTeX, 7 figures, using the article.sty, expected in A&ApTr, 18, 83