39 research outputs found

    Service Quality in Islamic and Conventional Banks in Malaysia: An Explorative and Comparative Analysis

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    Islamic banks now operate in competition with other Islamic banks, foreign Islamic banks and also with conventional banks offering banking products and services based on Islamic principles. However, it is known that the intense competition in banking industry results in providing better services to the customers as well as providing competitive products. The aim of this research, hence, is to explore and examine the perceived level of service quality of Islamic and conventional banks in a comparative manner through the perceptions of the customers in Malaysia. This research also aims to explore and examine the relationship between perceived customer satisfactions and the identified service quality dimensions in Islamic and conventional banks.Furthermore, the study also investigates the customers’ level of knowledge and awareness of relevant financial and banking concepts and terms in conventional and Islamic banking in Malaysia with the objective of establishing the sources of patronage and motivation in bank selection. Importantly, the study explores the expectations of the customers on these areas so that a comparison can be made within Islamic and conventional banks and also between these two bank categories to identify service quality gap. This study utilises a modified SERVQUAL model, which is based on the widely accepted SERVQUAL model and CARTER model to measure the service quality in Malaysian banks. In responding to the aims of this study, a questionnaire survey was utilised with 941 respondents, which was carried out in late2010 in large cities in Malaysia. In analysing the data, descriptive and inferential statistics analyses were employed. The approach taken by the study in examining the service quality gap is to compare the customers’ expectations with their actual perceptions. In addition, the study examined and analysed the customers’ satisfaction relationship with the service quality dimensions. The findings in relation to customers’ familiarity with Malaysian banking products and services evidenced that they possessed a higher level of knowledge and awareness of conventional banking services compared to Islamic banking services. The findings on the factors influencing banking selection criteria revealed that ‘religious obligation’ was the most important criterion for the Islamic banks’ customers, while ‘courteous and competent personnel’ was identified as the most important criterion for conventional banks’ customers. In addition, the findings on the factor analysis showed that for Islamic banks, all of the service quality factors could be grouped into three components: ‘service oriented factors’, ‘financial oriented factors’, and ‘religious obligation and image factors’. On the other hand, the factors for the conventional banks are re-classified with factor analysis as :‘service oriented factors’, ‘financial oriented factors’, and ‘marketing oriented factors’. As for the level of service quality, the main findings produced seven dimensions of service quality: (i) compliance with Islamic values; (ii) assurance; (iii) reliability; (iv) tangible; (v) empathy; (vi) responsiveness; and (vii) social responsibility. For the expectation part, the ‘reliability’ dimension scored the highest average mean for both categories (Islamic banks and conventional banks) while the lowest average mean score for both type of banks was the ‘tangible’ dimension. On the other hand, the ‘assurance’ dimension scored the highest average mean in the perception part of Islamic banks, while ‘reliability’ dimension scored the highest in the perception analysis related to conventional banks. In contrast, the lowest score of average mean for the perception of Islamic and conventional banks was the ‘empathy’ dimension. The results of the study depicts that all of the service quality gap values (perception minus expectation) were negative which showed that the performances were below expectations (obtaining a negative score), which led to a perception of low service quality. Finally, the regression analysis showed that the most important dimension that had positive direct effect on customers’ satisfaction is ‘tangible’ related factors. The study has significant implications for Malaysian banks in providing a direction for service quality improvement. It is expected that the study can inform the management of the banks in developing their marketing strategy, which is crucial for emerging intense competition in Malaysian banking in general and for Islamic banking in particular. Lastly, while the Islamic banks have been subjected to criticism for having poor service quality, this study shows that there was not much difference on the service quality gap (perception minus expectation) between the Islamic and conventional banks in Malaysia

    Manual for Intermediate Accounting ACC 2001

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    This book include the material for teaching Intermediate Accounting (ACC 2001). The topics are as follows. 1.0 Ethics in Accounting 2.0 Accounting for Sole Proprietorship 3.0 Accounting for Small Medium Enterprise (SME) 4.0 Limited Companies 5.0 Partnership- Part 1 6.0 Partnership- Part 2 7.0 Club 8.0 Joint Ventur

    Accounting for Murabahah

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    Accounting for Islamic Banks: Murabahah Financin

    Accounting for Zakat

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    Accounting for Islamic Banks: Zaka

    Accounting for Ijarah

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    Accounting for Islamic Bank: Ijarah Financin

    Garis panduan dana keusahawanan Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi

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    Garis Panduan Dana Keusahawanan ini disediakan bertujuan sebagai rujukan Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi (KPT), Jawatankuasa Induk Pengurusan Dana Keusahawanan Institusi Pendidikan Tinggi (IPT), Jawatankuasa Teknikal Pengurusan Dana Keusahawanan Institusi Pendidikan Tinggi (IPT), dan Institusi Pendidikan Tinggi (IPT) dalam kategori Universiti Awam (UA), Politeknik dan Kolej Komuniti untuk permohonan, pelaksanaan, pemantauan dan pengurusan program keusahawanan. Garis panduan ini menerangkan dengan jelas tentang syarat-syarat dan peraturan peruntukan di bawah dana keusahawanan yang disediakan oleh KPT untuk melaksanakan program keusahawanan bagi mencapai keberhasilan melahirkan usahawan pelajar yang berdaya saing dan mampan seterusnya memenuhi aspirasi Pelan Pembangunan Pendidikan Malaysia 2015 - 2025 (Pendidikan Tinggi) atau PPPM(PT) dan Pelan Tindakan Keusahawanan IPT 2021 - 2025

    Proper waqf management and waqf accounting report: A mean to solve economic problems in Indonesia

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    This study aims to propose that a proper waqf management and waqf accounting practices in Indonesian waqf institutions will be one of the solutions for the economic problems. Data were collected through secondary data such as books, journals, and articles related to the waqf accounting or management. A proper waqf management and waqf accounting report is a crucial tool for achieving socioeconomic development and, if properly applied, may significantly contribute to the reduction of unemployment and the eradication of poverty, ultimately aiding in the socioeconomic advancement of Muslim communities. This study only focuses on waqf in Indonesia. Thus, the results of waqf may not be generalizable to other waqf in other countries or to privately managed waqf institutions. This study is expected to contribute to the improvement of waqf administration. The paper suggests a proper waqf management and waqf accounting report as a solution to the economic problems such as poverty, hunger and unemployment

    An exploratory study of Ijarah accounting practices in Malaysian financial institutions

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    Prior studies on Ijarah were mainly focusing on the economics, legal and financial aspects, there was, however, so far no in- depth study on accounting for Ijarah. The main objective of this study is to explore the nature of accounting practices as practiced by Malaysian financial institutions. First, the study makes comparison between the Intemational Accounting Standard on leasing (IAS 17); the accounting standard for Ijarah (FAS 8) as developed by the Accounting and Auditing Organization for lslamic Financial Institutions (AAOIFI); and the Malaysian Accounting Standard Board (MASB 10). The study found that there are major differences as to the nature of leasing and Ijarah, and as a result accounting principles that have driven all the three standards as well as accounting techniques developed for leasing and Ijarah are significantly different. Secondly, the study examines the level of acceptability of the AAOlFI's FAS 8 among the Malaysian financial institutions. The result of the questionnaire survey shows a low level of acceptability of FAS 8 and the result from the interviewsurvey further confirms this finding. This study indicates, subject to further studies on other lslamic financial instruments and other lslamic countries, that the effort to harmonise the accounting practices on lslamic financing practices by financial institutions Internationally may be a difficult task. Secondly, until and unless the AAOIFI standard is adopted by the regulatory agency as in the case of Malaysia, Bank Negara Malaysia, AAOIFI standards will remain only as a reference but do not have the legal authority. Consequently, the quality and comparability of accounting information of lslamic financing such as Ijarah will be seriously at a stake