575 research outputs found

    O sentido do símbolo na aprendizagem da álgebra em alunos do 7º ano de escolaridade

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    Este artigo apresenta um estudo centrado no desenvolvimento do sentido do símbolo por alunos do 7oano de escolaridade, focando-se na capacidade i) de ler e relacionar situações matemáticas usando símbolos e ii) de criar relações simbólicas na aprendizagem da álgebra, no tema equações. A metodologia adoptada foi do tipo qualitativo e interpretativo. A recolha dos dados incluiu registos escritos pela professora, a primeira autora do artigo, e relatórios escritos pelos alunos. Os momentos escolhidos para recolher os dados foram aqueles em que os alunos se envolveram na resolução de problemas, de explorações e investigações matemáticas, bem como as discussões que ocorreram a seu propósito. Os resultados apontam para uma aprendizagem dos alunos quanto à compreensão das estruturas e do simbolismo algébrico, e quanto à capacidade de representar ideias matemáticas recorrendo à visualização, usando esquemas e tabelas

    Workforce planning in a lotsizing mail processing problem

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    The treatment of mail objects in a mail processing centre involves many operations, in particular sorting by destination. Out of the batching problem that we can identify in such a process, there are also staff planning concerns. In this paper, we analyse a treatment area (registered mail) belonging to a mail processing center, where mail objects are treated in a chain production process. The production quantities and the transfer amounts among machines are required to be determined along the daily work period. The objective is to minimize the costs with human resources needed in the process, linked with the lotsizing production plan, by matching staff to work requirements. This leads into a lotsizing and workforce problem, for which we propose an integer programming formulation. A case study of a particular treatment area is also discussed. The formulation is adjusted to the specific constraints of this case study and some computational results are included, considering average, small and high daily amounts of mail arrived to that particular treatment area.http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6VC5-4CK7RXK-4/1/5986796334d7e593786cb5bf5b7dc4a

    Rhetorical Strategies of Consumer Activists: Reframing Market Offers to Promote Change

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    Consumer researchers have most frequently looked at the influence the marketplace has on consumers’ identity projects, while the reverse process – how consumers’ identity projects influence the marketplace and general culture – is an important issue that has received less attention. Aiming to contribute to the development of this literature, we conduct a qualitative netnographic investigation of the Fat Acceptance Movement, an online-based movement led by consumer-activists who attempt to change societal attitudes about people who are fat. Our main goal is, therefore, to investigate how consumer activists who congregate online, that is, cyberactivists, reframe market offers while attempting to promote market and cultural change. We identify several rhetorical strategies employed by online consumer activists in their quests to change themselves, other consumers, and the broader culture. Our findings advance consumer research on how consumers may mobilize resources to initiate and promote self-, market-, and cultural transformations

    Transparency, accountability, and governance: a literature review in the context of public hospitals

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    This study develops a literature review based on bibliometric analysis on the theme of transparency and accountability within the scope of governance of public hospitals, seeking to identify research lines, theories, research methods, and existing gaps through the analysis of scientific publications until 2020. The investigation followed the theoretical lens of transparency and accountability in the public sector to understand its framework within the scope of the governance of hospitals. Using the Bibliometrix software, and after the consultation process of the articles published in the Scopus and WoS databases, a sample with 118 articles was selected. It was found that, in the period between 2017-2020, approximately 85% of the publications were qualitative, and there is a growing trend in the study of transparency and accountability within the scope of governance of public hospitals. Transparency often appears interconnected with the accountability of agents (accountability), external communication policies (public reports), internal communication policies, and their comprehensibility. The predominance of publications of North American and Chinese origin was also noted. The study also identifies the scarcity of research using quantitative models that explore dependency relationships between the dimensions studied, limiting the comprehensibility of the interdependence between transparency practices and organizations' internal and external attributes. The study contributes to the knowledge about the interactions between transparency, accountability, and reporting within the scope of governance of public hospitals.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Between Two Worlds: an Ethnographic Study of Gay Consumer Culture in Rio de Janeiro

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    It is not easy to study socially marginalized groups such as gays, ethnic minorities, and others. This is, however,an extremely relevant topic in the consumer behavior area since the status of members of a modern consumersociety is largely denied to stigmatized social groups (Barbosa, 2006). The objective of this work is to shed lighton how gay men in Rio de Janeiro use the discourse associated with their possessions to build and maintain thesymbolic and hierarchical boundaries between the gay and heterosexual worlds, as well as to investigate the roleconsumption plays in this boundary setting. An ethnographic observation of a group of gay men in Rio deJaneiro was conducted, along with 20 semi-structured interviews with openly gay men between 2005 and 2008.The results suggest that: (a) the world culturally built by gays seems to be divided into a gay world and aheterosexual world, where the division between these two worlds not only happens in their minds, but also intheir possessions and purchasing decisions; (b) the meaning of gay mens’ places of consumption range fromprofane to sacred along their lives; and (c) in the gay world, the body is seen both as a cultural construction andas an asset

    A importância da liberdade na correspomdência entre Gottfried Leibniz e Samuel Clarke, 1717/1716: análise temática da totalidade da polémica

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    A presente dissertação tem como objetivo analisar tematicamente a polémica de 1715/16 entre Leibniz e Clarke, não apenas, como é usual, no âmbito das conceções do espaço e do tempo, mas no conjunto dos seus temas metafísicos, teológicos, gnosiológicos e físicos. Na estruturação da dissertação, adquiriu um papel central o confronto dos autores em torno da noção de liberdade, cuja importância é evidente na utilização do princípio da razão suficiente e seus corolários, na distinção entre verdades de razão e verdades de facto, entre os diversos tipos de necessidade, nas conceções alternativas de espaço e de tempo, na alternativa entre átomos e mónadas, na questão dos limites do universo, na relação entre a alma e o corpo, nas teses relativas à providência divina, na forma como se concebe a relação de Deus com a sua máquina, na noção de milagre e nas próprias noções de força e de movimento, pelo menos no que respeita à sua relação com Deus, isto sem desprezar a abordagem direta da própria noção de liberdade. Com este enquadramento, pretende-se mostrar, através de um eloquente exemplo histórico, que as teorias científicas naturais se podem alicerçar em teorias metafísicas e que esses alicerces não têm que se esgotar, mesmo no seio da metafísica, nas questões estritamente cosmológicas, isto para lá de poderem existir influências nunca menosprezáveis de domínios não filosóficos, como é o caso da teologia dogmática. Apesar disto ser evidente na abordagem dos textos, existe uma sistemática menorização contemporânea desta determinação, como se fosse uma idiossincrasia da época ou uma deferência que a ciência tinha de ter numa época ainda obscurecida pela autoridade das igrejas e pela especulação filosófica. Esta abordagem pretende compreender todos os aspetos do pensamento expresso pelos autores na polémica, na sua integralidade, sem reservas de qualquer tipo.The present dissertation has as purpose to analyse thematically the 1715/16 controversy between Leibniz and Clarke, not only, as usual, within space and time conceptions' scope, but in the set of his metaphysical, theological, gnosiological and physical thematics. In the dissertation's structuration, it has acquired a central role the authors' confrontation about the liberty's notion, whose importance is evident in the use of the principle of sufficient reason and its corollaries, in the distinction between truths of reason and truths of fact, between necessity's various types, in the space and time's alternative conceptions, in the alternative between atoms and monades, in the universe's limits' problem, in the relation between soul and body, in the theses relative to the divine providence, in the way God's relation with his machine is conceived, in the notion of miracle and even in force and movement notions, at least in what regards its relationship with God, this without neglecting the direct approach to the very notion of liberty. With this framework, it intends to show, through an eloquent historic example, that the natural scientific theories may be founded in metaphysical theories and that these foundations don't have to be exhausted, even within metaphysics, in strictly cosmological questions, this beyond the possibility of never underestimable influences of non-philosophical domains, as is the case of dogmatic theology. Although this is evident in the texts' reading, there is a systematic contemporary lessening of this determination, as if it was an idiosyncrasy of the age or a deference that science had to have in a time still obscured by the authority of the churches and the philosophical speculation. This approach intends to understand all of the thinking's aspects expressed by the authors in the controversy, in its entirety, without reservations of any kind

    Propofol administration in the induction phase of general anesthesia in Portugal

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    Introdução: A administração adequada de propofol por via intravenosa durante a indução da anestesia geral implica um bom conhecimento da farmacocinética e da farmacodinâmica, um bom entendimento de como a anestesia altera a consciência e a habilidade de interpretar corretamente a monitorização dos sinais vitais. Este trabalho pretende avaliar a prática usual dos anestesiologistas em Portugal no que diz respeito à administração de propofol por via intravenosa durante a indução da anestesia geral. Material e Métodos: Estudo observacional transversal, descritivo e analítico realizado através de um questionário enviado por correio eletrónico a todos os médicos internos e especialistas em Anestesiologia de vários hospitais portugueses. O questionário apresentava um cenário convencional (Sujeito do sexo masculino, 50 anos, 60 kg, 160 cm, ASA I, submetido a anestesia geral com propofol a 1%) e incluía 10 questões relacionadas com a administração de propofol durante a indução. Foi realizada análise descritiva dos dados obtidos através do programa SPSS 23.0®. Resultados: Responderam ao inquérito 118 médicos, sendo que, a maioria eram especialistas há mais de 5 anos (56,9%). Baseados no cenário apresentado, a maioria dos anestesiologistas administraria uma dose de 60 mg de propofol na indução, a uma velocidade superior a 1200 mL/horas, avaliariam a perda de consciência através da perda do reflexo palpebral, o que se refletiria num índica BIS de 60. A maioria dos participantes medem a pressão arterial do doente a cada 5 minutos e nunca utilizaram sistemas de infusão alvo-controlada. Discussão: Os resultados do inquérito mostraram que existe uma grande variedade de métodos para avaliar a perda de consciência, uma diversidade no manuseamento e doses de propofol na indução, uma falta de experiência no uso de sistemas de infusão alvo-controlada e na avaliação da relação entre a dose, a velocidade e a concentração de propofol. Neste trabalho apresentaram-se também algumas sugestões para os anestesiologistas ponderarem implementar nas suas práticas clínicas. Conclusão: Parece haver uma diversidade na quantidade e na forma como os anestesiologistas portugueses utilizam o propofol na indução da anestesia geral.Introduction: Administering propofol intravenously adequately during induction of general anesthesia implies a good knowledge of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, a good understanding of how anesthesia alters consciousness and the ability to correctly interpret vital signs monitoring. The purpose of this study was to assess the usual practice of anesthesiologists in Portugal regarding the administration of propofol during the induction of general anesthesia. Methods: A transversal observational analytical and descriptive study, conducted through a questionnaire sent by e-mail to all anesthesiologists of several Portuguese hospitals. The questionnaire presented a conventional scenario (male subject, 50 years, 60 kg, 160 cm, ASA I, submitted to general anesthesia with 1% propofol) and has 10 questions directed to the administration of propofol during induction phase of general anesthesia. A descriptive analysis of the data was performed through SPSS 23.0®. Results: A total of 118 physicians responded to the survey, most of whom were experts for more than 5 years (56.9%). Based on the presented scenario, most anesthesiologists would administer mL/hours, and would assess loss of consciousness by evaluating loss of the eyelid reflex, which, in BIS index, would be reflected in a 60 value. Most participants measure the patient's blood pressure every 5 minutes and have never used target-controlled infusion systems. Discussion: The survey showed that there is a wide variety of methods to assess the loss of consciousness, a diversity in handling propofol in induction, a lack of experience in the use of targetcontrolled infusion systems and in the evaluation of the relationship between dose, velocity and concentration of propofol. In this work, some suggestions were also made for anesthesiologists to consider implementing in their clinical practices. Conclusion: There seems to be a diversity in the amount and in the way propofol is used by the Portuguese anesthesiologists to induce general anesthesia.Foundation for Science and Technology ((FCT), Portugal, for the PhD Scholarship SFRH/BD/98915/2013 and for the project UID/ SEM/50022/2013.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio