217 research outputs found

    Una página desconocida de la historia colombiana: los campos de reclusión de Fusagasugá

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    Tesis de maestríaLa segunda guerra mundial se ha considerado un momento histórico de gran relevancia para el mundo, por lo que sorprende que en Colombia, analizada solo desde el plano global, se desconozcan sus efectos en el país. De tal modo la presente investigación devela un episodio oscuro de la historia nacional, en el que se registraron vejámenes contra extranjeros, sustentados en la seguridad de la nación, orientada por intereses que le eran ajenos y que permitieron el desarrollo de campos de concentración en territorio nacional.MaestríaMagister en Ciencia Polític

    Uncovering information literacy’s disciplinary differences through students’ attitudes: An empirical study

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    This paper uses a self-assessment questionnaire (IL-HUMASS) with a wide sample of university students. The questionnaire puts forward a scale of attitudes that aim to measure ‘belief in importance’ and ‘skills self-assessment’ regarding diverse information competences. We use a group of 26 information sub-competences gathered in four categories (searching, evaluation, processing and communication-dissemination). The results show some considerable differences in these categories when statistically comparing 17 university degrees related to five branches of knowledge. It is proved that attitudes appreciably vary between branches, in reverse relation to the interdisciplinary differences we have found. An improvement regarding students’ informational attitudes will help reduce the interdisciplinary differences. The results of this study suggest the feasibility of shared training actions for some information competences in the branches of Sciences, Engineering & Architecture, and Health Sciences. The branches of Arts & Humanities and Social & Legal Sciences show considerable widespread attitudinal differences that advise against that shared training

    The professional translator and information literacy: perceptions and needs

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    This paper is part of a broader research project, the main goal of which is to provide translators with solid instruction in Information Literacy (IL). For this, it is important to know the views of the community of professional translators. The results of the ongoing research which we analyze in this paper provide this view, by means of a qualitative case study (using a semi-structured questionnaire for data gathering). These results highlight the strengths and weaknesses indicated by professional translators regarding the information competences they need

    Infolitrans: A model for the development of information competence for translators

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    Purpose: Since every community of practice generates, seeks, retrieves and uses information resources and sources related to the cognitive structure being researched or studied and the tasks being performed, the need arises to undertake studies focused on real user communities, which in our case is the group of translators. Approach: In this arena of application, it is important to remember that translators are not only information users, but also information processors and producers. Thus, their documentary competence has to evolve in three dimensions: the informational, the methodological and the strategic. The conceptual model we propose is based on information literacy (INFOLIT) standards and also our knowledge of translation practice and the competencies it demands, where INFOLIT plays a starring role. Findings: This paper is part of a broader research currently in progress, whose main goal is to provide translators and interpreters with a solid instruction in information literacy. As a first step, here we introduce a model for information literacy specifically intended to develop the information competence of this community of users. The model is a gathering of skills, competences, knowledge and values, and it is based on the cooperation between the authors’ expert knowledge of Information Science and professional translation practice

    Evaluating Research: assessment criteria in Humanities and the profession of Translation and Interpretation

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    En este artículo abordamos los criterios de evaluación que determinan la calidad de la productividad investigadora en el campo de las Humanidades con el objetivo de comprobar su aplicación al área de conocimiento de la Traducción e Interpretación. Partimos de un análisis de los criterios establecidos por dos de los organismos encargados de evaluar la producción científica española: aneca y cneai. Uno de los principales problemas en la aplicación de los criterios que afecta a todos los campos de las Humanidades es la utilización de indicadores de calidad procedentes del ámbito de las ciencias experimentales, centrados en la producción publicada en revistas científicas incluidas en determinados índices y bases de datos. Por este motivo, nos proponemos indagar cuáles son los problemas que representa esta manera de evaluar las publicaciones para la investigación producida habitualmente en Traducción e Interpretación y qué alternativas pueden darse para incrementar la visibilidad de la producción investigadora.This paper examines the criteria used to assess the quality of research productivity in the Humanities with the aim of testing how these gauges are applied to the field of Translation and Interpretation. Researchers first made an analysis of the assessment criteria in use in aneca and cneai, the agencies charged with evaluating the scientific production of scholars in Spain. The central problem of applying such criteria to Humanities subject areas stems from using quality assessment indicators designed to measure the scientific productivity largely focused on publications in journals listed in specific indexes and databases. The study aims to gain further insights into the problems arising from this assessment approach to the field of Translation and Interpretation and to propose alternatives to increase its visibility

    University library personnel and information literacy training: from self-perception to realities and training challenges

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    This study provides an empirical diagnosis of the perceptions of university library staff in Spain regarding their training and competence in information literacy (INFOLIT). Using data gathered via a qualitative questionnaire, completed within the context of an online INFOLIT training course, the current situation was analysed and training challenges identifi edEl presente trabajo se presenta como un diagnóstico empírico acerca de la percepción que el personal bibliotecario de las Bibliotecas Universitarias en España tiene con respecto a su formación y competencia en Alfabetización Informacional (ALFIN). Tras la recogida de datos a partir de un cuestionario cualitativo que implementamos en el marco de un curso online de formación sobre ALFIN, se analizan los resultados para observar cuál es el estado de la cuestión y, por tanto, cuáles son los retos formativos ante los que cabría comenzar a actua

    Communication of information in the digital age among social sciences students: Uncovering a synthetic indicator of performance

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    Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to analyze the informational behavior of a group of future professionals in the field of social sciences (SS), in terms of their competence in the communication–dissemination of information. Design/methodology/approach: The IL-HUMASS, EVALCI/KN and EVALCI/SK tests regarding the affective (attitudes, motivations) and cognitive (knowledge, skills) dimensions are distributed to a stratified sample of five universities and eight degree courses in Spain. Infographics and non-parametric methods allow to compare the disciplinary profiles with regard to gender, academic course and academic degrees. An Information Literacy Communication synthetic indicator based on structural equation modeling includes the subjective and effective dimensions to measure the holistic learning outcomes in communication–dissemination of information. Findings: Significant differences regarding the informational behavior of future professionals in SS are discovered. The synthetic indicator allows academic degrees to be ranked in order to identify those in need of initiatives aimed at improving communication–dissemination competence. Practical implications: Findings must be taken into account to design effective learning programs. This methodological approach can be expanded to scientific and academic environments. Originality/value: The paper puts forward the first evidence-based study on communication–dissemination competence among future SS professionals, as no similar research has been found in the scientific literature. It is also the first time that the definition of a predictive performance indicator, based on a powerful statistical methodology, has been proposed

    Gender perspective on information literacy: An interdisciplinary and multidimensional analysis within higher education settings

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    Gender is a sociological variable that needs further attention in information literacy studies. This research uses a multidimensional subjective-objective approach to examine the gender differences in the information literacy learning process in a sample of students from different social sciences degree courses at five Spanish universities. Surveys are used to measure the belief in importance (BI) and self-efficacy (SE) they assign to a series of basic information competencies, grouped into the categories of searching, evaluation, processing and communication-dissemination, as well as the levels of actual knowledge (KN) they have about them. Non-parametric methods and factor analysis are used to evaluate the gender similarities and differences. Latent structures show no relevant differences by gender in perceptions (BI and SE), but different patterns are found in knowledge (KN) regarding the acquisition of the key information competencies. To overcome possible stereotypes and contribute to the construction of an all-inclusive perspective that fosters an awareness of the value of equality, it is necessary to incorporate the gender perspective in information and knowledge management studies. There is still little research in this field, and this study opens some paths for further works

    Attitudes, perceptions and prospectings on mobile information literacy training: Design and validation of the MOBILE-APP questionnaire

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    The basic aim of this paper is to outline the process of designing and validating an instrument for measuring teachers’ perceptions regarding the importance of using mobile technologies in the teaching-learning of information competencies (MOBILE-APP). Validation was carried out by administering the instrument to a pilot group of teachers, all of whom were experts in new technologies selected from the Information and Communication, Business and Education degrees, together with a rubric to analyse the quality and relevance of the content, as well as the wording of the items. Quantitative and qualitative methodologies were combined (statistical and descriptive analyses). The results from the quantitative-qualitative analysis of the evaluation rubric and the psychometric analysis of the items show the strengths of the questionnaire and the possible improvements that could be made to optimise it, which were focused on small adjustments to some of the categories and the reordering of several items. The quantitative analysis shows a high degree of internal consistency, thus ensuring the usefulness and applicability of the instrument for evaluating teachers’ perceptions regarding the use of mobile technologies in the teaching-learning of information competencies. The validity and reliability of the instrument mean that it can be transferred to other academic settings as a platform for future diagnostic studies that allow advances to be made in teaching innovation using mobile technologies, while at the same time permitting it to be reviewed and updated. The innovative element of the MOBILE-APP questionnaire lies in the interrelation between the mode of learning (mobile learning) and the information literacy competencies.This research is part of the R&D project ‘Innovation and training in the information competencies of university teachers and stu dents in the social sciences. Model for the development of pro grammes in the mobile environment’ (CSO2016-80147-R), funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness

    Information literacy policies and planning in Ibero-America: Perspectives from an international digital survey

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    We gratefully acknowledge the participation of the experts consulted in the study and their invaluable contribution: Paola Ascensión. Librarian. Pontificia Universidad Católica (Peru) Carlos A. Ávila Araujo. Assistant Professor. Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais - UFMG (Brazil) Regina Baptista Belluzzo. Lecturer. UNESP – Marília (Brazil) Aida Bedón. Assessor. Escuela Politécnica del Ejército (Ecuador) Andoni Calderón. Librarian. Biblioteca de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain) Ma. Gladys Ceretta. Lecturer. Escuela Universitaria de Bibliotecología y Ciencias Afines, Universidad de la República (Uruguay) José de J. Cortés. Senior Lecturer. Universidad Autónonoma de Ciudad Juárez (Mexico) Ana A. Chiesa. Librarian. Instituto Pío XII (Argentina) Mercedes Fernández. Lecturer. Centro Nacional de Información de Ciencias Médicas/Infomed (Cuba) Francisco J. García Marco. Professor. Universidad de Zaragoza (Spain) Sandra García Rivadulla. Research Librarian. Towers Watson / Universidad de la República (Uruguay) Álvaro Gascue Quiñones. Lecturer. Universidad de la República (Uruguay) José A. Gómez. Professor. Universidad de Murcia (Spain) Ma. del Carmen Ladrón de Guevara. Senior Lecturer. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (Argentina) Jesús Lau. Senior Lecturer. Universidad Veracruzana (Mexico) Judith Licea. Senior Lecturer. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (Mexico) Gloria Marciales. Senior Lecturer. Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (Colombia) Berenice Mears. Lecturer. Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez (Mexico) Grizly Meneses. Assistant Professor. Departamento Ciencias de la Información, Universidad Central (Cuba) Alice Miranda. Lecturer. Universidad de Costa Rica (Costa Rica) Eva Ortoll. Senior Lecturer. Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (Spain) Cristóbal Pasadas. Research Librarian. Universidad de Granada (Spain) Analia Povolo. Lecturer. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo (Argentina) Nelva Quevedo. Research Librarian. Universidad de Lima (Peru) Ada Rengifo. Research Librarian. Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (Peru) Ana María Reusch. Lecturer. Universidad de Playa Ancha, Valparaíso (Chile) Liuris Rodríguez. Lecturer. Universidad de las Ciencias Informáticas (Cuba) Lourdes Rovalo. Librarian. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (Mexico) Dora Sales. Senior Lecturer. Universidad Jaume I, Castellón (Spain) Gerardo Sánchez. Librarian. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (Mexico) Marlery Sánchez. Lecturer. Centro Nacional de Biopreparados (Cuba) Juan Carlos Sierra. Lecturer. Universidad de La Salle – Bogotá (Colombia) Blanca Estela Solís Valdespino. Lecturer. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (Mexico) Marines Santana Justo Smith. Lecturer. UNESP – Marília (Brazil) Lourdes Tiscareño. Lecturer. Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez (Mexico) Alejandro Uribe. Lecturer. Universidad de Antioquia (Colombia) Ma. Segunda Varela. Lecturer. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata (Argentina) Aurora de la Vega. Research Librarian. Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (Peru) Marcela Verde. Assistant Professor. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (Argentina)An analysis of the state of the policies and plans on information literacy in Ibero-America is presented, based on the results of a survey carried out on 42 librarians and academics from 13 different countries, specialized in the development of information skills. The data were gathered from a detailed questionnaire survey conducted during the years 2012–2013. The information was collected through open questions, which were later codified and standardized to allow quantitative analysis. In the results and discussion, the information literacy planning landscape in Ibero-America is presented in its most general and abstract aspects – the national policies – its visibility in the institutional strategic plans, and its deployment through specific programmes and actions. Widespread progress can be appreciated, as a large number of the institutions to which the invited experts belong have achieved the implementation of systematic programmes (42.9%), and with the rest, except in one case, involved in preparatory actions, pilot projects and activities of transition from the more traditional users’ training activities. Recommendations are offered on the inclusion of information literacy within the national policies for improved digital and media literacy, on its deployment in higher education institutions, and on the need for a truly interdisciplinary effort to articulate the field, looking for an effective and efficient integration of the current and diverse approaches and actions.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Spain) for funding granted for this work within the framework of the competitive project Investigación y Desarrollo sobre Competencias Informacionales en la Enseñanza Superior (EDU2011- 29290)