31,381 research outputs found

    Syntax-directed documentation for PL360

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    PL360 is a phrase-structured programming language which provides the facilities of a symbolic machine language for the IBM 360 computers. An automatic process, syntax-directed documentation, is described which acquires programming documentation through the syntactical analysis of a program, followed by the interrogation of the originating programmer. This documentation can be dispensed through reports of file query replies when other programmers later need to know the program structure and its details. A key principle of the programming documentation process is that it is managed solely on the basis of the syntax of programs

    Cleanroom software development

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    The 'cleanroom' software development process is a technical and organizational approach to developing software with certifiable reliability. Key ideas behind the process are well structured software specifications, randomized testing methods and the introduction of statistical controls; but the main point is to deny entry for defects during the development of software. This latter point suggests the use of the term 'cleanroom' in analogy to the defect prevention controls used in the manufacturing of high technology hardware. In the 'cleanroom', the entire software development process is embedded within a formal statistical design, in contrast to executing selected tests and appealing to the randomness of operational settings for drawing statistical inferences. Instead, random testing is introduced as a part of the statistical design itself so that when development and testing are completed, statistical inferences are made about the operation of the system

    A critical analysis of the hydrino model

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    Recently, spectroscopic and calorimetric observations of hydrogen plasmas and chemical reactions with them have been interpreted as evidence for the existence of electronic states of the hydrogen atom with a binding energy of more than 13.6 eV. The theoretical basis for such states, that have been dubbed hydrinos, is investigated. We discuss both, the novel deterministic model of the hydrogen atom, in which the existence of hydrinos was predicted, and standard quantum mechanics. Severe inconsistencies in the deterministic model are pointed out and the incompatibility of hydrino states with quantum mechanics is reviewed.Comment: 9 page

    Modelling of Electroluminescence in Polymers Using a Bipolar Charge Transport Model

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    Electroluminescence (EL) in polymeric materials is thought to occur due to the energy dissipation process from the recombination of opposite polarity charge carriers. It is considered as an indication of storage and transport of charge carriers in cable insulation subject to electrical stresses and may indicate the change in charge movement due to aging or degradation processes. Under ac electric fields, the interaction of opposite polarity charge carriers at the interface of polymer/conductor is enhanced compared with dc conditions, and seems to contribute a lot to the electroluminescence rather than the charge behaviours in the bulk of polymers. The dynamics of charge carriers both at the interface of polymer/conductor and in the bulk of polymers is investigated through a simulation work using a bipolar charge transport model. Figure 1 compares experimental electroluminescence results with simulated data from the recombination of injected charge carriers. The paper will give more details on EL model and comparison under various waveforms and frequencies

    Laying the foundation for pregnancy physical activity profiling: A framework for providing tailored physical Activity advice and guidance to pregnant women

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    The aim of this study was to examine the predictive utility of the theory of planned behaviour (TPB) in explaining pregnant women's physical activity (PA) intentions and behaviour and to scrutinise the role of past behaviour within this context. Pregnant women ( = 89) completed the pregnancy physical activity questionnaire (PPAQ) and newly developed TPB questionnaire on two separate occasions during their pregnancy. Analyses were carried out in relation to three scenarios. Firstly, when considering the original TPB, intention emerged as the strongest determinant of pregnant women's PA behaviour. Secondly, controlling for past behaviour attenuated the influence of intention and perceived behavioural control on behaviour, with neither of the original variables providing a unique influence. Finally, the addition of past behaviour added significantly to the prediction of intention with the model as a whole, explaining 85% of the variance in pregnant women's PA intention, and with past behaviour uniquely contributing 44.8% of the variance. Pregnancy physical activity profiling based on intention and behaviour status is subsequently introduced as a novel and practical framework. This provides healthcare professionals with the opportunity and structure to provide tailored advice and guidance to pregnant women, thereby facilitating engagement with PA throughout motherhood

    You're pregnant, are you sure you should be doing that?

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    A Comparison between Electroluminescence Models and Experimental Results

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    Electrical insulation ages and degrades until its eventual failure under electrical stress. One cause of this relates to the movement and accumulation of charge within the insulation. The emission of a low level of light from polymeric materials while under electrical stressing occurs before the onset of currently detectable material degradation. This light is known as electroluminescence (EL) and under an ac electric field is thought to relate to the interaction of charge in close proximity to the electrode-polymer interface. Understanding the cause of this light emission gives a very high-resolution method of monitoring charge interaction and its influence on material ageing. A possible cause of this light emission is the bipolar charge recombination theory. This theory involves the injection, trapping and recombination of charge carriers during each half cycle of the applied field [1]. This work compares two models that to simulate the EL emission according to this bipolar charge recombination theory. Model 1 assumes a fixed space charge region and all injected charge is uniformly distributed in this region with charges able to either become trapped or to recombine with opposite polarity charge carriers [2]. This recombination relates directly the excitation needed for the emission of a photon of light as measured in experiments. Model 2 develops on this by accounting for the transport and extraction of charge with an exponential distribution of trap levels rather than a uniform distribution [3]. Figure 1 shows a good correlation between the two models and experimental data. The full paper will describe the models in more detail and present results comparing the simulated and experimental results under various applied waveforms. Model 1 and model 2 both provide a good correlation with experimental data but model 2 allows a greater understanding of the space charge profile in the region close to the electrodes as well as the shape of the conduction current. Further work involves developing these models to support changes in the charge trapping profiles due to material ageing and supporting simulated results with measured conduction current

    Mass Casualty Incident Response and Aeromedical Evacuation in Antarctica

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    Antarctica is one of the most remote regions on Earth. Mass casualty incident (MCI) responses in Antarctica are prone to complications from multiple environmental and operational challenges. This review of the current status of MCI risks and response strategies for Antarctica focuses on aeromedical evacuation, a critical component of many possible MCI scenarios. Extreme cold and weather, a lack of medical resources and a multitude of disparate international bases all exert unique demands on MCI response planning. Increasing cruise ship traffic is also escalating the risk of MCI occurrence. To be successful, MCI response must be well coordinated and undertaken by trained rescuers, especially in the setting of Antarctica. Helicopter rescue or aeromedical evacuation of victims to off-continent facilities may be necessary. Currently, military forces have the greatest capacity for mass air evacuation. Specific risks that are likely to occur include structure collapses, vehicle incapacitations, vehicle crashes and fires. All of these events pose concomitant risks of hypothermia among both victims and rescuers. Antarctica’s unique environment requires flexible yet robust MCI response planning among the many entities in operation on the continent

    God Hypothetically Conceived as More than Personal.

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    God and the World Physical.

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