1,687 research outputs found

    Thermal Corrections to R\'enyi entropies for Free Fermions

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    We calculate thermal corrections to R\'{e}nyi entropies for free massless fermions on a sphere. More specifically, we take a free fermion on R×Sd−1\mathbb{R}\times\mathbb{S}^{d-1} and calculate the leading thermal correction to the R\'{e}nyi entropies for a cap like region with opening angle 2θ2\theta. By expanding the density matrix in a Boltzmann sum, the problem of finding the R\'{e}nyi entropies can be mapped to the problem of calculating a two point function on an nn sheeted cover of the sphere. We follow previous work for conformal field theories to map the problem on the sphere to a conical region in Euclidean space. By using the method of images, we calculate the two point function and recover the R\'{e}nyi entropies.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figure

    Seeing properties of an invisible object: Feature inheritance and shine-through

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    We characterize a class of spatio-temporal illusions with two complementary properties. Firstly, if a vernier stimulus is flashed for a short time on a monitor and is followed immediately by a grating, the latter can express features of the vernier, such as its offset, its orientation, or its motion (feature inheritance). Yet the vernier stimulus itself remains perceptually invisible. Secondly, the vernier can be rendered visible by presenting gratings with a larger number of elements (shine-through). Under these conditions, subjects perceive two independent " objects " each carrying their own features. Transition between these two domains can be effected by subtle changes in the spatio-temporal layout of the grating. This should allow psychophysicists and electrophysiologists to investigate feature binding in a precise and quantitative manner

    Tracing Through Scalar Entanglement

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    As a toy model of a gapped system, we investigate the entanglement entropy of a massive scalar field in 1+1 dimensions at nonzero temperature. In a small mass m and temperature T limit, we put upper and lower bounds on the two largest eigenvalues of the covariance matrix used to compute the entanglement entropy. We argue that the entanglement entropy has exp(-m/T) scaling in the limit m >> T. We comment on the relation between our work and the Ryu-Takayanagi proposal for computing the entanglement entropy holographically.Comment: 17 pages, 11 figures; v2 ref added, typos fixed; v3 refs added, minor clarifications, version to appear in PR

    The effects of the global structure of the mask in visual backward masking

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    The visibility of a target can be strongly affected by a trailing mask. Research on visual backward masking has typically focused on the temporal characteristics of masking, whereas non-basic spatial aspects have received much less attention. However, recently, it has been demonstrated that the spatial layout is an important determinant of the strength of a mask. Here, we show that not only local but also global aspects of the mask's spatial layout affect target processing. Particularly, it is the regularity of the mask that plays an important role. Our findings are of importance for theoretical research, as well as for applications of visual masking

    Combining simultaneous with temporal masking

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    Simultaneous and temporal masking are two frequently used techniques in psychology and vision science. Although there are many studies and theories related to each masking technique, there are no systematic investigations of their mutual relationship, even though both techniques are often applied together. Here, the authors show that temporal masking can both undo and enhance the deteriorating effects of simultaneous masking depending on the stimulus onset asynchrony between the simultaneous and temporal masks. For the task and stimuli used in this study, temporal masking was largely unaffected by the properties of the simultaneous mask. In contrast, simultaneous masking seems to depend strongly on spatial grouping and was strongly affected by the properties of the temporal mask. These findings help to identify the nature of both temporal and simultaneous masking and promote understanding of the role of spatial and temporal grouping in visual perception

    Spatial grouping determines temporal integration

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    To make sense out of a continuously changing visual world, people need to integrate features across space and time. Despite more than a century of research, the mechanisms of features integration are still a matter of debate. To examine how temporal and spatial integration interact, the authors measured the amount of temporal fusion (a measure of temporal integration) for different spatial layouts. They found that spatial grouping by proximity and similarity can completely block temporal integration. Computer simulations with a simple neural network capture these findings very well, suggesting that the proposed spatial grouping operations may occur already at an early stage of visual information processing

    Spatial and temporal aspects of visual backward masking in children and young adolescents

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    We thank Marc Repnow for his help setting up the experiments. In addition, we thank two anonymous reviewers for their very thoughtful and helpful comments. This work was supported by the Volkswagen Foundation project “Between Europe and the Orient—A Focus on Research and Higher Education in/on Central Asia and the Caucasus” and by the VELUX Foundation project “Perception, Cognition and Healthy Brain Aging.”Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Feature fusion reveals slow and fast visual memories

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    Although the visual system can achieve a coarse classification of its inputs in a relatively short time, the synthesis of qualia-rich and detailed percepts can take substantially more time. If these prolonged computations were to take place in a retinotopic space, moving objects would generate extensive smear. However, under normal viewing conditions, moving objects appear relatively sharp and clear, suggesting that a substantial part of visual short-term memory takes place at a nonretinotopic locus. By using a retinotopic feature fusion and a nonretinotopic feature attribution paradigm, we provide evidence for a relatively fast retinotopic buffer and a substantially slower nonretinotopic memory. We present a simple model that can account for the dynamics of these complementary memory processes. Taken together, our results indicate that the visual system can accomplish temporal integration of information while avoiding smear by breaking off sensory memory into fast and slow components that are implemented in retinotopic and nonretinotopic loci, respectively

    Clusterorientierte Innovationsförderung – Praxis der InnoRegio FIRM

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    Im Jahr 1999 wurde vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Technologie (BMBF) mit dem Programm InnoRegio ein neuartiges, wettbewerbsorientiertes Förderinstrumentarium für die Neuen Bundesländer geschaffen, das insbesondere auf die Stärkung von Kernkompetenzen in den ostdeutschen Regionen zielte und der Erhöhung der Innovationskraft und Wettbewerbsfähigkeit somit einer nachhaltigen Wertschöpfung dienen sollte. Heute wird dieses Programm unter der Dachmarke „Unternehmen Region“ geführt und ist mit weiteren Programmen verbunden, die regionale Kompetenzen mit Innovationspotenzial strategisch, auf hohem technologischem Niveau und nach unternehmerischen Kriterien zu regionalen Clustern entwickeln sollen. Die Umsetzung dieses Konzepts wird weithin als einer der wenigen erfolgreichen Ansätze im „Aufbau Ost“ betrachtet [1]. Die InnoRegio „FIRM“ mit ihrer Geschäftsstelle in den Räumen der Technischen Fachhochschule Wildau ist eine von 23 InnoRegios in den ostdeutschen Ländern, die sich im Jahr 2000 in einem Auswahlverfahren unter mehr als 400 Bewerbern mit ihrem Innovationskonzept durchsetzen konnte. Als Träger hatte hierzu der Verein FIRM e.V. (Gesellschaft zur Förderung der innovativen Region Mittelostbrandenburg e. V.) das Konzept in den Landkreisen Dahme-Spreewald und Oder-Spree entwickelt. Ausgehend von Forschungserfahrungen an der Technischen Fachhochschule Wildau, dem Innovationspotential regionaler Unternehmen und der Verwaltungsexpertise der lokalen Behörden wurde ein Netzwerk konzipiert, das die Entwicklung neuer Hochleistungsmaterialien bei intelligenter Verwertung von Kunststoffabfällen in den Mittelpunkt stellt und insbesondere industrielle Reststoffe im Rahmen einer Kreislaufführung zu neuartigen Materialien umsetzt
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