88 research outputs found

    Animal welfare at German abattoirs: insights into the occurrence of violations against laws and regulations from official veterinarians and judicial decisions

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    Introduction: This study investigated the occurrence of various animal welfare violations at German abattoirs by analyzing the results of an anonymous online survey and relevant German court decisions. Methods: The survey targeted official veterinarians (OVs) and other individuals responsible for enforcing animal welfare laws and regulations at German abattoirs. Participants were asked to report the five most common animal welfare violations in their workplaces during the past 3 years (2019–2021), and whether 22 specific given violations had occurred or not (in the same timeframe). The court decisions were examined to determine how many abattoirs were penalized for a specific animal welfare violation and the details about the number and species of affected animals. Results: Overall, the violations examined throughout this study fell into one of the following categories: (1) use of prohibited driving aids (e.g., illicit use of electric prods, or hitting/beating animals); (2) inadequate husbandry in lairage; (3) inappropriate handling of animals with special care needs; (4) improper restraint, stunning, and bleeding of animals; and (5) unqualified task execution/inadequate administrative work (e.g., documentation of a violation). The violations analyzed in the scope of this study most frequently fell into categories 1, 2, and 4. Regarding the five violations that survey participants reported to be the most common in the years 2019–2021, 42.6% of responses (N = 277 reported violations) fell into category 4, followed closely by category 1 with 37.9%. Of the 22 violations surveyed in the second part of the survey, those reported by 50.0% or more participants were concentrated in categories 1, 2, and 4. Regarding the 16 relevant court rulings spanning from 2015 to 2022, the most frequently documented instances of misconduct primarily fell into category 1. Discussion: The collected data suggest that there may be need for improvements regarding compliance with animal welfare legislation, especially concerning categories 1, 2, and 4. The authors suggest OVs to consider these findings when conducting monitoring activities at abattoirs and in the training and education of abattoir personnel

    Measures and Penalties for Animal Welfare Violations at German Abattoirs: A Compilation of Current Recommendations and Practices

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    Protecting animal welfare during preslaughter handling and slaughter is an important ethical concern with growing importance to consumers. However, animal welfare violations in abattoirs remain a serious problem, and the enforcement of relevant laws and regulations is often inadequate. This study investigated and compiled the measures and penalties which official veterinarians (OVs) consider appropriate for different animal welfare violations at German abattoirs, including ranges for fines. Additionally, information regarding which measures were taken in past cases, including past procedural outcomes (e.g., judicial decisions and regulatory animal welfare orders in Germany), were gathered and summarised. The aim is to provide insights into the status quo, so that flaws in law enforcement (e.g., imposing low penalties or not filing a criminal complaint when necessary) can be identified in a future study. To achieve this, the following five steps were utilised: acquiring relevant judicial decisions; conducting an anonymous online survey among German OVs; conducting semi-structured interviews with OVs; conducting a virtual colloquium with OVs; and consulting lawyers. Measures and penalties for violations of 40 relevant and frequent different provisions of the German Ordinance on the Protection of Animals in connection with Slaughter or Killing (TierSchlV), in conjunction with the Regulation (EC) No 1099/2009 and the German Animal Welfare Act, were gathered. The findings were compiled into a list of measures and penalties, which contains a separate table for all 40 violations, entailing an overview of the following information: citation(s) of legal/regulatory requirements to protect animals at the time of killing/slaughter; citation(s) of relevant regulatory and criminal penalties; special measures/penalties considered appropriate for the first and repeated offence by OVs; and information on penalties listed in judicial decisions of past similar cases. This initiative is a step towards achieving a reduction of animal welfare violations at German abattoirs

    Impact of Procedures and Human-Animal Interactions during Transport and Slaughter on Animal Welfare of Pigs: A Systematic Literature Review

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    Animal welfare during the transport and slaughter of pigs is in the interests of consumers and producers. All procedures and human-animal interactions on the day of slaughter are potentially stressful for the pigs. Good handling practices—calm handling and a handling set to the individual needs of the pigs—and management of the animals provide the maximum animal welfare at slaughter, but only by avoiding or minimizing any further external stressors in addition to the transport and the slaughter itself. By conducting a systematic literature review, we wanted to find out which procedures and human-animal interactions were found by researchers to have an impact on welfare during pig transport and slaughter. Direct human-animal contact and the management of transport and slaughter procedures were identified as major influencing factors. As the animal welfare-sensitive areas of stunning, control of stunning, and bleeding are highly important, personnel should be trained regularly to ensure good practices and animal welfare. Deficient handling and procedures in the transport/slaughter processes can be critically scrutinized and corrected only when personnel are sufficiently educated. Knowledge of best handling practices is necessary to reflect on our own and other personnel’s behaviour and to maintain awareness of animal welfare. Animal suffering caused by humans is not acceptable

    Use of meat juice and blood serum with a miniaturised protein microarray assay to develop a multi-parameter IgG screening test with high sample throughput potential for slaughtering pigs

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    Background Serological screening of pig herds at the abattoir is considered a potential tool to improve meat inspection procedures and herd health management. Therefore, we previously reported the feasibility of a miniaturised protein microarray as a new serological IgG screening test for zoonotic agents and production diseases in pigs. The present study investigates whether the protein microarray-based assay is applicable for high sample throughput using either blood serum or meat juice. Material and methods Microarrays with 12 different antigens were produced by Abbott (formerly Alere Technologies GmbH) Jena, Germany in a previously offered ‘ArrayTube’ platform and in an ‘ArrayStrip’ platform for large-scale use. A test protocol for the use of meat juice on both microarray platforms was developed. Agreement between serum and meat juice was analysed with 88 paired samples from three German abattoirs. Serum was diluted 1:50 and meat juice 1:2. ELISA results for all tested antigens from a preceding study were used as reference test to perform Receiver Operating Characteristic analysis for both test specimens on both microarray platforms. Results High area under curve values (AUC > 0.7) were calculated for the analysis of T. gondii (0.87), Y. enterocolitica (0.97), Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae (0.84) and Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae (0.71) with serum as the test specimen and for T. gondii (0.99), Y. enterocolitica (0.94), PRRSV (0.88), A. pleuropneumoniae (0.78) and Salmonella spp. (0.72) with meat juice as the test specimen on the ArrayStrip platform. Cohens kappa values of 0.92 for T. gondii and 0.82 for Y. enterocolitica were obtained for the comparison between serum and meat juice. When applying the new method in two further laboratories, kappa values between 0.63 and 0.94 were achieved between the laboratories for these two pathogens. Conclusion Further development of a miniaturised pig-specific IgG protein microarray assay showed that meat juice can be used on microarray platforms. Two out of twelve tested antigens (T. gondii, Y. enterocolitica) showed high test accuracy on the ArrayTube and the ArrayStrip platform with both sample materials

    Slaughter pigs as carrier of Listeria monocytogenes in Germany

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    Listeria (L.) monocytogenes as the cause of human listeriosis is widespread in the environment and a hazard considering food safety. Almost all animal species as well as humans can be asymptomatic carriers of this bacterium. In pigs, the tonsils are identified as the organ with the highest detection rate compared to other sample matrices. We sampled 430 pigs in total in two slaughterhouses in Northwest and East Germany, two structurally different and important regions in pig production, to re-examine pigs as a possible source of Listeria-contamination of pork products. We detected a low prevalence of L. monocytogenes in tonsil samples of 1.6% (7/430) on single animal level and of 11.6% (5/43) on herd level with no significant difference between the two German regions. Apart from L. monocytogenes, the usually non-pathogenic L. innocua had a prevalence of 1.2% (5/430) on single animal level. From 200 pigs from Northwest Germany, intestinal content samples were analysed in addition to tonsil samples from the same animals, but no positive sample was found for L. monocytogenes (0.0%, 0/200), while four pigs were positive for L. innocua (2.0%, 4/200). Although the prevalence of L. monocytogenes in tonsils is low, the risk of cross-contaminating meat with the pathogen is still given

    A systematic review to assess the effectiveness of pre-harvest meat safety interventions to control foodborne pathogens in beef

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    Safe beef is a priority for consumers, policy makers, official veterinarians, and producers. This systematic review aims to update the recent knowledge on pre-harvest interventions to control main foodborne pathogens in beef and to assess their effectiveness. Only controlled trials in beef or dairy cattle were included. A total of 1514 studies were retrieved from PubMedÂŽ and Web of ScienceTM for 13 selected pathogens in particular Salmonella and Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC). After the screening, 28 papers remained for Campylobacter (n = 1), Clostridium botulinum (n = 1), Clostridium perfringens (n = 1), Extended spectrum-lactamase AmpC gene-carrying bacteria (ESBL/AmpC) (n = 1), Salmonella (n = 11), and STEC (n = 13). Results were synthesised narratively using tables as support. Research on pre-harvest interventions to control foodborne zoonoses in bovines was mostly focused on Salmonella spp. and STEC. The studies retained on Salmonella and STEC showed that vaccination, and cleaning, disinfection, management, and biosecurity were the most tested and effective interventions, denoting their potential to control or reduce detection and shedding of these pathogens. The correct implementation of such measures is crucial for their efficacy. While vaccination can be implemented to prevent severe outcomes of disease and reduce shedding; cleaning, disinfection, and biosecurity can prevent the introduction and/or the spread of pathogens to/within farms. The use of feed additives and treatments had mixed results but seemed to be effective for Salmonella. The criteria for paper selection excluded observational studies which document effective practices like depopulation and repopulation with healthy animals. Overall, high herd health status coupled with good management and biosecurity were effective to control or prevent the important foodborne pathogens in cattle at pre-harvest level

    Innovative e-Learning Training Modules to Improve Animal Welfare during Transport and Slaughter of Pigs: A Pretest–Posttest Study to Pre-Evaluate the General Didactical Concept

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    In addition to the information on the possession of a certificate of competence, there are no concrete obligations for repetitive training for personnel handling live animals at transport and slaughter. Deficiencies in the animal-welfare-friendly handling of pigs are known. The developed pilot modules “Handling of pigs” and “Electrical stunning” were tested in a pretest–posttest study in German and Romanian using questions of knowledge before and after the implementation of the modules. In this study, 45 and 46 datasets of participants could be analyzed. The mean percentages of correctly answered questions in the posttest increased by 5.6% in the module “Handling of pigs” and by 10.6% in the module “Electrical stunning”. A significant interaction was found for the language match and trend categories in the module “Handling of pigs”. No Romanian native speaker had a positive trend in this module. For both modules separately, participant education level significantly interacted with the language match and the presence or absence of a certificate of competence. Comparing the percentages of the correct given answers, significant interactions in the subgroups were more common in the module “Electrical stunning”. One question in “Electrical stunning” was correctly answered significantly more often in the posttest. Because of the positive mean trends of knowledge within this pre-evaluation, we assume the didactical concept was suitable for our target groups. Holders of a certificate of competence also gave more correct answers in the post-test. This underlines the importance of repetitive training. Differences in the trends of knowledge gain seem to be topic and experience related

    Hepatitis E virus cross-contamination on the surface of porcine livers after storage in Euro meat containers in a German pig abattoir

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    Hepatitis E virus (HEV) is a foodborne zoonotic pathogen and known as the causative agent of hepatitis E in humans. The specific role of porcine liver as a vehicle for human HEV infections has been highlighted in different studies. Nevertheless, gaps of knowledge still exist regarding possible HEV cross-contamination both at consumer and production level. Furthermore, people working in the food production industry, e.g. veterinarians and abattoir employees, are exposed to an increased risk of HEV infection. The aim of the present study was to investigate HEV cross-contamination on the surface of porcine liver in a German abattoir. The sample set included 250 samples of porcine liver parenchyma and the corresponding 250 superficial layer samples of the same livers, which were analyzed for the presence of HEV ribonucleic acid (RNA). Afterwards, the initial status of the tested liver parenchyma was compared with the occurrence of HEV RNA in the corresponding superficial layer. HEV RNA was detectable in 34% (85/250) of superficial layer samples, with 58% (49/85) of the samples originated from initially HEV negative livers. To our knowledge, this is the first study that provides an insight in the potential of HEV cross-contamination at abattoir level in Germany. Furthermore, it could be identified that the joint storage of livers in Euro meat containers has a significant impact on the presence of HEV RNA on the surface of porcine liver

    Wild Boars Carry Extended-Spectrum β-Lactamase- and AmpC-Producing Escherichia coli

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    Extended-spectrum β-lactamase (ESBL)-producing Escherichia coli and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) represent major healthcare concerns. The role of wildlife in the epidemiology of these bacteria is unclear. The purpose of this study was to determine their prevalence in wild boars in Germany and to characterize individual isolates. A total of 375 fecal samples and 439 nasal swabs were screened for the presence of ESBL-/AmpC-E. coli and MRSA, respectively. The associations of seven demographic and anthropogenic variables with the occurrence of ESBL-/AmpC-E. coli were statistically evaluated. Collected isolates were subjected to antimicrobial susceptibility testing, molecular typing methods, and gene detection by PCR and genome sequencing. ESBL-/AmpC-E. coli were detected in 22 fecal samples (5.9%) whereas no MRSA were detected. The occurrence of ESBL-/AmpC-E. coli in wild boars was significantly and positively associated with human population density. Of the 22 E. coli, 19 were confirmed as ESBL-producers and carried genes belonging to blaCTX-M group 1 or blaSHV-12. The remaining three isolates carried the AmpC-β-lactamase gene blaCMY-2. Several isolates showed additional antimicrobial resistances. All four major phylogenetic groups were represented with group B1 being the most common. This study demonstrates that wild boars can serve as a reservoir for ESBL-/AmpC-producing and multidrug-resistant E. coli
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