13,512 research outputs found

    Self-selection patterns in Mexico-U.S. migration: the role of migration networks

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    This paper examines the role of migration networks in determining self-selection patterns of Mexico-U.S. migration. We first present a simple theoretical framework showing how such networks impact on migration incentives at different education levels and, consequently, how they are likely to affect the expected skill composition of migration. Using survey data from Mexico, we then show that the probability of migration is increasing with education in communities with low migrant networks, but decreasing with education in communities with high migrant networks. This is consistent with positive self-selection of migrants being driven by high migration costs, as advocated by Chiquiar and Hanson (2005), and with negative self-selection of migrants being driven by lower returns to education in the U.S. than in Mexico, as advocated by Borjas (1987)

    The microeconomic determinants of emigration and return migration of the best and brightest: evidence from the Pacific

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    A unique survey which tracks worldwide the best and brightest academic performers from three Pacific countries is used to assess the extent of emigration and return migration among the very highly skilled, and to analyze, at the microeconomic level, the determinants of these migration choices. Although we estimate that the income gains from migration are very large, not everyone migrates and many return. Within this group of highly skilled individuals the emigration decision is found to be most strongly associated with preference variables such as risk aversion, patience, and choice of subjects in secondary school, and not strongly linked to either liquidity constraints or to the gain in income to be had from migrating. Likewise, the decision to return is strongly linked to family and lifestyle reasons, rather than to the income opportunities in different countries. Overall the data show a relatively limited role for income maximization in distinguishing migration propensities among the very highly skilled, and a need to pay more attention to other components of the utility maximization decision

    Can migration reduce educational attainments? depressing evidence from Mexico

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    This paper examines the impact of migration on educational attainments in rural Mexico. Using historical migration rates by state to instrument for current migration, we find evidence of a significant negative effect of migration on schooling attendance and attainments of 12 to 18 year-old boys and of 16 to 18 year-old girls. IV-Censored Ordered Probit results show that living in a migrant household lowers the chances of boys completing junior high-school and of boys and girls completing high-school. The negative effect of migration on schooling is somewhat mitigated for younger girls with low educated mothers, which is consistent with remittances relaxing credit constraints on education investment for the very poor. However, for the majority of rural Mexican children, family migration depresses educational attainment. Comparison of the marginal effects of migration on school attendance and on participation to other activities shows that the observed decrease in schooling of 16 to 18 year olds is accounted for by current migration of boys and increases in housework for girls

    The solar flare iron line to continuum ratio and the coronal abundances of iron and helium

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    Narrow band Ross filter measurements of the Fe 25 line flux around 0.185 nm and simultaneous broadband measurements during a solar flare were used to determine the relationship between the solar coronal abundances of iron and helium. The Fe 25 ion population was also determined as a function of time. The proportional counter and the Ross filter on OSO-7 were utilized. The data were analyzed under the separate assumptions that (1) the electron density was high enough that a single temperature could characterize the continuum spectrum and the ionization equilibrium, and that (2) the electron density was low so that the ion populations trailed the electron temperature in time. It was found that the density was at least 5x10 to the 9th power, and that the high density assumption was valid. It was also found that the iron abundance is 0.000011 for a helium abundance of 0.2, relative to hydrogen

    The importance of GRM gravity observations in continental regions

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    Altimetric satellites showed the existence of gravity anomalies with wavelengths between 1500 km and 3000 km which correlated with residual depth anomalies. It was suggested that there is also an even smaller scale convective circulation with a wavelength of less than 500 km. Numerical experiments and SEASAT profiles demonstrate that similar small scale circulation must also exist near fracture zones. The mantle therefore must contain at least three scales of circulation: (1) comparable to the plate dimensions, the large scale circulation, which returns material from the Island arcs to the ridges; (2) an intermediate scale comparable to the depth of the upper mantle; and (3) a small scale comparable to the thickness of the asthenosphere. This picture was established by observations of gravity and bathymetry in oceanic regions

    A land of milk and honey with streets paved with gold: do emigrants have over-optimistic expectations about incomes abroad?

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    Millions of people emigrate every year in search of better economic and social opportunities. Anecdotal evidence suggests that emigrants may have over-optimistic expectations about the incomes they can earn abroad, resulting in excessive migration pressure, and in disappointment amongst those who do migrate. Yet there is almost no statistical evidence on how accurately these emigrants predict the incomes that they will earn working abroad. In this paper we combine a natural emigration experiment with unique survey data on would-be emigrants’ probabilistic expectations about employment and incomes in the migration destination. Our procedure enables us to obtain moments and quantiles of the subjective distribution of expected earnings in the destination country. We find a significant underestimation of both unconditional and conditional labor earnings at all points in the distribution. This under-estimation appears driven in part by potential migrants placing too much weight on the negative employment experiences of some migrants, and by inaccurate information flows from extended family, who may be trying to moderate remittance demands by understating incomes

    Who is coming from Vanuatu to New Zealand under the new Recognised Seasonal Employer (RSE) program?

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    New Zealand’s new Recognised Seasonal Employer (RSE) program allows workers from the Pacific Islands to come to New Zealand for up to seven months to work in the horticulture and viticulture industries. One of the explicit objectives of the program is to encourage economic development in the Pacific. In this paper we report on the results of a baseline survey taken in Vanuatu, which allows us to examine who wants to participate in the program, and who is selected amongst those interested. We find the main participants are males in their late 20s to early 40s, most of whom are married and have children. Most workers are subsistence farmers in Vanuatu and have not completed more than 10 years of schooling. Such workers would be unlikely to be accepted under existing migration channels. Nevertheless, we find RSE workers from Vanuatu to come from wealthier households, and have better English literacy and health than individuals not applying for the program. Lack of knowledge about the policy and the costs of applying appear to be the main barriers preventing poorer individuals applying

    Hole in the wall: informed short selling ahead of private placements

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    Companies planning a private placement typically gauge the interest of potential buyers before the offering is publicly announced. Regulators are concerned with this practice, called wall-crossing, as it might invite insider trading, especially when the potential investors are hedge funds. We examine privately placed common stock and convertible offerings and find evidence of widespread pre-announcement short selling. We show that pre-announcement short sellers are able to predict announcement day returns. The effects are especially strong when hedge funds are involved and when the number of buyers is high. We also observe pre-announcement trading in the options market
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