1,034 research outputs found

    A Novel Framework for Software Defined Wireless Body Area Network

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    Software Defined Networking (SDN) has gained huge popularity in replacing traditional network by offering flexible and dynamic network management. It has drawn significant attention of the researchers from both academia and industries. Particularly, incorporating SDN in Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN) applications indicates promising benefits in terms of dealing with challenges like traffic management, authentication, energy efficiency etc. while enhancing administrative control. This paper presents a novel framework for Software Defined WBAN (SDWBAN), which brings the concept of SDN technology into WBAN applications. By decoupling the control plane from data plane and having more programmatic control would assist to overcome the current lacking and challenges of WBAN. Therefore, we provide a conceptual framework for SDWBAN with packet flow model and a future direction of research pertaining to SDWBAN.Comment: Presented on 8th International Conference on Intelligent Systems, Modelling and Simulatio

    F1- Delta -Lifting modules

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    Let R be an associative ring with identity and let M be an unitary  left R-module. An R-module M is called F1- lifting, if every fully invariant sub module A of M contains a direct summand  B of M such that B ≤ ce A . In this paper we introduce  F1-δ-lifting  as a generalization of F1-lifting  module. We prove similar results of  F1-lifting. Keywords:  F1-δ-lifting modules ,strongly F1-δ-lifting modules

    Community’s Perception and Involvement in Co-management of Bhawal National Park, Bangladesh

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    Natural forests in Bangladesh have been severely degraded due to over exploitation, encroachment, fire, uncontrolled and wasteful commercial logging, illegal felling, overgrazing, and the collection of fuel wood to support the energy needs of a large population. This paper investigated the livelihoods of local people and their involvement in management of Bhawal National Park. Based on primary and secondary data, it revealed that community in the study area was heavily dependent on forestry-related activities to support livelihoods.  Local community participation in ecotourism activities and resource protection and in protected areas can be pursued through collaborative management. At present, the natural resources of the park are degrading due to indiscriminate use by the locals and visitors mainly in the form of encroachment and tourism incompatible activities. The local community was left out in decision making process where the core problem still not addressed. This study also investigated the problems that affected natural resources and local community involvement in management to mitigate such problem. Results showed that the relationship between the local community and park administration is not significant where their participation in the management is minimal. In overall the study provides the premises where the local community supported their participation in the decision making process and participate in management for a better stewardship of the park. Keyword: Community, Perception, Co-management, Bhawal National Park, Banglades

    Roadmap for port preparation of alternative fuel bunkering in support of shipping decarbonization

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    Build up Environmental Citizenship through Environmental Education and Consciousness in Bangladesh

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    Today’s environmental problems are structurally anchored in our societies and our ways of life. Nowhere has this issue been so pronounced than in developing countries. In Bangladesh, rural people are arsenic contaminated and urban people are mostly exposed to the polluted water and air, recurring natural disasters and a dwindling natural resource base. It is one of the poorest countries of the developing world, with a low resource base, a very low land-man ratio, and is threatened by both natural hazards and overexploitation. However this resource base is under see threat and environmental planning is necessary to signal any hope for survival with dignity and sustainability. This collective action problem stems from years of public insensitivity and lack of genuine consciousness for environmental justice. In this paper, it is argued that, for Bangladesh to truly achieve sustainable environmental quality and protection, a formal environmental citizenship education and consciousness program should be established. In addition to poor and/or ineffective environmental regulations, it is further argued that lack of citizens’ consciousness of certain environmental risks could be blamed, in part, for the country’s poor environmental awareness education. A consciousness of environmental risk factors could galvanize citizens to capitalize on their social capital as a vehicle to address issues of environmental quality. Any environmental citizenship education and awareness program should be designed with the ultimate goal of promoting responsible environmental behavior. Keywords: Environment, Bangladesh, Environmental Education and Consciousness, Environmental Behavior, Environmental Citizenshi


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    A stabilizing control scheme based on a Lyapunov function is proposed for wireless power transfer (or WPT) systems. A state-space model of the WPT system is developed and the Lyapunov function is formulated based on an energy equation of the system involving state variables. The internal resistance of a battery varies during charge and discharge. Therefore, if a WPT system is used to charge a battery, its output load will vary. Furthermore, the coupling coefficient between the transmitter (primary) and receiver (secondary) coils decreases when they are misaligned. Comparative case studies are conducted to verify the efficacy of the proposed controller in maintaining stability of the WPT system under load variation and acute misalignment of transmitter and receiver coils
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