81 research outputs found

    A New Long-Life Trimedlure Dispenser for Mediterranean Fruit Fly

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    [EN] New agricultural techniques are attempting to reduce the application of synthesized pesticides and replace them with new environmentally friendly methods such as mass trapping, mating disruption, or chemosterilization techniques. All these methods are based oil the release of a lure for insect attraction or confusion. The Success of the chosen method depends on the quality of the attractant emission from the dispenser. Currently, used dispensers with a polymeric matrix and new dispensers with mesoporous inorganic materials were evaluated to obtain more efficient emission kinetics. In this Study, the selected pest was the Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) and the lure used vas trimedlure (TML). The dispensers were validated by means of a field study comparing insect catches with attractant release values. As a result, we have demonstrated that mesoporous dispensers have it clearly longer lifetime than the polymeric Plug. Furthermore, the attractant release rate is less dependent oil temperature in mesoporous than in polymeric dispensers.Domínguez Ruiz, J.; Sanchis Cabanes, J.; Navarro-Llopis, V.; Primo Millo, J. (2008). A New Long-Life Trimedlure Dispenser for Mediterranean Fruit Fly. Journal of Economic Entomology. 101(4):1325-1330. doi:10.1093/jee/101.4.1325S13251330101

    Work-based learning system to up-skilling construction workers in wood construction methods for energy efficient buildings

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    [EN] Nowadays, the use of wood is becoming increasingly relevant in the field of construction and design, and as a result, this material is becoming essential in construction materials market. However, the current skills of workers and apprentices are not up to the new demands of the market, and this is because the knowledge and skills obtained through the WBL do not meet the needs in the workplace for timber constructions and workings. In addition, strict renovation requirements and political measures that seek to stimulate the transformation of existing buildings make this lack of skills even more noticeable. Thus, in this article we will see how this UP-WOOD project proposes to pay attention to the need of improving skills and abilities in this sector, through a work-based learning system VET (Vocational Education and Training), so current  and future demand of efficient energetic solutions can be solved.This work has been conducted within the framework of the UPWOOD project " Up-skilling construction workers in wood construction methods for energy efficient buildings " funded by the European Commission within the Key Action 2: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices, reference number 2019-1-AT01-KA202-051488.Cárcel Carrasco, FJ.; Peñalvo López, E.; Albiol Ibáñez, JR.; Langa Sanchis, J. (2022). Work-based learning system to up-skilling construction workers in wood construction methods for energy efficient buildings. En Proceedings INNODOCT/21. International Conference on Innovation, Documentation and Education. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 139-146. https://doi.org/10.4995/INN2021.2021.1342213914

    Ultra-compact optical switches using slow light bimodal silicon waveguides

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    [EN] Switches are essential components in several optical applications, in which reduced footprints are highly desirable for mass production of densely integrated circuits at low cost. However, most conventional solutions rely on making long switching structures, thus increasing the final device size. Here, we propose and experimentally demonstrate an ultra-compact 2x2 optical switch based on slow-light-enhanced bimodal interferometry in one-dimensional silicon photonic crystals. By properly designing the band structure, the device exhibits a large group index contrast between the fundamental even mode and a higher order odd mode for TE polarization. Thereby, highly dispersive and broadband bimodal regions for high-performance operation are engineered by exploiting the different symmetry of the modes. Two configurations are considered in the experiments to analyze the dimensions influence on the switching efficiency. As a result, a photonic switch based on a bimodal single-channel interferometer with a footprint of only 63 mu m(2), a power consumption of 19.5 mW and a crosstalk of 15 dB is demonstrated for thermo-optic tunability.This work was supported in part by Generalitat Valenciana under Grants AVANTI/2019/123 and ACIF/2019/009, in part by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion through PID2019-106965RBC21 and PID2019-111460GB-I00 projects, and in part by the European Union through the operational program of the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) of the Valencia Regional Government 2014-2020Torrijos-Morán, L.; Brimont, ACJ.; Griol Barres, A.; Sanchis Kilders, P.; García-Rupérez, J. (2021). Ultra-compact optical switches using slow light bimodal silicon waveguides. Journal of Lightwave Technology. 39(11):3495-3501. https://doi.org/10.1109/JLT.2021.3066479S34953501391

    Project-Based Learning as a Coordination Methodology between Subjects in a Chemical Engineering Degree

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    [EN] An important issue in any academic degree is to develop a high level of vertical/horizontal coordination between the different subjects taught along the four courses. This activity takes into account the coordination of the contents and methodologies that the teachers teach and the students acquire, the timing when the students learn them and the homework/exams that they do. As a result, both teachers and students gain an overall view of the degree and the teaching-learning process improves. According to this idea, the teachers of the Chemical Engineering degree at Campus of Alcoy are participating in an Educational Innovation and Improvement Project (EIIP) for applying the project-based learning methodology to the design of an adsorption system for the elimination of dyes in wastewater from the textile industry. This work is scheduled along the four courses and is distributed between some of the basic or specialized subjects that the students attend. The adsorption column design is partially solved in each subject and the results obtained in one subject are used in the following. As a result, the project is completed sequentially throughout the degree applying a methodology based on teamwork. This paper shows some of the activities proposed in different subjects, their timing and assessments during four courses. These activities include laboratory work for obtaining adsorption equilibrium and adsorption kinetics experimental data together with column dynamic performance. Other activities belong to the modelling and simulation domain for establishing the mathematical equations corresponding to the different phenomena linked to adsorption. Also there are activities focused on experimental data treatment for estimating the parameters characterizing the adsorption isotherms or mass transfer coefficients. Finally, other activities are devoted to the column design and control, cost estimation, and oral/writing communication of the work done by the students.This article has been supported by Universitat Politècnica de València, particularly by the Vice-rectorate for Digital Resources and Documentation (Vicerrectorado de Recursos Digitales y Documentación) and Vice-Rectorate for Studies, Quality and Accreditation (Vicerrectorado de Estudios, Calidad y Acreditación) under the Call for Learning + Teaching (Convocatoria A+D2019: Aprendizaje + Docencia. Proyectos de Innovación y Mejora Educativa) and Project Code: A157. The authors would like to acknowledge the support of the Institute of Educational Sciences (Instituto de Ciencias de la Educación), the Evaluation and Monitoring Commission for Educational Innovation and Improvement Projects (Comisión de Evaluación y Seguimiento de Proyectos de Innovación y Mejora Educativa (CESPIME) and Escuela Politécnica Superior de Alcoy.Carbonell Alcaina, C.; Cardona, SC.; Domínguez-Candela, I.; Fombuena, V.; López Pérez, MF.; Lora-García, J.; Sanchis, R. (2021). Project-Based Learning as a Coordination Methodology between Subjects in a Chemical Engineering Degree. INTED proceedings (Online). 5965-5974. https://doi.org/10.21125/inted.2021.1193S5965597

    Dietary Habits of Elite Soccer Players: Variations According to Competitive Level, Playing Position and Sex

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    Soccer is a sport practiced worldwide by both men and women, where nutrition plays a fundamental role in the performance of soccer players, providing them with the nutrients necessary for energy, muscle recovery and injury prevention. The aim of this study is to describe the dietary habits in elite soccer players and their association with their competitive level, playing position and sex. A descriptive and non-experimental comparative study was conducted during the 2021–2022 competitive season. A total of 105 players belonging to a Spanish elite soccer team completed a food frequency questionnaire (FCFQ). It was observed that male players presented a higher consumption of carbohydrate-rich foods (p < 0.05), fermented foods (p = 0.014), frozen foods (p = 0.049) and red meat (p = 0.012) compared to female players, with the exception of lean meats, which were higher in females (p = 0.012). Furthermore, the U16-15 categories stand out for consuming carbohydrate-rich foods such as pasta (p = 0.000), bread (p = 0.004) and sweets (p = 0.046), as well as frozen foods (p = 0.002). Finally, alcohol consumption is higher in the senior categories (42.9%), where men are more likely to drink mixed drinks (6.2%), and beer and wine by women (10.7%). Practically no differences were found between the playing positions. In conclusion, differences were found in FCFQ according to competitive level and sex


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    [EN] Multi-jet meters are important elements installed in hydrants of irrigation networks. These instruments measure the volume of water consumed in each plot. The measurement accuracy of these consumptions can vary the bill of the farmer and will distribute ina more equitable manner the water among the members of the Irrigation Community. However, its performance is affected by many parameters such as water quality, meter installation position, meters dimension, aging, etc ... (Pérez Perucha et al. 2011, Madurga et al. 2011, Palau et al. 2010, Arregui et al. 2007 ). In this work is studied in the Laboratory of Agricultural Engineering at the Universitat Politècnica de València, under different situations, the performance of multi-jet meters. Particularly, a phenomenon that often happens. The blocking of the turbine when during a short period of time the flow is abnormally high. After the study, it has been found that blocking is a common problem in the measurement of multi-jet meters when there is an inadequate design of the hydrant[ES] Los contadores de chorro múltiple son elementos importantes en los hidrantes multiusuario de redes de riego, ya que son los encargados de contabilizar el volumen de agua consumido en cada parcela. La precisión en la medida de estos consumos repercutirá en el recibo del propio agricultor y en un reparto del agua más equitativo entre los miembros de la Comunidad de Regantes. Sin embargo, su funcionamiento se ve afectado por múltiples parámetros como la calidad del agua, su posición de instalación, su inadecuado dimensionado, su envejecimiento, etc…(Pérez Perucha et al. 2011, Madurga et al. 2011, Palau et al. 2010, Arregui et al. 2007). En el presente trabajo se estudia mediante diferentes pruebas en el Laboratorio de Ingeniería Rural de la Universitat Politècnica de València, un fenómeno que les ocurre a menudo; el bloqueo de la turbina en contadores de velocidad cuando durante un corto periodo de tiempo circulan por ellos caudales anormalmente altos. Tras el estudio, se han encontrado problemas de bloqueo en la medición de los contadores de chorro múltiple por un diseño inadecuado en la configuración del hidrante multiusuario.Palau Estevan, CV.; Balbastre Peralta, I.; Arviza Valverde, J.; Sanchis Alós, LH. (2015). BLOQUEO DE CONTADORES DE CHORRO MÚLTIPLE EN HIDRANTES MULTIUSUARIO PARA RIEGO. En XXXIII CONGRESO NACIONAL DE RIEGOS. Valencia 16-18 junio de 2015. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/CNRiegos.2015.1455OC

    An application of an optimization tool to solve problems of mechanics of materials

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    This paper presents a study about using computational tools applied to a particular problem of Mechanics of Materials. Our purpose is, on one hand, to solve a structural problem in order to teach the application of an optimization tool, such as Excel Solver, by means of the calculation of the minimum weight in a shaft. On the other hand, we present an active learning methodology based on the creation of spreadsheets that contributes to enhancing the motivation of students. Since the evaluation of the subject takes into account the activity of creating the spreadsheets, the academic results have improved considerably.Juliá Sanchis, E.; Segura Alcaraz, JG.; Gadea Borrell, JM.; Masiá Vañó, J. (2011). An application of an optimization tool to solve problems of mechanics of materials. Spreadsheets in Education. 5(1):1-10. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/57511S1105