54 research outputs found

    Similarities and Differences in Sexual Risk Behaviors Between Young Black MSM Who Do and Do Not Have Sex with Females

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    The objective of this study is to determine whether young Black MSM who also have sex with females report similar levels of sexual risk behaviors as those not having sex with females. YBMSM (N = 400) were recruited from an STI clinic, located in the Southern U.S. Men completed an audio-computer assisted self-interview and donated specimens for STI/HIV testing. Forty-three percent recently engaged in penile-vaginal sex. They were less likely to report having concurrent partners (P = .01), unprotected fellatio (P = .04), multiple partners as a bottom (P \u3c .02), any unprotected anal sex as a bottom (P \u3c .013), and any anal sex (P = .007). They were equally likely to report favorable attitudes toward serosorting (P = .80), multiple male partners as a top (P = .20), unprotected anal insertive sex with males (P = .15). Frequency of sex with males as a top (P = .61) or bottom (P = .61) did not differ. Compared to YBMSM not having sex with females, those having sex with females may be exercising greater caution

    Long-term exposure to ambient air pollution and renal function in African Americans: the Jackson Heart Study

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    Renal dysfunction is prevalent in the US among African Americans. Air pollution is associated with renal dysfunction in mostly white American populations, but has not been studied among African Americans. We evaluated cross-sectional associations between 1-year and 3-year fine particulate matter (PM2.5) and ozone (O3) concentrations, and renal function among 5090 African American participants in the Jackson Heart Study. We used mixed-effect linear regression to estimate associations between 1-year and 3-year PM2.5 and O3 and estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR), urine albumin/creatinine ratio (UACR), serum creatinine, and serum cystatin C, adjusting for: sociodemographic factors, health behaviors, and medical history and accounting for clustering by census tract. At baseline, JHS participants had mean age 55.4 years, and 63.8% were female; mean 1-year and 3-year PM2.5 concentrations were 12.2 and 12.4 µg/m3, and mean 1-year and 3-year O3 concentrations were 40.2 and 40.7 ppb, respectively. Approximately 6.5% of participants had reduced eGFR ( 30 mg/g), both indicating impaired renal function. Annual and 3-year O3 concentrations were inversely associated with eGFR and positively associated with serum creatinine; annual and 3-year PM2.5 concentrations were inversely associated with UACR. We observed impaired renal function associated with increased O3 but not PM2.5 exposure among African Americans

    Neighborhood safety and adipose tissue distribution in African Americans: the Jackson Heart Study.

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    Patterns of fat distribution are heavily influenced by psychological stress, sex, and among women, by menopause status. Emerging evidence suggests the lack of perceived neighborhood safety due to crime may contribute to psychological stress and obesity among exposed residents. Our objective is to determine if perceived neighborhood safety is associated with abdominal adiposity among African-American men and women, and among pre- and postmenopausal women in the Jackson Heart Study.We examined associations between perceived neighborhood safety, fat distribution, and other individual-level covariates among Jackson Heart Study participants (N = 2,881). Abdominal adiposity was measured via computed tomography scans measuring the volumes of visceral, subcutaneous and total adipose tissue. We also measured body mass index (BMI), and waist circumference. Multivariable regression models estimated associations between perceived neighborhood safety, adiposity, and covariates by sex and menopause status.Adjusting for all covariates, women who strongly disagreed their neighborhood was safe from crime had a higher BMI compared to women who felt safe [Std B 0.083 95% CI (0.010, 0.156)]. Premenopausal women who felt most unsafe had higher BMI, waist circumference, and volumes of visceral and total adipose tissue than those who felt safe [Std B 0.160 (0.021, 0.299), Std B 0.142 (0.003, 0.280), Std B 0.150 (0.014, 0.285), Std B 0.154 (0.019, 0.290), respectively]. We did not identify associations between neighborhood safety and adiposity among men and postmenopausal women.Our data suggest that abdominal adipose tissue distribution patterns are associated with perceived neighborhood safety in some groups, and that patterns may differ by sex and menopause status, with most associations observed among pre-menopausal women. Further research is needed to elucidate whether there are causal mechanisms underlying sex and menopause-status differences that may mediate associations between perceived safety and abdominal adiposity and potential protective factors that may modify this risk
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