26 research outputs found

    Exploring the BEC-BCS Crossover with an Ultracold Gas of 6^6Li Atoms

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    We present an overview of our recent measurements on the crossover from a Bose-Einstein condensate of molecules to a Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer superfluid. The experiments are performed on a two-component spin-mixture of 6^6Li atoms, where a Fesh\-bach resonance serves as the experimental key to tune the s-wave scattering length and thus to explore the various interaction regimes. In the BEC-BCS crossover, we have characterized the interaction energy by measuring the size of the trapped gas, we have studied collective excitation modes, and we have observed the pairing gap. Our observations provide strong evidence for superfluidity in the strongly interacting Fermi gas.Comment: Proceedings of ICAP-2004 (Rio de Janeiro). Review on Innsbruck BEC-BCS crossover experiments with updated Feshbach resonance positio

    Precision Measurements of Collective Oscillations in the BEC-BCS Crossover

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    We report on precision measurements of the frequency of the radial compression mode in a strongly interacting, optically trapped Fermi gas of Li-6 atoms. Our results allow for a test of theoretical predictions for the equation of state in the BEC-BCS crossover. We confirm recent quantum Monte-Carlo results and rule out simple mean-field BCS theory. Our results show the long-sought beyond-mean-field effects in the strongly interacting BEC regime.Comment: improved discussion of small ellipticity and anharmonicity correction

    Precise determination of 6^6Li cold collision parameters by radio-frequency spectroscopy on weakly bound molecules

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    We employ radio-frequency spectroscopy on weakly bound 6^6Li2_2 molecules to precisely determine the molecular binding energies and the energy splittings between molecular states for different magnetic fields. These measurements allow us to extract the interaction parameters of ultracold 6^6Li atoms based on a multi-channel quantum scattering model. We determine the singlet and triplet scattering lengths to be as=45.167(8)a0a_s=45.167(8)a_0 and at=−2140(18)a0a_t=-2140(18)a_0 (1 a0a_0 = 0.0529177 nm), and the positions of the broad Feshbach resonances in the energetically lowest three s−s-wave scattering channels to be 83.41(15) mT, 69.04(5) mT, and 81.12(10) mT

    Bragg spectroscopy with an accelerating Bose-Einstein condensate

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    We present the results of Bragg spectroscopy performed on an accelerating Bose-Einstein condensate. The Bose condensate undergoes circular micro-motion in a magnetic TOP trap and the effect of this motion on the Bragg spectrum is analyzed. A simple frequency modulation model is used to interpret the observed complex structure, and broadening effects are considered using numerical solutions to the Gross-Pitaevskii equation.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, to appear in PRA. Minor changes to text and fig

    Finite Temperature Models of Bose-Einstein Condensation

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    The theoretical description of trapped weakly-interacting Bose-Einstein condensates is characterized by a large number of seemingly very different approaches which have been developed over the course of time by researchers with very distinct backgrounds. Newcomers to this field, experimentalists and young researchers all face a considerable challenge in navigating through the `maze' of abundant theoretical models, and simple correspondences between existing approaches are not always very transparent. This Tutorial provides a generic introduction to such theories, in an attempt to single out common features and deficiencies of certain `classes of approaches' identified by their physical content, rather than their particular mathematical implementation. This Tutorial is structured in a manner accessible to a non-specialist with a good working knowledge of quantum mechanics. Although some familiarity with concepts of quantum field theory would be an advantage, key notions such as the occupation number representation of second quantization are nonetheless briefly reviewed. Following a general introduction, the complexity of models is gradually built up, starting from the basic zero-temperature formalism of the Gross-Pitaevskii equation. This structure enables readers to probe different levels of theoretical developments (mean-field, number-conserving and stochastic) according to their particular needs. In addition to its `training element', we hope that this Tutorial will prove useful to active researchers in this field, both in terms of the correspondences made between different theoretical models, and as a source of reference for existing and developing finite-temperature theoretical models.Comment: Detailed Review Article on finite temperature theoretical techniques for studying weakly-interacting atomic Bose-Einstein condensates written at an elementary level suitable for non-experts in this area (e.g. starting PhD students). Now includes table of content

    Nearly Perfect Fluidity: From Cold Atomic Gases to Hot Quark Gluon Plasmas

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    Shear viscosity is a measure of the amount of dissipation in a simple fluid. In kinetic theory shear viscosity is related to the rate of momentum transport by quasi-particles, and the uncertainty relation suggests that the ratio of shear viscosity eta to entropy density s in units of hbar/k_B is bounded by a constant. Here, hbar is Planck's constant and k_B is Boltzmann's constant. A specific bound has been proposed on the basis of string theory where, for a large class of theories, one can show that eta/s is greater or equal to hbar/(4 pi k_B). We will refer to a fluid that saturates the string theory bound as a perfect fluid. In this review we summarize theoretical and experimental information on the properties of the three main classes of quantum fluids that are known to have values of eta/s that are smaller than hbar/k_B. These fluids are strongly coupled Bose fluids, in particular liquid helium, strongly correlated ultracold Fermi gases, and the quark gluon plasma. We discuss the main theoretical approaches to transport properties of these fluids: kinetic theory, numerical simulations based on linear response theory, and holographic dualities. We also summarize the experimental situation, in particular with regard to the observation of hydrodynamic behavior in ultracold Fermi gases and the quark gluon plasma.Comment: 76 pages, 11 figures, review article, extensive revision