15,395 research outputs found

    Ordered samples control charts for ordinal variables

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    The paper presents a new method for statistical process control when ordinal variables are involved. This is the case of a quality characteristic evaluated by an ordinal scale. The method allows a statistical analysis without exploiting an arbitrary numerical conversion of scale levels and without using the traditional sample synthesis operators (sample mean and variance). It consists of a different approach based on the use of a new sample scale obtained by ordering the original variable sample space according to some specific ‘dominance criteria' fixed on the basis of the monitored process haracteristics. Samples are directly reported on the chart and no distributional shape is assumed for the population (universe) of evaluations. Finally, a practical application of the method in the health sector is provided

    Supersymmetric LHC phenomenology without a light Higgs boson

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    After a brief discussion of the mass of the Higgs in supersymmetry, I introduce \lambdaSUSY, a model with an extra chiral singlet superfield in addition to the MSSM field content. The key features of the model are: the superpotential W=\lambda S H_d H_u with a large coupling \lambda and the resulting lightest Higgs with mass above 200GeV. The main part of my contribution will be about how \lambdaSUSY manifests itself at the LHC. Discoveries of gluino, squarks and in particular of the three lightest neutral Higgs bosons are discussed.Comment: Submitted for the SUSY07 proceedings, 4 pages, LaTeX, 4 eps figure

    Energy peaks: a high energy physics outlook

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    Energy distributions of decay products carry information on the kinematics of the decay in ways that are at the same time straightforward and quite hidden. I will review these properties and discuss their early historical applications as well as more recent ones in the context of i) methods for the measurement of masses of new physics particle with semi-invisible decays, ii) the characterization of Dark Matter particles produced at colliders, iii) precision mass measurements of Standard Model particles, in particular of the top quark. Finally I will give an outlook of further developments and applications of energy peaks method for high energy physics at colliders and beyond.Comment: Review written for MPLA; typos corrected, references adde

    A Survey of Quality Engineering-ManagementJournals by Bibliometric Indicators

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    This paper analyses some of the most popular scientific journals in the Quality field from the point of view of three bibliometric indicators: the Hirsch (h) index for journals, the total number of citations and the h-spectrum. In particular, h-spectrum is a novel tool based on h, making it possible to (i) identify a reference profile of the typical authors of a journal; (ii) compare different journals; and (iii) provide a rough indication of their ‘bibliometric positioning' in the scientific community. Results of this analysis can be helpful for guiding potential authors and members of the scientific community in the Quality Engineering/Management area. A large amount of empirical data are presented and discusse

    The Hirsch spectrum: a novel tool for analysing scientific journals

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    This paper introduces the Hirsch spectrum (h-spectrum) for analyzing the academic reputation of a scientific journal. h-Spectrum is a novel tool based on the Hirsch (h) index. It is easy to construct: considering a specific journal in a specific interval of time, h-spectrum is defined as the distribution representing the h-indexes associated to the authors of the journal articles. This tool allows defining a reference profile of the typical author of a journal, compare different journals within the same scientific field, and provide a rough indication of prestige/reputation of a journal in the scientific community. h-Spectrum can be associated to every journal. Ten specific journals in the Quality Engineering/Quality Management field are analyzed so as to preliminarily investigate the h-spectrum characteristic

    Regularity in the research output of individual scientists: An empirical analysis by recent bibliometric tools

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    This paper proposes an empirical analysis of several scientists based on their time regularity, defined as the ability of generating an active and stable research output over time, in terms of both quantity/publications and impact/citations. In particular, we empirically analyse three recent bibliometric tools to perform qualitative/quantitative evaluations under the new perspective of regularity. These tools are respectively (1) the PY/CY diagram, (2) the publication/citation Ferrers diagram and triad indicators, and (3) a year-by-year comparison of the scientists' output (Borda's ranking). Results of the regularity analysis are then compared with those obtained under the classical perspective of overall production. The proposed evaluation tools can be applied to competitive examinations for research position/promotion, as complementary instruments to the commonly adopted bibliometric technique