132 research outputs found

    Landskabet som iscenesætter: Vandringsforestillingen A WAY, Mols, 2016.

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    Landskabet som iscenesætter er et essay af Christine Fentz som omhandler Secret Hotels Vandrefore- stilling A WAY, Mols (2016). Under titlen ”Landscape Dialogues” undersøger Secret Hotel i disse år krydsfeltet mellem deltagerinddragende scenekunst og relationel kunst, bæredygtige tilgange, landskaber og interdisciplinære samarbejder. Vandreforestillingen A WAY blev skabt som en del af denne fortløbende undersøgelse i et samarbejde med den tyske instruktør og teaterpædagog Uta Plate

    Between ants, humans, disciplinarities and worldviews: creating a performative work from an interdisciplinary starting-point

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    This article examines the interdisciplinary working processes involved in creating a performing arts piece about ants. It maps the collaboration between performing artists and scientists from other research areas. It is an investigation of how to approach interdisciplinary work while also navigating different worldviews, using each other as new prisms on oneself and on unknown material

    Of art and of land

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    A presentation of the performing artwork of Secret Hotel and the work of Earthwise Residency – both entities work with the more-than-human, and therefore with an innate sustainable set of values. This also applies to the biannual interdisciplinary symposium Earthbound, which is also presented

    Veje og vildveje:Om idealer i kunstnerisk forskning

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    Veje og vildveje: Om idealer i kunstnerisk forskning

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    In this article we present our view on artistic research both in principle and through an art work which comprises both artistic practice and research. Our intention is to emphasize the notion of artistic research in contrast to research [udviklingsvirksomhed] which we ind to be, for strategic reasons, a problematic notion in regard to positioning the field in international as well as in national contexts

    Effect of long-term voluntary exercise wheel running on susceptibility to bacterial pulmonary infections in a mouse model

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    Regular moderate exercise has been suggested to exert anti-inflammatory effects and improve immune effector functions, resulting in reduced disease incidence and viral infection susceptibility. Whether regular exercise also affects bacterial infection susceptibility is unknown. The aim of this study was to investigate whether regular voluntary exercise wheel running prior to a pulmonary infection with bacteria (P. aeruginosa) affects lung bacteriology, sickness severity and phagocyte immune function in mice. Balb/c mice were randomly placed in a cage with or without a running wheel. After 28 days, mice were intranasally infected with P. aeruginosa. Our study showed that regular exercise resulted in a higher sickness severity score and bacterial (P. aeruginosa) loads in the lungs. The phagocytic capacity of monocytes and neutrophils from spleen and lungs was not affected. Although regular moderate exercise has many health benefits, healthy mice showed increased bacterial (P. aeruginosa) load and symptoms, after regular voluntary exercise, with perseverance of the phagocytic capacity of monocytes and neutrophils. Whether patients, suffering from bacterial infectious diseases, should be encouraged to engage in exercise and physical activities with caution requires further research

    Exercise-induced molecular mechanisms promoting glycogen supercompensation in human skeletal muscle

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    Objective: A single bout of exercise followed by intake of carbohydrates leads to glycogen supercompensation in prior exercised muscle. Our objective was to illuminate molecular mechanisms underlying this phenomenon in skeletal muscle of man. Methods: We studied the temporal regulation of glycogen supercompensation in human skeletal muscle during a 5 day recovery period following a single bout of exercise. Nine healthy men depleted (day 1), normalized (day 2) and supercompensated (day 5) muscle glycogen in one leg while the contralateral leg served as a resting control. Euglycemic hyperinsulinemic clamps in combination with leg balance technique allowed for investigating insulin-stimulated leg glucose uptake under these 3 experimental conditions. Cellular signaling in muscle biopsies was investigated by global proteomic analyses and immunoblotting. We strengthened the validity of proposed molecular effectors by follow-up studies in muscle of transgenic mice. Results: Sustained activation of glycogen synthase (GS) and AMPK in combination with elevated expression of proteins determining glucose uptake capacity were evident in the prior exercised muscle. We hypothesize that these alterations offset the otherwise tight feedback inhibition of glycogen synthesis and glucose uptake by glycogen. In line with key roles of AMPK and GS seen in the human experiments we observed abrogated ability for glycogen supercompensation in muscle with inducible AMPK deletion and in muscle carrying a G6P-insensitive form of GS in muscle. Conclusion: Our study demonstrates that both AMPK and GS are key regulators of glycogen supercompensation following a single bout of glycogen-depleting exercise in skeletal muscle of both man and mouse. Keywords: AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), TBC1 domain family member 4 (TBC1D4), Glycogen synthase (GS), Glucose uptake, Exercise, Insulin actio

    Inducible deletion of skeletal muscle AMPKα 1 reveals that AMPK is required for nucleotide balance but dispensable for muscle glucose uptake and fat oxidation during exercise

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    International audienceObjective: Current evidence for AMPK-mediated regulation of skeletal muscle metabolism during exercise is mainly based on transgenic mouse models with chronic (lifelong) disruption of AMPK function. Findings based on such models are potentially biased by secondary effects related to chronic lack of AMPK function. In an attempt to study the direct effect(s) of AMPK on muscle metabolism during exercise, we generated a new mouse model with inducible muscle-specific deletion of AMPKα catalytic subunits in adult mice.Methods: Tamoxifen-inducible and muscle-specific AMPKα1/α2 double KO mice (AMPKα imdKO) were generated using the Cre/loxP system with the Cre driven by the human skeletal muscle actin (HSA) promotor.Results: During treadmill running at the same relative exercise intensity, AMPKα imdKO mice showed greater depletion of muscle ATP, which was associated with accumulation of the deamination product IMP. Muscle-specific deletion of AMPKα in adult mice promptly reduced maximal running speed, muscle glycogen content and was associated with reduced expression of UGP2, a key component of the glycogen synthesis pathway. Muscle mitochondrial respiration, whole body substrate utilization as well as muscle glucose uptake and fatty acid (FA) oxidation during muscle contractile activity remained unaffected by muscle-specific deletion AMPKα subunits in adult mice.Conclusions: Inducible deletion of AMPKα subunits in adult mice reveals that AMPK is required for maintaining muscle ATP levels and nucleotide balance during exercise, but is dispensable for regulating muscle glucose uptake, FA oxidation and substrate utilization during exercise

    Dramaturger om dramaturgi: enquete

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    Ten Danish dramatrugs from different theatrical fields tell about their daily work and experoences, and their visions for the changing role of the dramaturg in contemporary theatr

    The effect of age and unilateral leg immobilisation for 2 weeks on substrate ulilisation during moderate-intensity exercise in human skeletal muscle

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    Age and inactivity have been associated with intramuscular triglyceride (IMTG) accumulation. Here, we attempt to disentangle these factors by studying the effect of 2 weeks of unilateral leg immobilization on substrate utilization across the legs during moderate-intensity exercise in young (n = 17; 23 ± 1 years old) and older men (n = 15; 68 ± 1 years old), while the contralateral leg served as the control. After immobilization, the participants performed two-legged isolated knee-extensor exercise at 20±1W(_50% maximalwork capacity) for 45 min with catheters inserted in the brachial artery and both femoral veins.Biopsy samples obtained from vastus lateralis muscles of both legs before and after exercise were used for analysis of substrates, protein content and enzyme activities. During exercise, leg substrate utilization (respiratoryquotient) did not differ between groups or legs. Leg fatty acid uptake was greater in older than in young men, and although young men demonstrated net leg glycerol release during exercise, older men showed net glycerol uptake. At baseline, IMTG, muscle pyruvate dehydrogenase complex activity and the protein content of adipose triglyceride lipase, acetyl-CoA carboxylase 2 and AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK)γ3 were higher in young than in older men. Furthermore, adipose triglyceride lipase, plasma membrane-associated fatty acid binding protein and AMPKγ3 subunit protein contents were lower and IMTG was higher in the immobilized than the contralateral leg in young and older men. Thus, immobilization and age did not affect substrate choice (respiratory quotient) during moderate exercise, but the whole-leg and molecular differences in fatty acid mobilization could explain the age- and immobilization-induced IMTG accumulation
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