6,067 research outputs found

    Bound person forms in ditransitive clauses revisited.

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    In a recent article Gensler (2003) has argued that little can be said about the ordering of bound person markers of the T(heme) and R(ecipient) relative to each other or relative to the verb stem apart from the fact that the outer markers are likely to be the result of a second-level cliticization process. We take issue with this claim and document that quite successful predictions with respect to the ordering of the T and R markers can be made on the basis of morphological alignment. Taking as our point of departure the typology of ditransitive alignment outlined in Haspelmath (2004; 2005), we show that the ordering patterns in which the R is placed closer to the verbal stem than the T are favoured in all relevant alignment types apart from the indirective, which exhibits a preference for positioning the T closer to the verbal stem than the R. These preferences for the ordering of the R and T are argued to relate directly to the frequency of use of the relative person forms and thus are seen as constituting yet another piece of evidence for the usage-based model of grammar being developed within the functional-cognitive typological paradigm (cf. e.g. Barlow & Kemmer 2000; Bybee & Hopper 2001; Tomasello 2003)


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    underlying representation in a more or less across the board fashion, only taking into consideration the language dependent semantic function hierarchy. This approach bypasses a number of constraints on subject assignment that may be gathered from typological data, and observed from the actual behaviour of speakers. In this contribution, we make an attempt to reinterpret FG syntactic functions in the light of the FDG model. Following ideas from GivĂłn (1997), we propose a treatment of Subject assignment on the basis of a combination of semantic and pragmatic factors of the relevant referents and other functional aspects of underlying representations. The assignment rules adhere to the respective hierarchies as discussed in the typological literature. In our proposal, Subject (and Object) assignment are now located in the expression component, more specifically in the dynamic version of the expression rules as proposed in Bakker (2001)


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    Persaingan yang sangat ketat menuntut para pengelola bisnis untuk dapat terus bertahan dan melakukan efisiensi dalam aktifitas bisnisnya. Inventori menjadi suatu aktivitas yang mendapat perhatian lebih dalam suatu perusahaan, karena aktivitas ini cukup memberikan cost yang tinggi apabila tidak dikelola dengan baik. Oleh karena itu perusahaan yang berhasil mengelola inventorinya adalah perusahaan yang bisa bersaing dalam era perasaingan yang sangat ketat seperti sekarang ini. Biaya inventori tidak hanya ada pada sisi Supplier akan tetapi ditingkat wholeseler sampai retiler hingga barang tersebut dapat diterima konsumen disana pasti ada cost yang dikeluarkan, oleh karena itu perlu ada pengelolaan yang baik yang biasa dikenal dengan Supply Chain Management. Pada saat ini PT. Ultrajaya Milk Industry & Trading Company masih melakukan cara tradisional untuk mengelola aktivitas Supply chain-nya. Hal ini masih terjadi karena aktivitas hubungan supllier dan retailer masih berjalan kurang baik.Teknologi internet sudah hampir menjadi komponen yang wajib untuk setiap perusahaan yang ingin tetap dapat bersaing. Teknologi internet telah digunakan sebagai sarana informasi sampai kegiatan e-bussines pun telah dilakukan. Sebagai salah satu alternatif untuk mengatasi kondisi seperti diatas maka teknologi internet disertakan dalam pengelolaan supply chain terutama untuk sebagai alat bantu untuk dapat menerapkan strategi dalam supply chain yaitu melakukan patnership dengan menggunakan strategi Quick Response Logistic yang memungkinkan lebih efektifnya proses order dan sharing data antara semua komponen supply chain.Kelebihan kelebihan yang bisa didapat dari penerapan strategi partnership dan system informasi sebagai tools pendukungnya adalah pertama, dapat memberikan keunggulan dari sisi lead time. Dalam manajemen supply chain yang menjadi hal penting adalah lead time, hal ini sangat berkaitan erat dengan waktu, diamana dalam manajemen supply chain waktu merupakan cost atau keuntungan, atau parameter tinggi rendahnya tingkat layanan yang diberikan. Kedua, keunggulan dalam forecating. Dengan menerapkan strategi patnership error dalam forecsting yang kebanyakan terjadi karena penggandaan forecasting dapat dieliminasi karena dengan adanya hubungan yang baik serta keterikatan yang saling menguntukan antar komponen supply chain maka memungkinkan untuk terjadinya single forecasting, dimana data POS (Point of sales) dapat digunakan bersama oleh setiap level dengan adanya kemampuan sistem informasi yang terintegrasi. Ketiga, dapat memberikan keunggulan dalam koordinasi. Dengan adanya patnership yang baik maka informasi dan koordinasi mengenai feed back dari peroduk yang telah ada dipasar akan semakin cepat dan akurat, sehingga waktu untuk menyiapkan dan memperbaiki produk akan lebih cepat dan tepat sesuai dengan keinginan dan kebutuhan konsumen. Supply Chain, Strategi Patnership, Quick Response Logistic, Sistem Informas

    Channeling of Electrons in a Crossed Laser Field

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    In this article a new analytical description of the effective interaction potential for a charged particle in the field of two interfering laser beams is presented. The potential dependence on the lasers intensities, orientation and parameters of the particle entering the considered system is analyzed. It is shown for the case of arbitrary lasers crossing angle that for different values of projectile velocity the attracting potential becomes a scattering one so that the channel axes and borders interchange each other. In addition the projectile radiation spectral distribution is given and general estimations on the expected beam radiation yield are outlined


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    The Netherlands has a rather long history of developing models in the field of regional forecasts. Among othter things, these forecasts are used as an instrument for planning of house-building. In 2004 Statistics Netherlands and the Spatial Planning Bureau started with the development of a new model, called PEARL (which stands for 'Population Extrapolations At Regional Level'). It is an integrated model for the forecast of the population (by ethnic group) and households. PEARL will be used to regionalize the official forecasts of population (by ethnic group) and households at the national level, which are compiled by Statistics Netherlands. The lowest level of the regional forecasts will be the municipal level, which permits the aggregation to larger NUTS regions, such as 'COROP' and 'province'. The forecast-horizon of the regional forecasts will be 15 to 20 years, although computations for a longer period are possible. An important objective of PEARL is to be considered as the official regional forecast, from 2007 onwards. Assumptions on demographic (growth) components (fertility, mortality, internal and external migration) and transition rates (with respect to the life course) will be formulated at the municipal level. These assumptions are used as input for PEARL. In this way transparency of the outcomes of the model is promoted. In order to achieve consistency between population and households, PEARL consists of both a macro- and a micro-layer. At the macro-layer (the municipal level) the assumptions are applied, while in the micro-layer (individual level) the resulting events are administrated. In this way the micro-layer consists of approximately 16 million persons and approximately 7 million households. In switching between the macro- and the micro-layer PEARL distinguishes itself from more conventional models. The primary goal is to use PEARL as a (robust) instrument for forecasting. However, it may also be used as a tool for compiling scenarios. This can be done at the macro level (by formulating alternative assumptions at the municipal level), but also at the micro level (by using alternative figures on risks). In the last application PEARL is used as a micro-simulation model. The software program PEARL is written in Delphi-5. The intention is to publish first outcomes (with a limited scope) in the second half of 2005

    Status-dependent and strategic growth adjustments in female cooperative cichlids

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    Male group-living cichlids show status and strategic adjustments in growth, but females appear not to show these growth adjustments. Here, an experimental study in the Lake Tanganyika cichlid Neolamprologus pulcher elaborates on these findings. Females did not show status-dependent growth: (1) Growth in females decelerated with body size but did not depend on social status (breeder or helper), and (2) female helpers did not increase their growth rate after becoming a breeder. Females showed limited evidence for strategic growth: (3) Female helpers did not significantly adjust their growth rate depending on the treatments (comparing female helpers living in groups with a small or a large breeder female); but within the small breeder female treatment, helper growth was significantly related to their body size difference (breeder size-helper size), suggesting a strong non-linear effect of size differences on female helper growth. I conclude that these female cichlids show no status-dependent growth and only strategic growth adjustments when the size difference between the helper female and her breeder female is particularly smal
