14 research outputs found

    Government, Public Broadcasting and the Urge to Censor

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    Jezikovni kolonializem in preživetje podrejenih jezikov: angleščina in irščina

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    Vsiljevanje jezikov kolonializatorjev in marginalizacija jezikov podrejenih kultur je bistveni vidik kolonializma. Tovrstni pritiski lahko delujejo znotraj nacionalnih držav (pr. kastiljščina proti katalonščini in baskovščini v Španiji) in med državami (npr. v obdobju japonske kolonializacije Koreje). Na severozahodu Evrope je angleščina izrinila keltske jezike na rob izumrtja in prevzela vlogo internega in eksternega komunikacijskega sistema na keltskem področju. Dvanajst jezikov v sodobnem svetu igra vlogo globalnega ali regionalnega sporazumevalnega jezika. Med njimi ima angleščina posebno mesto, saj omogoča komuniciranje med dvojezičnimi govorci, ki obvladajo svoj lastni jezik in "super-centralni jezik". Uporabniki perifernih jezikov se učijo "super-centralnega jezika". Nasproti dominantnemu položaju angleščine, so v globalnem jezikovnem sistemu majhni jeziki blizu istrebljenju, zlasti kjer so izključeni iz komunikacijskih in administrativnih aparatov države (irščina). Sistematično marginalizacijo naj bi zaustavil TV program v irščini, ki ga bojo začeli predvajati 1996. Ta prizadevanja so povezana z obnovljenim občutkom etnične identitete med Irci

    La investigación sobre comunicación de masas en Europa: Irlanda

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    Les qüestions sobre els mitjans de comunicació i sobre la identitat cultural apareixen relativament tard en l'agenda de la invesgiació irlandes. El pes de la cultura acadèmica anglesa en deixa sentir en la recerca irlandesa sobre els mitjans, caracteritzada per una tradició pròpia dels cultural studies que ha rebut més influència dels estudis literaris que de la sociologia. La línia més important en la investigació irlandesa és, de lluny, la dedicada a les qüestions de la representació mediàtica dels fenòmens i els fets socials, polítics o de indentitat nacional, per bé que ha incorporat mètodes i conceptes dels estudis de la recepció

    Political communication: an overview

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    Politična instrumentalnost kulturnega spomina: primer Irske

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    This paper examines how cultural memory relates to political communication, especially in polities where the stability of political structures cannot be assumed. It argues that the dominant thrust of political communication research is to emphasise the synchronic dimension in political culture at the expense of the diachronic. This makes it more difficult to discern the role played by political actors who can achieve control over the shaping and parsing of the reservoir of stored meaning that is embedded in cultural memory. The diachronic dimension in political communication can be examined most clearly at those "sites of memory" where the slow formation of ideology, consensus and collective identity takes place. These reflections on the relationship between time, memory and the exercise of political power are worked out in a case study of contemporary Ireland, where moves in the late 1990s to end the conflict in Northern Ireland have yielded political structures that are still quite unstable, where the past surges into the present in scenarios quite unlike what is often described as the flattening oftime and memory assumed to be at the heart of late modernity.Članek proučuje povezanost kulturnega spomina s političnim komuniciranjem, zlasti v razmerah, ko politične strukture niso stabilne. Ugotavlja, da raziskovanje političnega komuniciranja postavlja v ospredje sinhrono razsežnost politične kulture na račun diahrone. Zaradi tega je težje izluščiti vlogo političnih akterjev, ki lahko vzpostavijo nadzor nad oblikovanjem in razčlenjevanjem zaloge pomenov, shranjenih v kulturnem spominu. Diahrono razsežnost političnega komuniciranja je mogoče najjasneje proučevati na tistih "prostorih spomina", kjer počasi poteka oblikovanje ideologije, konsenza in kolektivne identitete. Razmišljanja o odnosu med časom, spominom in politično močjo so izpeljana v študijo primera sodobne Irske, kjer so pobude za končanje konflikta v Severni Irski ob koncu devetdesetih letih vzpostavile politične strukture, ki so še vedno dokaj nestabilne, kjer preteklost buri sedanjost s scenariji, ki so vse prej kot laskanje spominu in času, ki naj bi bilo v jedru pozne moderne

    La investigació sobre comunicació de masses a Europa : Irlanda

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    Les qüestions sobre els mitjans de comunicaió i sobre la identitat cultural apareixen relativament tard en l'agenda de la investigació irlandesa. El pes de la cultura acadèmica anglesa es deixa sentir en la recerca irlandesa sobre els mitjans, caracteritzada per una tradició pròpia dels cultural studies, que ha rebut més influència dels estudis literaris que de la sociologia. Hi ha signes recents d'una influència de la teoria social contemporània en aquell vocabulari crític, influència emanada dels debats globals sobre el capitalisme avançat, l'imperialisme i les formes culturals. La línia més important en la investigació irlandesa és, de lluny, la dedicada a les qüestions de la representació mediàtica dels fenòmens i els fets socials, polítics o d'identitat nacional, per bé que ha incorporat mètodes i conceptes dels estudis de la recepció.Las cuestiones sobre los medios de comunicación y sobre la identidad cultural aparecen relativamente tarde en la agenda de la investigación irlandesa. El peso de la cultura académica inglesa se deja sentir en la investigación irlandesa sobre los medios, caracterizada ésta por una tradición propia de los cultural studies, que ha recibido más influencia de los estudios literarios que de la sociología. Existen signos recientes de una influencia de la teoría social contemporánea en el vocabulario crítico, influencia emanada de los debates globales sobre el capitalismo avanzado, el imperialismo y las formas culturales. La línea más importante en la investigación irlandesa es, de lejos, la dedicada a las cuestiones de la representación mediática de los fenómenos y de los hechos sociales, políticos o de identidad nacional, a pesar de que ha incorporado métodos y conceptos de los estudios de recepción.Questions relating to the media and cultural identity are a relative late-comer on the agenda of Irish research. There is a strong influence of the English academic world on Irish media research, characterised as it is by a tradition of cultural studies which owes more to literary studies than to sociology. There have been recent signs of the influence of contemporary social theory on the critical vocabulary, which has arisen from the global debates on advanced capitalism, imperialism and cultural forms. By far the most important line of research in Ireland is that which concentrates on the media representation of social and political events and phenomena, as well as those relating to national identity, although there has also been some attention given to the methods and concepts involved in reception studies

    Digital television in Ireland

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    Razvoj digitalne televizije v Evropi je v fazi, ko so nekateri institucionalniakterji morali priznati polom, drugi pa so utrdili svoj položaj. Zemeljska digitalna televizija, ki so jo pred nekaj leti mnogi sprejemali kot najverejetnejši temelj razvoja zaradi univerzalnosti dostopa innizke cene, doživlja preobrat v mnogih delih Evrope. Članek obravnava vzrokeza tako spremembo v delu Evrope, kjer digitalna televizija niti ni začela delovati kljub intenzivnemu načrtovanju javne radiotelevizije RTE in vlade. Politična inertnost, zamude in zlom zaupanja investitorjev v nove medije so onemogočili razvoj digitalne televizije in vstop globalnih operaterjev na irski trg. To je nauk za druge dele Evrope, kako hitro lahko nova tehnologija uide demokratičnemu nadzoru kljub najboljšim namenom načrtovalcev in kako globalne sile, ki se odzivajo le na zahteve trga, hitro zapolnijo praznino, ko ni nacionalnega načrtovanja. Študija podrobneje predstavlja problem erozije nacionalne suverenosti v komunikacijski politiki vvse bolj globaliziranem okolju.It is becoming clear that as digital television is rolled out across Europe, it is now in a "shake-out" phase where some institutional actors fail and others consolidate their activities. Digital Terrestrial Television (DTT), hailed a few years ago as the platform most likely to succeed because of its universal reach and its low cost to both signal distributors and viewers, is now suffering severe reversals in many parts of Europe. This paper explores the reasons for this in one part of Europe, where DTT didn\u27t even get to the point of being launched, despite the fact that intense planning took place over several years, involving both the public service broadcaster RTE and the Government. Political inertia, long delays and the collapse of global investorconfidence in new media combined to freeze out the development of DTT and open the way for global operators to launch both cable and satellite platforms and seize new opportunities in a wide-open Irish market. The lesson for other parts of Europe is how easily democratic control of a major new communication technology can slip away, despite the best intentions of planners at the highest level, and how global forces, responding only to market imperatives, slip in to fill the void when national planning collapses.A case study approach demonstrates the detail of how the efficacy ofnational sovereignty in communication policy is eroded in an environment that is increasingly globalised

    Arts council of the air: switching attention from the service to the programme

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    The cultural context of Irish broadcasting

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    Includes bibliographical references.The broadcast media are cultural innovations and spread through a society according to the same principles as other cultural innovations. A range of societal influences creates a climate favorable for the emergence and widespread adoption of the innovation. Study of the media is, therefore, not complete without a study of the ways in which society influences and determines the kind of mass media it eventually ends up with. Too often, broadcasting systems have been studied in total isolation from their cultural ambience, as if their only constitutive elements were legal and administrative. This approach falls short of taking into account all the forces, both sustaining and debilitating, which determine the kind of voice broadcasting will have. The main premise of this study is that Irish broadcasting reflects and is conditioned by the culture in which it is situated. Its unique structure of control, its peculiar set of institutional norms, its characteristic forms of content, its specific kind of financial support, and its clearly defined and implicit forms of relationship to other important cultural institutions, are all influenced by the historical dimension of Irish culture. The phenomenon of historical telescoping is a major element in keeping alive the tradition of nationalism in Ireland which stills finds outlets in activities as diverse as revolutionary violence and the movement to revive the Irish language. This tradition is based on a subtle substratum of images that have their roots in the long relationship with England and in the history of the Catholic Church in Ireland. Modern Ireland has been moved by both to an extremism that is at once puritanical and nationalistic. This extremism, especially in its manifestations in state-controlled censorship, has alienated many Irish artists from the concerns of the state, including broadcasting. Changes in the whole political climate in Ireland, precipitated by events in Northern Ireland, are already changing the structure of Irish broadcasting and its relationship with the government. Technological innovations, such as the advent of color, satellite and cable television, are forcing some other changes that have yet to be tested against the forces of Irish culture.M.A. (Master of Arts