217 research outputs found

    Creditor Courts

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    One of the largest institutional creditors in the United States is perhaps the most unexpected: the criminal court system. Each year, creditor courts collect more than $15 billion in revenues from criminal defendants. These fees are the lifeblood of the modern criminal legal system. In this Article, we shed new light on the legal and economic framework under which myriad stakeholders operate in these creditor courts. By analyzing new survey data from clerks of court and 102 contracts with debt collection agencies in Florida, we provide general insights how creditor courts distort incentives and teem with conflicts of interest. These inefficiencies regularly disrupt the financial stability of the judiciary as well as the lives of the largely indigent criminal defendants who remain indebted to this system. As we show, legislators, clerks of court, and the judiciary writ large subject criminal defendants to unconstrained coercion through the use of so-called “user fees.” Leveraging campaign finance data and publicly available litigation material, we also find suggestive evidence of possible quid pro quo rewards between collection agencies assigned to collect debt on behalf of courts and the clerks of court tasked with administering them. We argue that state constitutional reforms that eliminate creditor courts and mandate courts be funded from general state revenues are the only meaningful ways to permanently redress the social costs generated by criminal monetary sanctions

    Down in Cranberry Town

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    Hubungan Putri Tanjung Sebagai Influencer dengan Brand Awareness Program “Ngobrol Sore Semaunya”

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    The more technology develops, the more a company's marketing strategy will develop, for example, influencers use. Ngobrol Sore Semaunya (NSS) is CXO Media's brand that presents content by exploring the inspiring stories of a famous figure. NSS's host is Putri Tanjung, and she is a presidential special staff, entrepreneur, and influencer. Therefore, this study aims to examine the strength of the relationship and the significance of the relationship between Putri Tanjung as an influencer and NSS' brand awareness. The theory used in this study is a two-step flow of communication, and the method used is quantitative by distributing questionnaires. The population of this study is 25,000 followers of NSS's Instagram. The sample is 100 people, which is selected through simple random sampling. The result showed a high relationship with positive direction relation between Putri Tanjung as an influencer and NSS brand awareness.Seiring perkembangan teknologi, strategi pemasaran perusahaan akan berkembang, misalnya dengan penggunaan influencer. Ngobrol Sore Semaunya (NSS) merupakan brand milik oleh CXO Media yang menyajikan konten dengan menggali kisah inspiratif tokoh terkenal. Pembawa acara NSS adalah Putri Tanjung yang merupakan seorang staf khusus presiden, entrepreneur dan influencer. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti kekuatan hubungan, besarnya sumbangan dan signifikansi hubungan antara Putri Tanjung sebagai influencer dengan brand awareness NSS. Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah two-step flow of communication dan metode yang digunakan adalah kuantitatif melalui penyebaran kuesioner. Populasi dari penelitian ini adalah 25.000 pengikut Instagram NSS dan sampel sebanyak 100 orang dari populasi yang dipilih melalui pendekatan simple random sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang tinggi dengan arah hubungan positif antara Putri Tanjung sebagai influencer dengan brand awareness NSS

    Developing Model of Flexible Periodic Vehicle Routing Problem (FPVRP) Considering Color Combination Requirements for a Paint Distribution System

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    The distribution system in paint product’s sector does have some unique complexities. Within a developing technology, paint products are now wider in color range, faster in manufacturing, and better in quality. Even now it is possible to create a desired color instantly using on-spot paint tinting machine technology (One thousand color policy). Flexible Periodic Vehicle Routing Problem (FPVRP) is a tool chosen within planning the paint distribution system. Paint distributor will be able to plan the deliveries on a weekly planning horizon. The model is developed from previous research by adding the multi-product criteria (weighted bill of color consideration) as well as multi-capacity vehicle criteria to help paint distributors in making a better decision of routing. The benefits obtained from FPVRP decision tools is the increased flexibility of routing options considering the visit frequency, routing sequence and also the selection of the vehicle used which save cost up to 59.85%. Nevertheless, as a drawback, this model requires a very long computational time and some unexpected shut down often occurred especially during calculations for bigger data siz

    Libbie & Grove Urban Design Plan

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    This plan was created for the City of Richmond Department of Planning and Development Review to serve as a recommendation for urban design improvements and suggested changes to zoning ordinances for the Libbie and Grove commercial area located in the Westhampton neighborhood. To begin, an in-depth demographic analysis was conducted for the Westhampton neighborhood. Special attention was paid to socioeconomic factors and trends in census tracts directly surrounding the Libbie and Grove commercial corridor. Based on these analyses and new development occurring in the Libbie and Grove commercial corridor, we were able to allocate six sites or “study areas” as candidates for redevelopment. All of these sites represent valuable areas within the Libbie and Grove commercial corridor. The sites were selected and designed with different intentions, but aim to create a complete streetscape for the commercial area. Based on this analysis and study, it is our recommendation that a new zoning code be implemented for the Libbie and Grove commercial area in order to codify form based design requirements in order to preserve and enhance a village feel at Grove and Libbie and promote compatible future development

    Briquette Combustion Characteristics of Cerbera Manghas Leaves with Rejected Pineapple as Binding Agent as a Sustainable Fuel

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    Litter from fallen leaves of the Cerbera manghas plant is commonly found throughout Indonesia. Various studies have shown that briquettes formed from the falling leaves of Cerbera manghas may be able to reduce waste and be used as a new energy source. However, previous studies employed tapioca as a binding agent for briquettes, which is an edible starch, and their use as a binder competes with the availability of food resources. Alternatively, rejected pineapple would be used as a binding agent to remedy the problem since it is not edible and reduces unused waste. The briquette was subsequently researched to determine the optimal production parameters as well as its potential as a sustainable fuel. The 95% to 5% ratio of biomass to briquette is used to achieve a high calorific value of 4338.79 kcal/kg while maintaining the structure of the briquette in check. The usage of this briquette is supported by both the calorific value test and ultimate analyses. According to the research on the four combustion characteristics (ignition time, burning temperature, combustion rate, and burning time), the composition that gives the best briquette is obtained by using a particle size of 60 mesh and compressed by the hydraulic pressure of 2 MPa

    La importancia del territorio y el espacio en el programa liberal en Colombia a mediados del siglo XIX, un acercamiento desde la construcción de imaginarios geográficos en las legislaciones creadas entre 1849-1863

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    77 páginasEl siguiente trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo analizar la importancia del espacio y del territorio en el periodo conocido como la “revolución de medio siglo” en lo que hoy se conoce Colombia en el siglo XIX y establecer los principales imaginarios geográficos que se crearon o reforzaron en ese periodo estudiado en la construcción de la idea estado-nación a partir de mapas , proyectos académicos , científicos y productivos que se realizaron en el periodo mencionado.The following research work aims to analyze the importance of space and territory in the period known as the "half-century revolution" in what is now known as Colombia in the 19th century and to establish the main geographical imagery that was created or reinforced in that period studied in the construction of the nation-state idea from maps, academic, scientific and productive projects that were carried out in the mentioned period.Geógrafo(a)Pregrad

    Políticas sobre la tierra y modernización en los siglos XIX y XX, el impacto del liberalismo en el agro colombiano

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    118 páginas y anexos.The reader is presented with an analysis of the main agrarian reforms that have been elaborated in the country while the Colombian Liberal Party maintained the power, on the other hand they articulate these legal dispositions to initiate a modernizing route in the rural world as in the different spheres of everyday life that were transformed or maintained while this political collectivity ruled.Se le presenta al lector un análisis de las principales reformas agrarias que se han elaborado en el país mientras el partido liberal colombiano mantuvo el poder, por otro lado se articulan dichas disposiciones legales para entablar una ruta modernizadora tanto en el mundo rural como en las diferentes esferas de la cotidianidad que se transformaron o se mantuvieron mientras esta colectividad política gobernó.PregradoLicenciado en Histori

    Briquette Combustion Characteristics of Cerbera Manghas Leaves with Rejected Pineapple as Binding Agent as a Sustainable Fuel

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    Litter from fallen leaves of the Cerbera manghas plant is commonly found throughout Indonesia. Various studies have shown that briquettes formed from the falling leaves of Cerbera manghas may be able to reduce waste and be used as a new energy source. However, previous studies employed tapioca as a binding agent for briquettes, which is an edible starch, and their use as a binder competes with the availability of food resources. Alternatively, rejected pineapple would be used as a binding agent to remedy the problem since it is not edible and reduces unused waste. The briquette was subsequently researched to determine the optimal produc-tion parameters as well as its potential as a sustainable fuel. The 95% to 5% ratio of biomass to briquette is used to achieve a high calorific value of 4338.79 kcal/kg while maintaining the structure of the briquette in check. The usage of this briquette is supported by both the calorific value test and ultimate analyses. According to the research on the four combustion characteristics (ignition time, burning temperature, combustion rate, and burning time), the composition that gives the best briquette is obtained by using a particle size of 60 mesh and compressed by the hydraulic pressure of 2 MPa