4,877 research outputs found


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    Allt fler blir allt Ă€ldre i Sverige och Ă€ldreomsorgen stĂ„r inför en stor utmaning nĂ€r resurser i form av ekonomiska medel och rĂ€tt personal blir allt svĂ„rare att konkurrera om. I eHĂ€lsans tidsĂ„lder utvecklas det pĂ„ mĂ„nga hĂ„ll smarta tekniska lösningar för att effektivisera och kvalitetshöja omsorgsinsatser, nĂ„got som allt fler aktörer fĂ„r upp ögonen för. Denna uppsats utreder behovsbilden för att kunna skapa en ny kontaktyta mellan omsorgstagare, nĂ€rstĂ„ende och utförare inom Ă€ldreomsorg. Uppsatsens resultat Ă€r en del av det Vinnova-finansierade projektet BoNUS VO som undersöker förutsĂ€ttningarna för en sĂ„dan kontaktyta. IKT-stödet ska underlĂ€tta delaktighet i den egna omsorgen sĂ„vĂ€l som stödja yrkesutövare i arbetsuppgifter. Data samlades in genom en observationsstudie av hemtjĂ€nstarbete, deltagande i gruppsamtal med nĂ€rstĂ„ende till omsorgstagare samt kvalitativa intervjuer med 13 informanter som hade erfarenhet av Ă€ldreomsorg. Resultatet av dataanalysen visar pĂ„ att det i dagslĂ€get finns problem som skulle kunna undvikas genom att underlĂ€tta kommunikation och informationsdelning mellan anvĂ€ndargrupperna. Resultaten visar ocksĂ„ pĂ„ att det finns mĂ„nga diskussionspunkter vad gĂ€ller nytta, motsĂ€ttningar i behov och avvĂ€gningen mellan ett översiktligt eller komplext system. Studien konstaterar att det finns utrymme för vidare forskning inom omrĂ„det.Sweden’s population is steadily growing older and while the demand for care of senior citizens is increasing, care givers are forced to cope with diminishing resources in terms of money and qualified staff. Many put hope in new eHealth technology, as a means of raising efficiency and quality in the every day working situation. This thesis aims to study needs regarding communication, information and interaction between care takers, dependants and caregivers in geriatric care, in order to create a foundation upon which an ICT system may be built to fulfill those needs. The results presented are part of a research project focusing on future ICT systems in healthcare. Data was collected through an observational study, group discussions with informants related to care takers, and qualitative interviews with 13 informants who have extensive experience of geriatric care. The results imply there are existing problems that may be avoided by facilitating information sharing between the aforementioned groups. The study also presents some important points of discussion regarding usefulness, clashing needs of different users, and the balance between simplicity of use and system size

    Old and new results for superenergy tensors from dimensionally dependent tensor identities

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    It is known that some results for spinors, and in particular for superenergy spinors, are much less transparent and require a lot more effort to establish, when considered from the tensor viewpoint. In this paper we demonstrate how the use of dimensionally dependent tensor identities enables us to derive a number of 4-dimensional identities by straightforward tensor methods in a signature independent manner. In particular, we consider the quadratic identity for the Bel-Robinson tensor TabcxTabcy=ÎŽxyTabcdTabcd/4{\cal T}_{abcx}{\cal T}^{abcy} = \delta_x^y {\cal T}_{abcd}{\cal T}^{abcd}/4 and also the new conservation laws for the Chevreton tensor, both of which have been obtained by spinor means; both of these results are rederived by {\it tensor} means for 4-dimensional spaces of any signature, using dimensionally dependent identities, and also we are able to conclude that there are no {\it direct} higher dimensional analogues. In addition we demonstrate a simple way to show non-existense of such identities via counter examples; in particular we show that there is no non-trivial Bel tensor analogue of this simple Bel-Robinson tensor quadratic identity. On the other hand, as a sample of the power of generalising dimensionally dependent tensor identities from four to higher dimensions, we show that the symmetry structure, trace-free and divergence-free nature of the four dimensional Bel-Robinson tensor does have an analogue for a class of tensors in higher dimensions.Comment: 18 pages; TeX fil

    Evaluative Perception: Introduction

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    In this Introduction we introduce the central themes of the Evaluative Perception volume. After identifying historical and recent contemporary work on this topic, we discuss some central questions under three headings: (1) Questions about the Existence and Nature of Evaluative Perception: Are there perceptual experiences of values? If so, what is their nature? Are experiences of values sui generis? Are values necessary for certain kinds of experience? (2) Questions about the Epistemology of Evaluative Perception: Can evaluative experiences ever justify evaluative judgments? Are experiences of values necessary for certain kinds of justified evaluative judgments? (3) Questions about Value Theory and Evaluative Perception: Is the existence of evaluative experience supported or undermined by particular views in value theory? Are particular views in value theory supported or undermined by the existence of value experience
