15 research outputs found

    Preliminary identification of quantitative factors determining the duration of court proceedings in commercial cases

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    Purpose: The aim of the article was to identify factors that are linear combinations of the variables under scrutiny that affect the duration of court proceedings. Design/Methodology/Approach: This research was conducted on commercial cases, based on the Principal Components Analysis (PCA). The original variables were grouped into factors that are correlated with each other. The Kaiser Criterion (own value >1) was chosen as the main criterion determining the number of factors. The conducted research was subordinated to six phases, largely linked to the data mining scheme (CRISP-DM). Seven variables of a strict numerical nature marked as (vn) were distinguished from the features describing court proceedings. Findings: Based on the analysis, two main quantitative factors characterising the examined cases were identified. The first factor groups the variables:(v4) Number of hearings in the first instance/second instance, (v5) The number of days from the first hearing to the case being settled, (v6) The judgement in the first instance (number of pages), (v7) Volume of files (number of volumes),and the second one:(v1) The court fee paid, (v2) The value of the subject matter of the dispute, (v3) The number of days to the first hearing. Further research will be conducted into the development of relations between the variables in different areas of their variability, particularly with respect to the value of the matter in dispute. Practical Implications: The identified factors can be used at the micro level, in case management by a judge, at the meso level in case management in court, as well as at the macro level the entire justice system. Originality/Value: The study identified factors that affect the efficiency of court proceedings.peer-reviewe

    Buffer influence on magnetic dead layer, critical current and thermal stability in magnetic tunnel junctions with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy

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    We present a thorough research on Ta/Ru-based buffers and their influence on features crucial from the point of view of applications of MTJs, such as critical switching current and thermal stability. We investigate devices consisting of buffer/FeCoB/MgO/FeCoB/Ta/Ru multilayers for three different buffers: Ta 5 / Ru 10 / Ta 3, Ta 5 / Ru 10 / Ta 10 and Ta 5 / Ru 20 / Ta 5 (all thicknesses in nm). In addition, we study systems with a single FeCoB layer deposited above as well as below the MgO barrier. The crystallographic texture and the roughness of the buffers are determined by means of XRD and atomic force microscopy measurements. Furthermore, we examine the magnetic domain pattern, the magnetic dead layer thickness and the perpendicular magnetic anisotropy fields for each sample. Finally, we investigate the effect of the current induced magnetization switching for nanopillar junctions with lateral dimensions ranging from 1 {\mu}m down to 140 nm. Buffer Ta 5 / Ru 10 / Ta 3, which has the thickest dead layer, exhibits a large increase in the thermal stability factor while featuring a slightly lower critical current density value when compared to the buffer with the thinnest dead layer Ta 5 / Ru 20 / Ta 5

    Od szkoły klasycznej do neoklasycznej w prawie karnym

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    Praca recenzowana / Peer-reviewed paperZebrane w tej książce artykuły i eseje oczywiście nie wyczerpują problematyki ewolucji myśli prawnokarnej od czasów szkoły klasycznej do neoklasycznej. Omówione w niej zostały jedynie wybrane – może ktoś powiedzieć: dość przypadkowo – różne zagadnienia. Ale wydaje się, że nawet to niepełne, a niechby nawet chaotyczne przedstawienie problemów stanowić może zaczyn dyskusji – skłonić do myślenia, do głębszej refleksji nad prawem karnym i jego instytucjami

    Networking activities of general judiciary - from theory to practice

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    The development of the concept of the network, which is used both to explain complex decisions made in the area of implemented policy and as a basis for introducing innovations, is currently of significant importance for organizations. The analysis of network relations may contribute to increasing the efficiency of managing complex interactions that also arise in the sphere of entities participating in activities aimed at satisfying social needs, which is why the common courts that constitute the system of justice is the subject of interest. The purpose of this article was to determine the levels of organizational maturity of common courts for the practice of cross-referencing within the justice system, the formulation of general recommendations in this area, and indication of potential benefits. The research involved direct interviews and participant observations as a result of the project POKL 05.03.00-00-012/11, entitled PWP Education in the field of time management and court proceedings costs – Case management. Nearly 10% of all courts in Poland were subject to the survey. The research results became the basis for determining the levels of organizational maturity of the courts. The results obtained indicate the potential for the judiciary to create horizontal organizational links, the purpose of which is to connect members of the organization, facilitate joint activities and learning, and consequently create new solutions to existing problems. The research shows that the level of maturity is varied, but judicial cooperation is possible, cutting hierarchical subordination as a voluntary inter-organizational network

    The unsustainability of public-sector organizational networks: a case study of voluntary court networks

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    Purpose: The purpose of this study is to identify the problem of sustainability of public-sector organizational networks on the example of common courts and what it implies for further research. Methodology: The study used qualitative research tools in the form of structured interviews. Interviews were conducted with 36 presidents and directors of common courts. After conducting and transcribing each interview, their content was analyzed to capture data related to network durability. Based on the proposed methodology, 5 elements of network sustainability were distinguished: goal continuity, reliability, communication, network capability, fairness. Findings: It was found that the judiciary has the potential to take advantage of network cooperation mechanisms, which may involve different relationships and interactions. However, after the pilot project, voluntary court networks formed during the implementation of the project gradually dissolved, ceased to exist. The identification of the elements of network was an additional outcome of the analysis of the results of a pilot study PWP Edukacja w dziedzinie zarządzania czasem i kosztami postępowań – case management. Originality/value: Research on the networking of public organizations, and in particular common courts, is still a cognitive gap. The results of research carried out for the purposes of the article are trying to fill this gap. within the study, the causes of failures in maintaining network relationships in common orchards were identified

    Państwo i Społeczeństwo nr 4, 2010 : Z problematyki odpowiedzialności prawnej

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    Niniejszy numer „Państwa i Społeczeństwa” poświęcony jest w głównej mierze problematyce odpowiedzialności prawnej. Zebrane w zbiorze artykuły odnoszą się bezpośrednio do tytułowego pojęcia i są podzielone na dwie grupy tematyczne. Pierwsza z nich, „Odpowiedzialność prawna w sferze publicznej”, obejmuje zagadnienia z zakresu polskiego prawa konstytucyjnego, gospodarczego publicznego oraz karnego, jest też wzbogacona o problematykę historyczno-prawną i politologiczną. Część druga – „Europejskie konteksty odpowiedzialności prawnej” – przenosi refl eksję na płaszczyznę międzynarodowych rozważań z zakresu praw człowieka, prawa pracy i prawa finansowego