3,781 research outputs found

    Evaluative Conditioning: Arti-fact or -fiction?—A Reply to Baeyens, De Houwer, Vansteenwegen, and Eelen (1998)

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    Baeyens et al.(1998) claim that Field and Davey's (1997) controversial study of conceptual conditioning offers little threat to current conceptions of evaluative conditioning. This article addresses some of the questions posed by Baeyenset al.First, some criticisms of the conceptual conditioning study appear to be based on a misunderstanding of the procedure. Second, we address the issues surrounding the so-called Type-X procedure. Specifically, we begin by reviewing the status of studies that have used a procedure different from the Type-X procedure. It is then argued that, although the Type-X procedure has been used in only a portion of EC research, it has been used primarily in those studies whose outcome has been used to argue that evaluative conditioning (EC) is functionally distinct from autonomic conditioning. We then review the evidence from non-Type-X procedures that EC is a distinct form of learning. Finally, an attempt is made to explain why between-subject controls should be used as a matter of course in this field of research

    Evaluative Conditioning Is Pavlovian Conditioning: Issues of Definition, Measurement, and the Theoretical Importance of Contingency Awareness

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    In her commentary of Field (1999), Hammerl (1999) has drawn attention to several interesting points concerning the issue of contingency awareness in evaluative conditioning. First, she comments on several contentious issues arising from Field's review of the evaluative conditioning literature, second she critiques the data from his pilot study and finally she argues the case that EC is a distinct form of conditioning that can occur in the absence of contingency awareness. With reference to these criticisms, this reply attempts to address Hammerl's comments by exploring the issues of how awareness is defined, how it is best measured, and whether it is reasonable to believe that EC uniformly occurs in the absence of contingency awareness. The article concludes that the available evidence supports Field's proposition that EC is, in fact, Pavlovian learning

    Effects of Hyperbaric Hypoxia on Some Enzyme Systems in the Mammalian Liver

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    The metabolic effects of hypobaric hypoxic stress on the mammalian liver were studied. The lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) activity of mouse liver homogenates were measured after exposure to an equivalent altitude of 36,000 feet and compared to controls kept at zero altitude. After six and twelve hour incubation periods, the altitude exposed samples demonstrated a significantly higher LDH activity than controls. SDH activity remained unchanged from controls after six hours but was significantly lower than controls after a 12 hour exposure to altitude. It is concluded that the changes in enzyme activity reflect a metabolic control mechanism attempting to maintain adequate energy production during periods of exposure to hypobaric hypoxic stress

    Effects of Low pH on Lactate Dehydrogenase Kinetics of Diving and Nondiving Reptiles

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    The properties of lactate dehydrogenase were examined in two snake species, Nerodia rhombifera and Elaphe obsoleta, and a turtle species, Pseudemys scripta. Our purpose was to compare the LDH activity of reptiles with limited anaerobic capabilities with that of the well established diver Pseudemys. The Michaelis-Menten kinetics of LDH and its susceptibility to inhibition by elevated pyruvate concentrations were investigated in the brain and heart of the three species. All tissue incubations and enzyme activity determinations were done at a pH of 7.0 in order to stimulate a diving blood pH in the three species. In both tissues the LDH activity of the snakes was higher than that of Pseudemys at pyruvate concentrations ranging between .03 mM and .50 mM. The Km values of the snakes were lower than those of Pseudemys, suggesting a greater enzyme-substrate affinity in the snake tissues. The Vmax values were higher in the snake tissues indicating a faster conversion of substrate to product. Heart LDH activity was reduced to an equal extent by high pyruvate concentrations in each of the three species. Elaphe brain LDH was most susceptible to pyruvate inhibition, but Nerodia and Pseudemys brain LDH were inhibited to an equal extent. The results indicate that the kinetic behavior of brain and heart LDH of the three species is similar at a pH of 7.4 and a pH of 7.0. The results also suggest that the LDH of Pseudemys is no better adapted to withstand anaerobic conditions than that of Nerodia or Elaphe at a pH of 7.0

    Age and Huddling as Determinants of Metabolic Rate in Grasshopper Mice (Onychomys leucogaster)

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    The metabolic rates of grasshopper mice (Onychomys leucogaster) were determined every third day from birth to adulthood. Metabolic rates were quantitated by measuring oxygen consumption in an open circuit system. There was a rapid fall in oxygen consumption from the third day after birth until the ninth day. Mice which were housed separately assumed a constant metabolic rate at an earlier age than mice which were kept with litter-mates. The greatest increases in metabolism occurred when immature mice were separated from litter-mates for oxygen consumption determinations. It is concluded that huddling plays an important role in reducing the metabolic rate of young grasshopper mice

    The effect of HIV and antiretroviral therapy on chromosomal radiosensitivity

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    Introduction: Antiretroviral Treatment (ART) has led to an improvement in survival of HIV infected individuals. Some of them will develop cancer during the course of their infection and will require radiation therapy. HIV positive cancer patients have presented with adverse side effects of radiotherapy and elevated chromosomal radiosensitivity. This study investigated if ART has an influence on chromosomal radiosensitivity of HIV positive individuals. Methods and Materials: Blood samples from 60 HIV positive individuals were in vitro exposed to doses of X-rays of 0, 2 and 4Gy and chromosomal radiosensitivity was assessed with the micronucleus assay. The micronucleus assay was also performed on lymphocytes of a group of non HIV-infected health care workers taking prophylactic post-exposure ART to measure the effect of these ART drugs on chromosomal radiosensitivity without HIV as a confounding factor. Results: All HIV patients (those on ART and without ART) had significantly higher radiation induced Micronuclei (MN) than healthy controls. The MN yields increased in the HIV patients taking ART compared to HIV patients not on treatment. The evaluation of chromosomal radiosensitivity of health care workers on ART revealed no effects of ART. Conclusions: HIV positive individuals show an increased chromosomal radiosensitivity. Antiretroviral treatment given to HIV positive individuals can lead to enhanced chromosomal radiosensitivity and therefore impose higher risks for radiotherapy side effects in these patients

    Hematology as Related to Diving Characteristics of Elaphe obsoleta, Nerodia erythrogaster, Nerodia Fasciata and Nerodia rhombifera

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    The diving capabilities of Nerodia erythrogaster flavigaster and Nerodia fasciata confluens were investigated and the results were compared with similar studies on Nerodia rhombifera rhombifera and Elaphe obsoleta obsoleta (Baeyens et al., 1978). In addition, morphological and hematological parameters contributing to underwater survival were examined. The duration of underwater survival for N. erythrogaster and N. fasciata was approximately one hour with no difference between the species. The lung volumes of the two species were also similar but were significantly less than lung volumes reported for E. obsoleta. There were no significant differences in hemoglobin concentration, red blood cell count or hematocrit between N. rhombifera, N. erythrogaster, N. fasciata, and E. obsoleta. Based on similarities in underwater tolerance, lung morphology and hematology, Nerodia more closely resembles the terrestrial E. obsoleta than those reptiles specifically adapted to an underwater existance

    Relationship Between Physical Conditioning and Plasma High Density Lipoprotein-Cholesterol Concentration

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    Five subjects (three females and two males) took part in an exercise regimen in order to determine if aerobic exercise results in an increase in high-density lipoprotein-cholesterol levels (HDL-C) in the plasma. The exercise regimen consisted of running three miles a day, five days per week for six months. Running speed was at such a pace that the subjects attained a minimum of 60% of their maximal heart rate reserve (MHRR). Before the training program began the following parameters were measured in all of the subjects: height, weight, percent body fat, maximal oxygen consumption (Vₒ₂ max), vital capacity, resting heart rate, resting blood pressure, HDL-C, plasma triglycerides (TG), and plasma cholesterol (TC). These same measurements were retaken every two months and at the conclusion of the study. The exercise protocol produced significant changes in Vₒ₂ max and resting heart rate. None of the other parameters were significantly changed. The results of this study have shown that aerobic exercise does not cause significant changes in HDL-C levels