542 research outputs found


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    Objective: The aim of our study was to check out the hearing limit of industrial workers along with a comparison between noise-exposed as well as unexposed groups. Methodology: We carried out an observational cross-sectional research at Services Hospital, Lahore (September 2016 to October 2017). We formulate two groups for our cross-sectional study. Group “A” consist of fifty industrial workers who work in consistent huge level noise and correlate with the similar group “B”. Subjective test “Pure tone audiometry” was performed to measure hearing limits at different frequencies. Results: Hearing loss in group “A” was too common, as well as the characteristic dip of the auditory range, was noted at a frequency of 4000 Hz. Conclusion: The working staff of industries is at greater risk of developing Sensor-neural hearing loss (SNHL) with respect to the common population. These workers can comfortably be picked in the initial stages by audiometry as well as suitable securing steps advised to stop or hamper the silent development of the disease. Keywords: Hearing threshold, Sensor-neural hearing loss (SNHL), Pure tone audiometry, Noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL), spiral ganglion neurons (SGN)

    Identity Crisis in Hanif Kureshi’s My Son the Fanatic

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    Postcolonial subjects find it difficult to self-define their identities in territories of colonizers. Study implies the postcolonial ideology of Kaletha that “search of identity has become a pressing fact in the global world” (02) upon Hanif Kureshi’s short story My Son The Fanatic. Asians migrated to the Britain colonies tend to mimic the white residents in order to discover their identities by assimilating with the dominant culture. The colonial subject reconstructs themselves in all social domains of tradition, customs, behavioral pattern, and language in order to assimilate in Britain society. Assimilation can only occurs when any black resident of society tries to abandon his personal ethnic identity in favor to adopt ideals of Britain society

    Identity Crisis in Hanif Kureshi’s My Son the Fanatic

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    Postcolonial subjects find it difficult to self-define their identities in territories of colonizers. Study implies the postcolonial ideology of Kaletha that “search of identity has become a pressing fact in the global world” (02) upon Hanif Kureshi’s short story My Son The Fanatic. Asians migrated to the Britain colonies tend to mimic the white residents in order to discover their identities by assimilating with the dominant culture. The colonial subject reconstructs themselves in all social domains of tradition, customs, behavioral pattern, and language in order to assimilate in Britain society. Assimilation can only occurs when any black resident of society tries to abandon his personal ethnic identity in favor to adopt ideals of Britain society

    Some Topological Properties of Intuitionistic Fuzzy Normed Spaces

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    In 1986, Atanassov introduced the concept of intuitionistic fuzzy set theory which is based on the extensions of definitions of fuzzy set theory given by Zadeh. This theory provides a variable model to elaborate uncertainty and vagueness involved in decision making problems. In this chapter, we concentrate our study on the ideal convergence of sequence spaces with respect to intuitionistic fuzzy norm and discussed their topological and algebraic properties

    A Study of Bounded Variation Sequence Spaces

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    In the theory of classes of sequence, a wonderful application of Hahn-Banach extension theorem gave rise to the concept of Banach limit, i.e., the limit functional defined on c can be extended to the whole space l ∞ and this extended functional is called as the Banach limit. After that, in 1948 Lorentz used this concept of a week limit to introduce a new type of convergence, named as the almost convergence. Later on, Raimi generalized the concept of almost convergence known as σ − convergence and the sequence space BV σ was introduced and studied by Mursaleen. The main aim of this chapter is to study some new double sequence spaces of invariant means defined by ideal, modulus function and Orlicz function. Furthermore, we also study several properties relevant to topological structures and inclusion relations between these spaces

    Inhibition of protein glycation and advanced glycation end products by ascorbic acid

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    Advanced glycation end products (AGEs) formation is increased in diabetes mellitus, leading to microvascular and macrovascular complications. Recently, much attention has been focused on natural and synthetic inhibitors to delay the onset or progression of diabetes and its comorbidities. Ascorbic acid (AA) can react with proteins, including hemoglobin and possibly interfere with protein glycation process. An in vitro glycation model containing plasma from type 2 diabetic and non-diabetic healthy volunteers together with glucose as glycating agent was used to study antiglycation activity of AA. Samples with different concentrations of glucose and AA were incubated for five weeks at 37°C. Nonenzymatic glycation (NEG) was quantitated by thiobarbituric acid calorimetry and AGEs were measured by enzyme linked immuno-sorbent assay (ELISA). The NEG and AGEs levels were reduced by AA. Increasing the AA concentrations greatly diminished protein glycations, indicating dose-dependent effects of AA. Plasma NEG and AGEs were decreased with an average of 20 to 26% (p < 0.05) and 26 to 28% (p < 0.05). A significant correlation was found between the glycation inhibition and the inhibition of AGE formation (p < 0.05). The antiglycation role of AA is evident in the present study and it also indicates the possibility of inexpensive, relatively non-toxic vitamin therapy for the prevention and treatment of diabetic complications. It is plausible that AGEs inhibition by AA may also form the basis for future intervention strategies in both diabetic and non-diabetic individuals.Keywords: Diabetes mellitus, glycation, advanced glycation end products, hyperglycemia, ascorbic aci

    Knowledge, Attitude and Practices of Dengue Prevention among Non-medical Employees of Aziz Fatimah Medical and Dental College

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    Dengue virus is transmitted via Aedes mosquito to humans, and results in various clinical signs and symptoms ranging from an asymptomatic infection to mild flu-like symptoms and fetal hemorrhagic fever. Keeping in view the current epidemic of dengue fever in Lahore, this study aimed to assess the knowledge, attitude, and practices of non-medical employees of the Aziz Fatimah Medical and Dental College, FSD so that an effective awareness campaign could be started at the institutional level. Our results indicate that non-medical employees of Aziz Fatimah Medical and Dental College, FSD Aziz Fatimah Medical and Dental College, FSD showed a satisfactory level of knowledge, and high percentage of positive attitude and practices towards dengue prevention. A significant relation was established between knowledge related to dengue prevention and level of education. Future endeavors for health education related to dengue prevention should focus on people with lower level of education