
Elderly are always tends to risk malnutrition and lack of nutrition. Prevalence of malnutrition in Indonesia is still very high at 43% of elderly experiencing malnutrition.\ud This poor nutritional status is suspected affects quality of life of elderly. Therefore, the\ud author conducted this study to determine whether nutritional status related to life quality\ud of elderly people.\ud The method used is descriptive quantitative research approach with a number of crosssectional samples of 100 people who live in the working area of Makassar Batua Health Center. Selection of the sample used purposive sampling method. Nutritional status of the data obtained through direct interviews using a MNA questionnaire. Rate the quality of life were also obtained through direct interviews and using the WHOQOL-BREF questionnaire.\ud The results of this study showed that 10% of the elderly have good nutrition, 64% of\ud elderly at risk of malnutrition, and 26% elderly are malnourished. In the other hand,\ud quality of life for elderly showed that 80% quality of life for elderly is less. Based on\ud the results of statistical analysis by x2 test (Chi-square), quality of life related to\ud nutritional status, age, gender, occupation, income, and number of health complaints\ud experienced.\ud From this study, it can be concluded that the nutritional status and quality of life for\ud elderly in the working area of Makassar Batua health center still needs to be improved\ud and there is a relationship between nutritional status based on MNA and the quality of\ud life for elderly people

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