Choosing Bio Ethanol Fermentation Process Combination with Two Levels Full Factorial Design Method


The reduction of oil energy reserve makes fuel increased in price. Therefore, alternative energy as a substitute to save fuel is needed. One of the alternative energy is bio fuel, and one of the bio fuel types is bio ethanol. The purpose of this research is to determine the best factors and level combination on bio ethanol fermentation process, in order to made bio ethanol with higher content. Cassava is used as the raw material of bio ethanol making process. This research was conducted using Two Levels Full Factorial Design method. Factors which are studied are the amount of urea fertilizer NPK (fertilizer) type, the amount of NPK, the amount of yeast, the amount of alpha amylase enzyme, and the amount of glucoamylase enzyme. Data was analyzed using ANOVA test, main effect plot, and interaction effect plot. As a result, type of NPK, amount of NPK, amount of alpha amylase enzyme, and amount of glucoamylase enzyme are factors that have a significant effect on the bio ethanol fermentation process. The best combination for this experiment is the amount of urea: 4.88 grams, type of NPK: 20/9/15, the amount of NPK: 1.4 gram, the amount of yeast 10 grams, the amount of alpha-amylase enzyme: 1.5 milliliter, and the amount of glucoamylase enzyme: 1.35 milliliter. Keywords: Bio ethanol, fermentation, NPK, two levels full factorial design

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