Can celebrity save diplomacy? Appropriating wisdom through ‘The Elders'


[Abstract]: This chapter provides a discussion of Richard Branson's initiative of 'The Elders', and assesses its effectiveness in the context of celebrity activism and celebrity diplomacy. While the self-conscious exploitation of celebrity status in this initiative has the potential to make a positive impact on both the levels of fund raising and of awareness in a Western context, the 'traditional' role of celebrity in this process is at the same time fraught with profound contradictions. This chapter explores the role of 'celebrity diplomacy' in the Elders' attempts to effect change and engage with politics and poverty at a global level. The central question is whether their celebrity status, as well as the celebrity status of their founders, will limit them to awareness raising alone, or whether they can effect meaningful change and a shift in the way diplomacy operates on a global level. This paper will argue that while 'celebrity' has the potential to create awareness, raise much-needed funds, and drive 'political action', this potential is at the same time firmly wedded to contemporary politics of entertainment and media consumption, thus potentially limiting its ability to effect structural change

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This paper was published in University of Southern Queensland ePrints.

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