518 research outputs found


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    The ability to repair damaged organs or to create in vitro tissues is now a reality and regenerative medicine is attracting more and more interest in the veterinary field, due to the possibility to provide a shorter period of hospitalization and a greater possibility of recovery, leading to greater benefits both for the animal and the economy.\ud Chronic diseases, cancer and injuries are often severe, in pets, especially in the elderly, whose owners are increasingly demanding new and more sophisticated treatments and prevention strategies. Equine recurrent uveitis (ERU) is a major ophthalmic disease of the horse and is the most common cause of blindness in this species and it continues to be a common and frustrating problem in horses both in Europe and USA. Standard symptomatic anti-inflammatory therapy is effective to control most cases of ERU, especially when treated early in course of the recurrent episode. However, some patients required advanced therapy when they fail to respond to the standard therapy.\ud The horse is a perfect model for the study of new therapies in spontaneous uveitis and the model could be translated, with care of each order and for all levels, in man. In fact, man and horse are united by the fact that they are the only two species that can develop spontaneous uveitis.\ud The purpose of this research project was to assess the application of mesenchymal stem cells in the treatment of end-stage equine recurrent uveitis, focusing on the possibility of obtaining mesenchymal stem cells suitable for the use in this eye problem. In addition, feasibility and outcomes of this novel stem therapy has been evaluated.\u

    Nature and Culture: unconventional ways to inform the Public about Geo-Environmental concepts essential for Prevention

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    During these years emerged the need to create new kinds of communication that can activate a conscious society, providing people with clear information on the geo-environmental scenarios of our country. \ud A sensitive point in the scientific communication is how to organize the information in a strategic way, referring to targets and messages, in order to better communicate the contents to the audience. Being Landscape an object of human perceptions, it could become a “medium” to communicate the Earth Sciences to the whole society: it can be considered the result of the interaction of many natural and cultural components, as well as the expression of the geological processes. \ud The following projects, realised in an experimental way in Italy, are successfully started thanks to a synergy between the Camerino University, the Geological Survey of Italy-ISPRA, the National Council of Geologists and Rai Sport. The main topics are: \ud • The geological characterization of the Landscape in movies and fictions, based on the use of the filmic communication in order to make the territory comprehensible to the society. In the episodes of the famous TV series "Il Commissario Montalbano" filmed in Sicily, the natural and cultural landscapes, giving a fascinating scenery to the films, represent a meaning in the representation of history. \ud The “GeoloGiro” and the “GiROSAuro” (a cartoon created for the youngest audience) for the popularization of the scientific knowledge, explaining the geological setting of the landscapes crossed by the cycling race “Giro d’Italia”. The morphology of the territory becomes a key component in the race context: if explained by the geologist, can offer to the public a new point of view of the landscapes, linking scientific information to the agonistic valence of the stage. The Giro d’Italia has welcomed the presence of the geologist, thanks to a dedicated space during the TV live transmission of the race. \u

    Violazioni della normativa antitrust e tutela del consumatore

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    Il lavoro mira a ricostruire e ad analizzare la problematica relativa alle tutele civilistiche (in particolar modo contrattuale e risarcitoria) che l’ordinamento riconosce al consumatore in caso di violazione delle regole, comunitarie e nazionali, atte a garantire il corretto svolgimento del gioco concorrenziale all’interno del mercato.\ud Partendo da una ricostruzione della evoluzione normativa e giurisprudenziale, si e' sottolineato come la disciplina della concorrenza, da normativa volta essenzialmente alla regolamentazione del mercato, abbia come propria ratio la tutela del corretto svolgimento delle operazioni economiche, tutela che ha il suo immediato riflesso nella garanzia delle posizioni e liberta' giuridiche dei soggetti che in esso operano. Detta lettura, come sottolineato, deve il suo evolversi ad una maggiore attenzione rivolta dalle istituzioni e dagli interpreti alla figura del consumatore, che da semplice parte debole del rapporto, viene delineato come soggetto del mercato, in quanto sono le sue scelte ad indirizzare il successo di un’impresa. L’importanza della premessa metodologica e sistematica, volta a ricostruire l’assunta centralita' del consumatore e dell’atto di consumo, si riverbera nella delineazione del rapporto tra public e private enforcement: la matrice pubblicistica della disciplina antimonopolistica, infatti, fa si' che la stessa sia teleologicamente rivolta alla tutela degli interessi di cui sono portatori i soggetti del mercato. Un potenziamento delle tutele privatistiche, quindi, ha come precipitato una maggiore realizzazione delle finalita' proprie della disciplina.\ud Nella successiva trattazione, infatti, il lavoro mira ad analizzare detti strumenti di tutela. In primis, da un punto di vista contrattuale, si sottolinea come il regime delle invalidita' miri non solo a garantire gli interessi dei contraenti, ma anche valori di carattere generale ispirati da principi solidaristico e personalistico, ormai immanenti nel sistema italo-comunitario. Partendo da un’analisi dell’incidenza delle norme comunitarie sull’intero impianto della disciplina dei contratti, si passa successivamente ad una analisi e critica delle varie teorie relative alla sorte dei contratti BtoC attuativi dell’illecito anticoncorrenziale, per concludere in favore del ricorso allo strumento delle nullita' di protezione, sulla scorta del richiamo ai canoni generali di correttezza e buona fede.\ud In secondo luogo, nel lavoro si sottolinea come la tutela contrattuale, di carattere preventivo, risulta essere da sola inadatta a garantire una piena ed effettiva tutela degli interessi del consumatore: partendo anche dall’analisi dei principi comunitari, si conclude come il concorso di tutela contrattuale e risarcitoria sia idoneo a garantire la pienezza del private enforcement. Attivare meccanismi giurisdizionali, tuttavia, appare aspetto ancora controverso. L’analisi dell’art. 140 bis del codice del consumo (che disciplina l’azione collettiva risarcitoria), infatti, evidenzia come numerosi siano ancora gli aspetti problematici, che renderebbero di fatto arduo per il consumatore agire per ottenere il ristoro del danno subito a causa dell’illecito anticoncorrenziale: in primo luogo, in quanto riduttiva appare la stessa definizione di consumatore, soggetto processualmente legittimato all’azione, in secondo luogo, perche' la specificita' della materia rende non agevole il regime probatorio. Proprio l’analisi dell’onus probandi (soprattutto in relazione ai programmi di clemenza), e la conseguente relazione tra AGCM e giudice ordinario, appaiono essere gli aspetti maggiormente controversi, rispetto ai quali, anche alla luce della recente direttiva in materia di azioni collettive risarcitorie del dicembre 2014, si e' concentrata l’analisi.\ud In conclusione, l’effettivita' della tutela, quale aspetto fondamentale per garantire di fatto gli interessi riconosciuti dell’impianto costituzionale non solo nazionale ma anche comunitario, passa necessariamente attraverso il lavoro attento dell’interprete, chiamato a ricostruire sistematicamente gli strumenti forniti dall’ordinamento alla luce dei principi ai quali lo stesso si ispira

    Protein translocation in narrow pores: influence of the pore dynamical fluctuations

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    We study the phenomena of translocation of a globular protein through a fluctuating cylindrical nanopore under the action of a driving force using the method of Langevin dynamics simulation (Go-like protein model). The work is motivated by recent experiments on voltage driven transport of protein across nano-channel. In the first\ud part of the thesis we describe a numerical analysis on the driven transport of Maltose binding protein (MBP) across a nano-pore in the framework of coarse-grained modeling. The protein is described by a native centric model on a C carbon backbone to study the influence of protein-like structural properties on the translocation process. In this transport mechanism of protein across a channel, the force-fields consists of stretching energy, bending energy and torsion energy. The non-bonded interaction energy is modeled by Lennard-Jones potential. We model the fluctuating nanopore through which the protein is confined by a step-like soft-core repulsive potential with cylindrical symmetry which is set parallel the x -axis of the frame of reference to used for translocation simulations\ud \ud In chapter 3 we investigate the translocation of MBP through a static pore. We characterized the translocation mechanism by studying the thermodynamical and kinetic\ud properties of the process. In particular, we study the average of translocation time, the mobility, and the translocation probability as a function of pulling force F acting in the channel. The translocation process depend on the free-energy barrier that protein has to overcome in order to move along the channel. Such a free-energy\ud barrier occurs due to the conflict of the unfolding energy and the entropy connected with the confinement effects of the pore. Umbrella sampling simulation is implemented to compute the free-energy landscape as a function of reaction coordinate. To compute the translocation free-energy profile from the umbrella sampling simulation, we introduce an artificial harmonic biasing potential, forcing the system dynamics to\ud explore the set of unstable conformations. The effect of the umbrella potential is than deweighted from the Boltzmann weight by processing the data through appropriate debiasing algorithms. We used the free-energy profile to built up a phenomenological one - dimensional drift - diffusion model in the reaction coordinate based on the Smoluchowski stochastic differential equation. The results obtained from the mathematical model are then used in comparison with molecular dynamics simulation to\ud explains and reproduces the behavior of the translocation observables.\ud In chapter 4 and 5, we study the effect of fluctuating environment in protein transport dynamics. In particular, we investigate the translocation of a protein across a\ud temporally modulated nano-pore. We allow the radius of the cylindrical pore to oscillate harmonically with certain frequency and amplitude about an average radius. The protein is imported inside the pore whose dynamics is influences by the fluctuating nature of the pore. We investigate the dynamic and thermodynamical properties of\ud the translocation process by revealing the statistics of translocation time as a function of the pulling inward force acting along the axis of the pore, and the frequency of the time dependent radius of the channel. We also examine the distribution of translocation time in the intermediate frequency regime.\ud We observe that the shaking mechanism of pore leads to accelerate the translocation process as compared to the static channel that has a radius equal to the mean\ud radius of oscillating pore. Moreover, the translocation time shows a global maximum as a function of frequency of the oscillating radius, hence revealing a resonant\ud activation phenomenon in the dynamics of protein translocatio

    Multi-disciplinary approach to geothermal systems in foredeep basins: the Acquasanta Terme case study (Marche, Italy)

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    The continuous growth of energy consumption, the progressive and fast depletion of hydrocarbon reserves, the environmental pollution, in addition to frequent political crises, have generated a global importance energy emergency. At the same time, the growth in energy production has to be ‘sustainable’, meaning a social and economic development respectful of the natural times and of the resources of the Planet. Within this general framework, one of the most important ‘renewable’\ud is the geothermal, being the energy originated from the heat released by the Earth. In the Country that launched the geothermal energy in the world, initiating the era of\ud energy production from this source (Larderello 1904), the aim of this Ph.D. thesis is to investigate the less promising east side of Italy in a region with surface thermal manifestations, in order to characterize the potential geothermal system. The study area was identified in the Acquasanta anticline (Acquasanta Terme, Southern Marche Region, Central Italy), located within the foredeep Laga basin with low heat flow values and water temperatures ranging between 20º C and 30º C at surface. To achieve the purpose, we integrate different prospections (geochemical, seismic and structural) that allow for a comprehensive picture of the geothermal system.\ud The model of a geothermal system characterized by water of meteoric origin flowing from south to north is proposed. Water infiltrates at altitudes ranging between\ud 1400 m and 1700 m, identifying the recharge area with the Laga Mountains, located in the southernmost part of the anticline, about 30 km South of Acquasanta Terme. From geochemical data collected along more than one year of monitoring three “end – member” waters with different chemical features and circuits are defined. The first\ud water type shows higher temperatures (25.3º C – 30.0º C), and salinity and chemical composition stable during time. It displays a clear contact with the Burano Anhydrites\ud Fm and with carbonatic rocks, confirmed by Sr isotopic values. Furthermore, it has a residence time greater than sixty years (0 T.U.), indication of long circulation period, and no mixing with younger waters. Moreover, some indications (i.e. Rubidium) of a possible slight contribution from deep fluids are present. The second water end – member likely infiltrates at lower quotes than the previous one, following a shorter deep circuit within the same formations as suggested by ion concentrations. It was also recognized within the Varoni_1 deep well (AGIP s.p.a., 1987). The third type is\ud inferable from samples distribution on correlation graphs and from identified mixing trends, characterized by warm temperature, but lower ions concentrations than the\ud others. This water likely flows only within the Calcare Massiccio Fm, just interacting with anhydrites, probably following a slightly faster circuit. Except for the\ud easternmost springs (first end – member), all the other collected springs are influenced by mixing phenomena both among the three end-members and also with surface freshwater. The lateral confinement of the easternmost springs and the peculiar mixing processes are strictly linked to the complex structural setting, in particular to N – S oriented faults.\ud The reservoir is identified mainly within the Calcare Massiccio Fm (CM). In detail, by seismic interpretation, it is slightly N-plunging, following the anticline\ud geometry, and laterally bounded by a N – S oriented thrust to the east, a related backthrust to the west, and by a WNW – ESE normal fault to the north. Its bottom depth ranges between 3000 m and 3800 m below the surface. A first estimation gives back a computed volume of about 66 km3. The mentioned WNW – ESE extensional discontinuity is also considered to be the main rising conduit for the deep hot waters. In the final part of the fluid circuit, hot waters flow within the shallow reservoir of the\ud Scaglia Rossa Fm (SR) creating relevant karst caves phenomena. Finally, all the thermal manifestations occur at the base of the low permeability Scaglia Cinerea Fm\ud (reservoir cap rock), on the right bank of the Tronto River, as confirmed by relevant travertine deposits. Detailed quantitative structural analyses were performed both in the lower (CM) and shallower (SR) reservoirs, in order to create the DFN model and to compute their connectivity properties. In particular, for the CM buried reservoir, an analogue example has been used to perform the field analyses. The highest permeability is shown along the bottom up and the longitudinal directions, whose calculated permeability value is 0.148 mDarcy. Moreover, fractured volume derived from these structural data allows to calculate an estimation of the total profit volume of the reservoir, resulting in 1.32 km3.\ud Concerning the temperature reached by the system, K/Mg geothermometer applied on the most stable samples gives back an estimated temperature at the bottom of the reservoir (top of the Burano Anhydrites Fm) of about 90º C, consistent with the normal geothermal gradient of the sedimentary Laga Basin

    Apoliprotein A-IV as a new possible molecular “tool” to understand feline hepatic lipidosis physiopathology

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    Feline Hepatic Lipidosis (FHL) represents one of the most common metabolic disorders in cats. Apolipoprotein (apo) A-IV is a protein known to participate in the regulation of various metabolic pathways, with special regards to lipid metabolism. The present study demonstrates a relation between hepatic lipid content and apo A-IV expression in rat and cat liver, opening a fascinating\ud innovative hypothesis on FHL pathogenesis.\ud Livers from cats (5) and rats (8) were processed to determine hepatic lipid content using Mojonnier method. Apo A-IV liver protein expression was assessed by ELISA using liver tissue extracts. Finally, samples of all livers were processed for histopathology and immunohistochemistry to confirm previously obtained results.\ud Data show an interesting inverse proportion between hepatic lipid content and apo A-IV liver expression, highlighting differences between cat and rat lipid metabolism. Applying this comparative experimental approach, we suggest an innovative pathogenetic hypothesis which involves apo A-IV as a “new actor” molecule involved in FHL determinism and its potential role as a prodromal serological diagnostic marker

    Synthesis and characterization of advanced materials for Li-ion batteries :\ud 1. Si/RGO nanocomposite anodes.\ud 2. V2O5 gel cathodes.

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    Lithium-ion batteries represent the state-of-the-art of electrochemical energy storage. However, with the advance of microelectronic technology for portable devices and the progressive introduction into the automotive market of Electrical Vehicles (EVs.), a breakthrough in Li-ion materials is needed to overcome known issues related to cost, higher energy densities, safety and cycle life. Moreover, steps forward are also needed from a sustainability point of view, in order to reduce both costs and environmental impact during battery manufacturing.\ud On the anode side, research in next-generation materials, capable of replacing the industry-standard graphite, are now underway. In this PhD thesis, a novel high capacity Silicon/Reduced Graphene Oxide (Si/RGO) nanocomposite has been synthesized, thoroughly characterized and evaluated under an electrochemical point of view. The electrode preparation has been optimized using an alternative binder and eco-friendly solvent like ethanol. The composite shows a good stability and capacity retention over prolonged cycling.\ud On the cathode side, next-generation materials should have higher capacities in order to increase the energy density of the future batteries. In this PhD thesis, Vanadium Pentoxide (V2O5) - has been studied both in its amorphous (aerogel) and crystalline form as next generation Li-ion cathode materials. Also in this case materials were prepared, characterized and electrochemically tested. A green and eco-friendly approach during electrode processing was used also in this case.\ud The data resulting from this PhD thesis were subject of the following publications and proceedings of congresses:\ud - F. Maroni, R. Raccichini, A. Birrozzi, G. Carbonari, R. Tossici, F. Croce, R. Marassi, F. Nobili Graphene/silicon nanocomposite anode with enhanced electrochemical stability for lithium-ion battery applications, J. Power Sources, 2014; Vol. 269; 873 – 882. doi:10.1016/j.jpowsour.2014.07.064\ud - A. Moretti, F. Maroni, F. Nobili, S. Passerini, V2O5 electrodes with extended cycling ability and improved rate performance using polyacrylic acid as binder, J. Power Sources, 2014, In Press. doi : 10.1016/j.jpowsour.2014.09.150\ud - A. Moretti, F. Maroni, I. Osada, F. Nobili, S. Passerini, V2O5 aerogel as a versatile cathode material for lithium and sodium batteries, ChemElectroChem, 2014, In Press.\ud - F. Nobili, F. Maroni, R. Raccichini, R. Tossici, R. Marassi, A Silicon/Graphene Composite Anode for High-Efficiency Lithium Batteries, 17th International Meeting on Lithium Batteries, June 10/14 2014, Cernobbio (CO) Italy, Abstract #361.\ud - F. Nobili, F. Maroni, R. Raccichini, R. Tossici, R. Marassi, Graphene/Silicon nanocomposite anode with enhanced electrochemical stability for Li-ion battery applications, Green Lion European Project Workshop, October 28-29 2014, Ulm, Germany Abstract #20.\ud - Si/RGO nanocomposite development was carried out within the ENEA project “Ricerca di materiali anodici per batterie litio ione operanti in elettroliti organici convenzionali di più elevata energia rispetto a quelle sul mercato” and reported in the following documents:\ud - R. Marassi, F. Nobili, R. Tossici, M. Marinaro, A. Birrozzi, R. Raccichini, RdS 2012\ud - A. Birrozzi, F. Maroni, G. Carbonari, R. Tossici, F. Nobili, R. Marassi, RdS 201


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