Caltech Submillimeter Observatory

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    239 research outputs found

    A Computer Study of Electron-Electron Interaction in high Density Electron Beams

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    High density electron beams are simulated by a computer, and the trajectory displacement and energy broadening caused by electron-electron interaction are investigated computationally. The results are summarized into two empirical formulas which represent dependences of the average trajectory displacement and the average energy broadening on the beam parameters. The results show that the trajectory displacement caused by electron-electron interaction imposes a severe problem on system designers using high density beams, and that energy broadening on the order of 1eV may well be attributed to electron-electron interaction. The method of simulation is also described

    Direct VLSI Implementation of Combinatorial Algorithms

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    We present new algorithms for dynamic programming and transtivc closure which arc appropriate for very large-scale integration implementation

    VLSI Design Methodology: The Problem of the 80's for Microprocessor Design

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    The rapid evolution of semiconductor technology continues to make possible increasingly sophisticated electronic systems on single chips of silicon. By 1982, a single silicon chip is projected to have well over 100,000 transistors. This level of complexity represents a major problem for the VLSI designer in the 1980's. Unless there is a major change in design methodology, this level of VLSI technology will be grossly under-utilized due to the problems of design, layout and checking. With present design methods, a 100,000 transistor MOS chip will take 60 man years to layout and another 60 man years to debug

    VLSI and Technological Innovation

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    VLSI relies on a range of disciplines for its successful implementation. Two of the most important of these are still in their infant stages. A. Design methodologies to manage complexity. B. Architecture of ultra concurrent machines. Innovation in infant disciplines occurs most rapidly and successfully when a large number of small groups proceed independently under the motivation of market opportunity. In a few years, a substantial fraction of the engineering work force will have a working knowledge of LSI design. At the same time, fabrication areas are becoming more and more capital intensive. What is needed is a clean, standard interface between a multitude of small diverse VLSI design groups and a few state-of-the-art fabrication suppliers. A proposal for such an interface is presented in this article

    Mathematical Aspects of VLSI Design

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    Hierarchical Design for VLSI: Problems and Advantages

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    This paper describes the hierarchical design process for VLSI circuits and discusses the potential benefits and disadvantages

    Computations on a Tree of Processors

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    ADL: An Hierarchical Logic Design Language

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    Let's Design Algorithms for VLSI Systems

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    Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) technology offers the potential of implementing complex algorithms directly in hardware [Mead and Conway 79). This paper (i) gives examples of algorithms that we believe are suitable for VLSI implementation, (ii) provides a taxonomy for algorithms based on their communication structures, and (iii) discusses some of the insights that are beginning to emerge from our efforts in designing algorithms for VLSI systems


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