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    9217 research outputs found

    James A. Garfield : memorial address pronounced in the Hall of Representatives, February 27, 1882, before the departments of the government of the United States

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    Memorial Address to James A. Garfield, 20th President of the United States, who was assassinated in office in 1881 and given this memorial in 1882.

    The Great Commission of Jesus Christ to His Twelve Apostles Briefly Defined and Illustrated

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    Robert Milligan (1814-1875) was born in Ireland and was brought to the United States by his parents in 1818. After becoming a member of the Presbyterian Church where his father was an elder, he learned the truth and was baptized into Christ at the Church of Christ at Cane Ridge in 1838. He worked as a professor at Bethany College and also served as co-editor of the Millennial Harbinger. He later served as president of Kentucky University and was the head of the College of the Bible at that institution. In The Great Commission of Jesus Christ, Milligan dissects the commission given by Jesus to His apostles. He discusses the authority of Christ, the meaning of baptism, what disciples were to be taught, and the consequences of obedience.

    Communings in the Sanctuary

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    Robert Richardson (1806-1876) was a close associate of Alexander Campbell and a coeditor with Campbell of the Millennial Harbinger and a professor at Campbell’s Bethany College. He was the author of the monumental two-volume Memoirs of Alexander Campbell. In Communings in the Sanctuary, Richardson gathered together 24 of his best communion talks at the Bethany Church of Christ. These meditations became a celebrated book of devotions, and J. W. McGarvey referred to these talks as “gems of beauty.”

    The Organon of Scripture; or The Inductive Method or Biblical Interpretation

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    Christian Baptism With Its Antecedents and Consequents

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    Primitive Christianity Illustrated in Thirty Sermons, on Various Doctrins, Ordinances, and Duties, Taught and Enjoined by The Lord Jesus Christ and His Apostles

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    History of the Christian Church, From the Birth of Christ to the Eighteeth Century; Including the Very Interesting Account of the Waldenses and Albigenses, Vol. 1&2

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    William Jones\u27 History of the Christian Church is a unique historical tome filled with the kinds of details other histories pass over. Volume one traces the general history of the Christian Church from the time of the apostles to the twelfth century. This section includes chronological tables illustrating the succession of popes, emperors, kings, and princes by century. Volume two focuses on the history of the Waldenses and Albigenses from the time of Peter Waldo, AD 1160, through the days of Wycliffe in the fourteenth century, and up through the end of the seventeenth century.


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