e-Jurnal STKIP-PGRI Lubuklinggau
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    Abstract: This research aims to determine what misconceptions arise in students and the factors that cause misconceptions in flat-building material in the fourth grade students of SD Negeri 15 Lubuklinggau. Subjects of the research were the fourth grade students of SD Negeri 15 Lubuklinggau with a total of 19 students. This type of research is qualitative descriptive with data collection techniques, namely observation, interviews, documentation and execution of test questions. The data analysis technique used is qualitative. The results showed that the misconceptions that emerged were theoretical misconceptions, classification misconceptions and correlational misconceptions. Misconceptions experienced by students are due to several factors, namely from the aspects of students and aspects of teachers as well as parents of students.                                                                                              Keywords: Analysis, Misconception, Flat Build, Mathematics

    Perkembangan Perkebunan di Aceh Abad Ke XIII – XIX

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    Aceh has a strategic geographical expanse because it has a port port that was often visited by traders from other nations before the arrival of Islam until the arrival of colonialism. Aceh has relations with other nations because it has several commodities that are in demand by traders from outside the Aceh region. Commodities of the Acehnese people in the pre-Islamic period and the Islamic kingdom (pre-colonial) were the result of plantations. One of the main commodities is Pepper. This study uses historical methods and discourse data analysis. The historical method has several stages, namely heuristics, source criticism, interpretation, and historiography. The purpose of this study was to determine the spice trade, especially pepper, the influence of plantation development on multicultural communities in Aceh from the pre-colonial 13th century to the 19th century. As a trading center, the lives of Acehnese people depended on the results of trade from and inland areas. Goods originating from the interior are transported by boats to the coastal areas and from there they are transported abroad or traded to foreign traders who come there.Aceh memiliki hamparan geografis yang strategi karena memiliki Bandar pelabuhan yang sering dikunjungi para pedagang dari bangsa lain sebelum masuknya islam sampai kedatangan kolonial.  Aceh melakukan relasi dengan bangsa lain karena mempunyai beberapa komoditas yang diminati oleh para pedagang dari luar wilayah Aceh, Komoditas masyarakat Aceh pada masa pra islam dan masa kerajaan Islam (prakolonial )  adalah hasil dari perkebunan.  Salah satu komoditas utamanya adalah Lada. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode sejarah dan analisis data wacana.  Metode Sejarah  memiliki beberapa tahapan yaitu heuristik, kritik sumber, interpretasi, dan historiografi. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui perdagangan rempah-rempah terutama lada pengaruh perkembangan perkebunan terhadap masyarakat multikultural di Aceh dari Pra kolonial abad ke 13 sampai abad ke 19. Sebagai pusat perdagangan, kehidupan orang Aceh tergantung dari hasil perdagangan dari dan daerah pedalaman.  Barang-barang yang berasal dari pedalaman diangkat dengan perahu-perahu ke daerah pesisir dan dari sana baru diangkut ke Luar Negeri atau diperdagangkan kepada pedagang-pedagang asing yang datang ke sana

    Pemanfaatan Tangki Riak untuk Mengukur Kecepatan Rambat Gelombang Permukaan Air

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    The study intends to investigate the relationship between wavelength and frequency to calculate the speed of propagating waves on the water's surface. The researchers used a ripple tank to collect data by recording the pendulum's movement as well as the image of the ripples on the water's surface. The data is then analyzed with the Tracker application. The wavelength is determined by analyzing the recorded ripple shadows with the Tracker application. The Tracker application is used to analyze the recorded pendulum movement to obtain data on the period of vibration and calculate the frequency of the vibrations. The average surface wave velocity at a pendulum length of 10 cm is 3.38 10-2 m/s. In addition, for a 30 cm pendulum length, an average surface wave speed of 3.26 10-2 m/s is obtained.Kegiatan  praktikum ini bertujuan untuk melihat hubungan panjang gelombang dan frekuensi untuk mengukur kecepatan merambat gelombang permukaan air. Dengan menggunakan tangki riak, peneliti mendapatkan data dengan merekam gerakan bandul dan juga bayangan riak gelombang permukaan air. Data kemudian di analisis pergerakannya menggunakan aplikasi Tracker. Rekaman bayangan riak dianalisis menggunakan aplikasi Tracker untuk mendapatkan panjang gelombang. Rekaman gerakan bandul dianalisis menggunakan aplikasi Tracker untuk mendapatkan data periode getaran untuk menghitung frekuensi getaran. Pada panjang bandul 10 cm didapatkan rata-rata kecepatan gelombang permukaan air sebesar 3.38 10-2 m/s. Dan untuk panjang bandul 30 cm didaptkan rata-rata kecepatan gelombang permukaan air sebesar 3.26 10-2 m/s

    Analisis Metakognitif Dalam Memecahkan Masalah Pada Materi Hukum Termodinamika Kelas XI SMAN 1 Tambang

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    Metacognitive is the ability that a student has how measures or control his mindset, knowledge about his knowledge, and skills to analyze the product and learning outcomes. If students have good metacognitive, it will be more effective to select and find important information to solve problems than students who don’t have metacognitive. Swartz and Perkins divide the metacognitive level into 4 parts, namely tacit use, aware use, strategic use, and reflective use. This study aims to describe the metacognitive levels of students who have high, medium and low abilities in solving problems in the Law of Thermodynamics material. This research was conducted at SMA Negeri 1 Tambang with 23 students from class XI MIPA 2 as research subjects. This research was included in a descriptive study. The written test is a data collection method used in this study. The results of the test will be used to analyze students' metacognitive abilities. The results of this study are students who have learning outcomes in high groups are at the level of metacognitive Reflective Use. Students who have learning outcomes in groups are at the Strategic Use metacognitive level. Students who have low group learning outcomes are at the Tacid Use metacognitive level.Kemampuan metakognitif merupakan kemampuan yang dimilki seseorang tentang gimana ia menakar atau mengendalikan pola pikirnya sendiri, pengetahuan tentang pengetahuannya, dan keterampilan menganalisa produk dan hasil belajarnya. Bila siswa memiliki metakognitif yang bagus, akan lebih efektif untuk memilih dan mencari informasi penting untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan dibanding siswa yang tidak memiliki metakognitif. Swartz and Perkins membagi tingkatan metakognitif jadi 4 bagian yaitu tacit use, Aware Use, Strategic Use, dan Reflective Use. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan tingkatan metakognitif siswa yang berkemampuan tinggi, sedang dan rendah dalam memecahkan permasalahannya di materi Hukum Termodinamika. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di SMA Negeri 1 Tambang dengan subjek penelitian sebanyak 23 siswa dari kelas XI MIPA 2. Penelitian ini termasuk kedalam penelitian deskriptif. Tes tertulis merupakan metode pengambilan data yang dilakukan dipenelitian ini . Hasil dari tes itu akan dipakai untuk menganalisis kemampuan metakognitif siswa. Hasil dari penelitian ini ialah siswa yang memiliki hasil belajar dikelompok tinggi berada pada tingkat metakognitif Reflective Use. Siswa yang memiliki hasil belajar dikelompok sedang berada pada tingkat metakognitif Strategic Use. Siswa yang mempunyai hasil belajar kelompok rendah terletak pada tingkat metakognitif Tacid Use


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    This study aims to look at the moral values in the verses of the Qur'an concerning the operation of numbers, particularly summation in Surat Al-A'raf verse 142, Surat Al-Kahfi verse 25, Surat Al-Baqoroh verse 196; reduction operations in surat Al-Muzammil verse 3-4, surat Al-Ankabuut verse 14; multiplication operations in surat al-Baqarah verse 261; division operations in surat Al anfal verses 65-66, surat Al Hadj verse 47, surat Al-Ma'arij verse 4. The introduction of ethical values integrated within the learning of arithmetic through number operation materials introduced early, is anticipated to be able to give long-run effects long for the lifetime of students within the future. That's the balance between cognitive, affective, and psychomotor. The tactic utilized in this study may be a literature study. The conclusion of this analysis is that the existence of ethical values in the verses of the Qur'an concerning the operation of numbers, particularly morality to God, namely taqwa, repentance, khauf, raja', tawakkal; and morals towards the individual, namely istiqomah, mujahadah, gratitude, patience.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji nilai-nilai akhlak dalam ayat-ayat al-Qur’an tentang operasi bilangan yaitu penjumlahan dalam surat Al-A’raf ayat 142, surat Al-Kahfi ayat 25, surat Al-Baqoroh ayat 196; operasi pengurangan dalam surat Al-Muzammil ayat 3-4, surat Al-Ankabuut ayat 14; operasi perkalian dalam surat al-Baqarah ayat 261; operasi pembagian dalam surat Al anfal ayat 65-66, surat Al hajj ayat 47, surat Al-ma’arij ayat 4. Pengenalan nilai-nilai akhlak yang terintegrasi dalam pembelajaran matematika melalui materi operasi bilangan yang dikenalkan sejak dini, diharapkan mampu memberikan efek jangka panjang bagi kehidupan siswa dimasa yang akan datang yaitu keseimbangan antara kognitif, afektif dan psikomotornya. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah studi pustaka. Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah adanya nilai akhlak dalam ayat-ayat al-Qur’an yang berkaitan dengan operasi bilangan yaitu akhlak kepada Allah yaitu taqwa, taubat, khauf, raja’, tawakkal; dan akhlak terhadap pribadi yaitu istiqomah, mujahadah, syukur, saba


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    The purpose of this study is to determine whether there is the effect of weight loss by pencak silat training method using random sampling research design. The population in this study was a student of PSHT colleges, totaling 10 sampling techniques by means of total sampling and variables in this study, namely physical exercise. Data analysis using t-test statistics. The instrument used in this study was the instrument of testing the ball/weight measurement. The results of the initial test mean were 26.67 and the final test 19.88. From the difference results the difference was obtained for the experimental group of 7,723 T-count value of 15.081 with a table value of 0.171 with a significance of 0.00 ≥ 0.05. Then it can be concluded that the physical training method increases


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    The purpose of this research was to determine the effect of agility training on the dribbling ability of SSB YF-13 Lubuklinggau player. Is research was an experimental research with. One Group Pretest-posttest design.  The population of this research was SSB YF-13 players, totaling 24 people.  The sampling technique used was total sampling and the variables in this study were zig-zag run exercises.  The analysis of data used t-test statistics.  The instrument used in this research was a dribble test instrument. The mean result of the initial test, Dre-tests result was 26.67 and the post-test was 19.88.  From the results of the difference test, the difference in dribble speed for the experimental group was 7.723, the t-count value was 15.081 with a table value of 0.171 with a significance of 0.00≥ 0.05. It can be concluded that the agilty training has affected to the dribbling agility SSB YF-13 Player at Lubuklinggau


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    Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria (PSB) are known that have important role to improve plant phosphate uptake as biofertilizer. These Microorganism hold potential to promote organic agriculture as eco friendly and efficiency. This study aims to isolate, enumerate and characterize indigenous PSB from Kebunan Village soil as the organic biofertilizer agent. Isolation and enumeration were carried out using the spread plate method on PCA media for enumeration of the total bacteria and Pikovskaya media (PKV) and NBRIP for BPF selection and enumeration. characterization includes observing the morphological colonies and cells. These experimental studies found that the soil pH was 6.5, the temperature range was 28-35 °C, the total P content was from 0.59 to 1.09 and the dissolved phosphate content sequentially from the smallest is 0.53 (KB2), 29.41 (KB1), 60.45 (KB3). The total abundance of bacteria at 3 different locations showed variations between 1.97 x 106 to 287 x 106. The highest abundance of BPF reached 5.45 x 106 cfu/g was in the watershed which had the lowest available P content. Total 7 isolates of BPF were successfully isolated and characterized with different colony characters and cell shapes. The selected BPF isolates were dominated by Gram-positive bacilli


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    Soil diplopods are an important biotic component in agricultural land ecosystems. Its presence in the soil is an important in the decomposition process of soil organic matter, and plays a role in increasing soil fertility. This study aims to study the community structure of soil Diplopoda at different altitudes in the Bengkulu Kabawetan Tea Plantation. The location of the study used the stratified sampling method which is based on the altitude of 800 m, 900 m and 1000 m above sea level. Soil Diplopods were collected by using the 50x50 cm quadratic method and a 100 m line transect. Data analysis consisted of density, relative density, diversity index, and Morisita index. There were 4 types of soil Diplopods in the Bengkulu Kabawetan Tea Plantation, namely Arthrosphaera sp., Gyrodrepanum sp., Oxidus sp., and Trigoniulus sp. At an altitude of 900 m and 1000 m, 4 species of Diplopoda were found and at an altitude of 800 m consisted of 3 types of Diplopoda.  The density of soil diplopods at the three study locations varied, with the highest density at an altitude of 1000 m followed by at an altitude of 800 m and at 900m. The diversity index at the three locations is low and moderate. The distribution of diplopods at the study site was random and uniform


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    The aim of this research to determine the completeness outcomes of learning Indonesian language for the third grade students of Bandung Banpres Elementary School after applying the storytelling method by using hand puppets. The research used was quasi experimental. The techniques of collecting the data in this research used a test in the form of multiple choice questions. The techniques of analyzing data used normality test and t-test. The average of pre-test score was 60,22 with the persentage of students completing 33,33% while 66,66% of students did not complete, while the average score of the post-test was 75,56 with the persentage of students completing 80% and 20% of students who did not complete. The finding shows that mean value of post-test is greater than the pre-test with an increase of 15,34. The collecting the data were analyzed using t-test then obtain ttable = 1.69 and thitung = 5.405. Because thitung > ttable then Ha  is accepted and Ho is rejected. The finding of this research shows outcomes of learning Indonesian language for third grade students of Bandung Banpres Elementary School after participating in learning Indonesian language with the storytelling method by using hand puppets significantly and complete.  Keywords: Hand Puppets, Learning Outcomes, Storytellin


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