
Predictive model for dark matter, dark energy, neutrino masses and leptogenesis at the TeV scale


We propose a new mechanism of TeV scale leptogenesis where the chemical potential of right-handed electron is passed on to the BLB-L asymmetry of the Universe in the presence of sphalerons. The model has the virtue that the origin of neutrino masses are independent of the scale of leptogenesis. As a result, the model could be extended to explain {\it dark matter, dark energy, neutrino masses and leptogenesis at the TeV scale}. The most attractive feature of this model is that it predicts a few hundred GeV triplet Higgs scalar that can be tested at LHC or ILC.Comment: 5 pages (revtex), double column, 2 eps figures, journal version. To appear in Phys. ReV.

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