Mucosa: a music content semantic annotator


Comunicació presentada a: ISMIR 2005 6th International Conference on Music Information Retrieval, celebrada de l'11 al 15 de setembre de 2005 a Londres, Regne UnitMUCOSA (Music Content Semantic Annotator) is an environment for the annotation and generation of music metadata at different levels of abstraction. It is composed of three tiers: an annotation client that deals with microannotations (i.e. within-file annotations), a collection tagger, which deals with macro-annotations (i.e. acrossfiles annotations), and a collaborative annotation subsystem, which manages large-scale annotation tasks that can be shared among different research centres. The annotation client is an enhanced version of WaveSurfer, a speech annotation tool. The collection tagger includes tools for automatic generation of unary descriptors, invention of new descriptors, and propagation of descriptors across sub-collections or playlists. Finally, the collaborative annotation subsystem, based on Plone, makes possible to share the annotation chores and results between several research institutions. A collection of annotated songs is available, as a “starter pack” to all the individuals or institutions that are eager to join this initiative.The research and development reported here was partially funded by the EU-FP6-IST-507142 project SIMAC (Semantic Interaction with Music Audio Contents) project. The authors would like to thank Edgar Barroso, and the Audioclas and CLAM teams for their support to the project

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