Morphometrical analysis of Harderian gland of broiler and native chickens of Bangladesh


The Harderian gland is unique for the presence of plasma cells and other immunocompetent cells. A total of 16 chickens of both sexes, 8 from broilers of 30 days old and 8 from native chickens of six months (n=4 in each sex) were used for gross and histological studies of Harderian gland. The present study revealed that the size of the bibbed Harderian gland was varied between the broiler and native chickens. The length and breadth of the Harderian gland in the male broiler and native chickens was found to be higher in comparison to the female chickens. The connective tissue capsule was comparatively thicker in native chicken. The length of the lobule of the Harderian gland in female broiler was significantly higher than the male and it was 706.87±29.88 pm in male and 582.58±36.51 pm in female. The length of the lobule was higher in native male than in the female and it was measured 767.29±12.38 pm in male and 763.66±19.92,um in female. The lumens of the lobules were irregular in both native chicken and in broiler. In broiler male, the small acini were lined by low simple columnar epithelium and the lumen of the acini wat spherical, however, few of them were elongated and the cell boundaries were distinctly visible whereas in native chicken, the acini were lined by tall simple columnar epithelium and the lumen of the acini were elongated, irregular and narrow, and the cell boundaries were not distinctly visible. The plasma cells and lymphocytes were located in the apical part of these acini and in the inter acinus spaces (interstitium) of the broiler and native chicken. The present feeding will be helpful to interpret the role of Harderian gland in the immunogenecity of broiler and native chickens

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