Liquid crystal NMR: director dynamics and small solute molecules


Abstract The subjects of this thesis are the dynamics of liquid crystals in external electric and magnetic fields as well as the magnetic properties of small molecules, both studied by liquid crystal nuclear magnetic resonance (LC NMR) spectroscopy. Director dynamics of a liquid crystal 5CB in external magnetic and electric fields was studied by deuterium NMR and spectral simulations. A new theory was developed to explain the peculiar oscillations observed in the experimental spectra collected during fast director rotation. A spectral simulation program based on this new theory was developed and the outcome of the simulations was compared with the experimental results to verify the tenability of the theory. In the studies on the properties of small solute molecules, LC NMR was utilised to obtain information about anisotropic nuclear magnetic interaction tensors. The nuclear magnetic shielding tensor was studied in methyl halides, the spin-spin coupling tensor in methyl mercury halides and the quadrupolar coupling tensor in deuterated benzenes. The effects of small-amplitude molecular motions and solvent interactions on the obtained parameters were considered in each case. Finally, the experimental results were compared to the corresponding computational NMR parameters calculated in parallel with the experimental work

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