The study was conducted in the Bhiwani district of Haryana state, which was selected purposively on the basis of maximum area under dryland agriculture. From the four blocks in the Bhiwani district 200 farmers (50 farmers from each block) were selected randomly. The concept of sustainable agriculture involves the evolution of a new type of agriculture rich in technology and information, with much less than intensive energy use and market purchased inputs. Thus, sustainability is the successful management of resources to satisfy the challenging human needs, while maintaining or enhancing the quality of environment and conserving natural resources. Keeping in view the ever-increasing population, development of dry land agriculture, the depletion of natural resources, environmental pollution and limitations of sustainable agriculture a study was conducted to find out the perception of dryland farmers about economic and social aspects of sustainable dryland agriculture in Haryana (India). The study revealed that majority of the farmers perceived minimum tillage, crop diversification, soil fertilization application, integrated nutrient management, weed control, integrated pest management, maintaining plant population, drought resistant varieties, moisture and water conservation practices, agro-forestry and subsidiary occupation like livestock, poultry, horticulture, vegetable etc., as economically feasible, viable, as well as socially acceptable and sustainable for sustainable dryland agriculture