
Cell phone notification via bluetooth for Web 2.0 applications


This paper discusses how an Instant Messaging application on a computer can use Bluetooth in order to provide vibration notification on a mobile phone. The initial motivation was to aid Deaf1 office workers to know when events happened on the computer on their desks. Deaf people with access to modern technology have become accustomed to using Instant Messaging, email and video conferencing. However, most of these applications are designed for hearing users and often use audible notification. Cell phone vibration offers a way to convey similar notifications because many Deaf users have a cell phone. The use of SMS has also become widespread among Deaf users because they cannot hear or speak, even though they might be somewhat text illiterate. Vibration notification in addition to aural notification is common on most cell phones and Deaf users can use the former. This paper describes a Bluetooth notification system to notify a Deaf user with vibration on a cell phone whenever a new Instant Message is received on a given computer. A design goal was to provide an application programming interface to the notification system so that it can be used with any form of Web 2.0 desktop communication tool.Telkom, Cisco, THRIP, SANPADDepartment of HE and Training approved lis

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