Post Harvest Loss Management and Quality Control of Fruits and Vegetables in Ethiopia for Securing Food and nutrition – A review


High quality and disease free produce with a good shelf life is the result of sound production practices providing food and nutrition security for the community. Therefore, this review will be focused on the postharvest management include harvesting, handling, packaging, storage, transportation, role of mass media, policy makers, marketing, hygiene and sanitation, ultimate utilization of fruits and vegetables to enhance food and nutrition security. Currently there are limited review on management of postharvest losses of fresh fruits and vegetables in Ethiopia due to lack of research works in the sector. Being able to maintain a level of freshness perishables horticultural commodity from harvesting to the ultimate utilization presents many challenges. Therefore, there is an urgent need by developing feasible technology to extend the shelf life of fruits and vegetables for securing food and nutrition of the society. Keywords: Loss management, Quality, food security DOI: 10.7176/FSQM/100-04 Publication date:August 31st 202

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