
OpenAIRE Advancing Open Scholarship


13th International Open Repositories Conference, June 4th-7th, Bozeman, Montana, USA.From 1st January 2018, OpenAIRE infrastructure enters a new phase with the start of the OpenAIRE-Advance project. OpenAIRE-Advance continues the mission of OpenAIRE to support the Open Access and Open Data mandates in Europe relying on a decentralized network of content providers. By sustaining the current infrastructure, comprised of a human network and technical services, it consolidates its achievements while working to shift the momentum among its communities to Open Science, aiming to be a trusted eInfrastructure within the realms of the European Open Science Cloud. In this next phase, additionally to the empowerment of several working areas of the infrastructure, OpenAIRE will focus on the outcomes of the COAR Next Generation Repositories Working Group. OpenAIRE aims to promote emerging changes in the scientific communication landscape by building on repositories as the foundation of a globally networked and distributed Open Science infrastructure. This poster outlines the OpenAIRE-Advance practical plans and tasks to support the development of the next generation repositories with new functionalities and new technologies that will help with the adoption of modern web-technologies and protocols that will allow repository platforms to better interact with more innovative and sophisticated scholarly networked tools and

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