
Probe of SUSY and Extra Dimensions by the Brookhaven g-2 Experiment


A brief review is given of aμ=(gμ2)/2a_{\mu}=(g_{\mu}-2)/2 as a probe of supersymmetry and of extra dimensions. It is known since the early to mid nineteen eightees that the supersymmetric electro-weak correction to aμa_{\mu} can be as large or larger than the Standard Model electro-weak correction and thus any experiment that proposes to test the Standard Model electro-weak correction will also test the supersymmetric correction and constrain supersymmetric models. The new physics effect seen in the Brookhaven (BNL) experiment is consistent with these early expectations. Detailed analyses within the well motivated supergravity unified model show that the size of the observed difference (aμexpaμSMa_{\mu}^{exp}-a_{\mu}^{SM}) seen at Brookhaven implies upper limits on sparticle masses in a mass range accessible to the direct observation of these particles at the Large Hadron Collider. Further, analyses also show that the BNL data is favorable for the detection of supersymmeteric dark matter in direct dark matter searches. The effect of large extra dimensions on aμa_{\mu} is also discussed. It is shown that with the current limits on the size of extra dimensions, which imply that the inverse size of such dimensions lies in the TeV region, their effects on aμa_{\mu} relative to the supersymmetric contribution is small and thus extra dimensions do not produce a serious background to the supersymmetric contribution. It is concluded that the analysis of the additional data currently underway at Brookhaven as well as a reduction of the hadronic error will help pin down the scale of weak scale supersymmetry even more precisely.Comment: 11 pages,Latex.Invited talk at La Thuile,01 conference March 4-10,200

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