
About the Mixing and CP Violation in Neutrino System


Suppose the geometrical explaination to the weak CP phase in quark sector is also valid for neutrinos, the mixing and CP violation in neutrino system are discussed. We find a larger JCPJ_{CP} than 3Γ—10βˆ’33\times 10^{-3} implys the large-mixing solution for solar neutrino problem. In case of bi-maximal mixing, we predict relative large CP violation with JCPJ_{CP} larger than 10βˆ’310^{-3} in neutrino system, except the third mixing angle approachs to 0 or Ο€/2\pi/2 very closely.Comment: Latex File, 9 pages with 2 EPS figures, Commun. Theor. Phys. in press. A notes and some references are added or renewe

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