KLM-Style Defeasibility for Restricted First-Order Logic


We extend the KLM approach to defeasible reasoning to be applicable to a restricted version of first-order logic. We de- scribe defeasibility for this logic using a set of rationality postulates, provide an appropriate semantics for it, and present a representation result that characterises the semantic descrip- tion of defeasibility in terms of the rationality postulates. Based on this theoretical core, we then propose a version of defeasible entailment that is inspired by Rational Closure as it is defined for defeasible propositional logic and defeasible description logics. We show that this form of defeasible entailment is rational in the sense that it adheres to our rationality postulates. The work in this paper is the first step towards our ultimate goal of introducing KLM-style defeasible rea- soning into the family of Datalog+/- ontology languages

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