We compare mean-link and average plaquette tadpole renormalization schemes in
the context of the quarkonium hyperfine splittings in lattice NRQCD.
Simulations are done for the three quarkonium systems ccˉ, bcˉ, and
bbˉ. The hyperfine splittings are computed both at leading and at
next-to-leading order in the relativistic expansion. Results are obtained at a
large number of lattice spacings. A number of features emerge, all of which
favor tadpole renormalization using mean links. This includes much better
scaling of the hyperfine splittings in the three quarkonium systems. We also
find that relativistic corrections to the spin splittings are smaller with
mean-link tadpoles, particularly for the ccˉ and bcˉ systems. We
also see signs of a breakdown in the NRQCD expansion when the bare quark mass
falls below about one in lattice units (with the bare quark masses turning out
to be much larger with mean-link tadpoles).Comment: LATTICE(heavyqk) 3 pages, 2 figure