Approximate counting CSP seen from the other side


In this paper we study the complexity of counting Constraint Satisfaction Problems (CSPs) of the form #CSP(C, −), in which the goal is, given a relational structure A from a class C of structures and an arbitrary structure B, to find the number of homomorphisms from A to B. Flum and Grohe showed that #CSP(C, −) is solvable in polynomial time if C has bounded treewidth [FOCS’02]. Building on the work of Grohe [JACM’07] on decision CSPs, Dalmau and Jonsson then showed that, if C is a recursively enumerable class of relational structures of bounded arity, then assuming FPT , #W[1], there are no other cases of #CSP(C, −) solvable exactly in polynomial time (or even fixed-parameter time) [TCS’04].We show that, assuming FPT , W[1] (under randomised parameterised reductions) and for C satisfying certain general conditions, #CSP(C, −) is not solvable even approximately for C of unbounded treewidth; that is, there is no fixed parameter tractable (and thus also not fully polynomial) randomised approximation scheme for #CSP(C, −). In particular, our condition generalises the case when C is closed under taking minors.</p

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