A study on the strategic plan for the Port of Busan in prospect of its role as a commercial hub port in the Far East


The object of this dissertation is to analyse the potentiality of the port of Busan in accordance with its competitiveness in prospect of its role as a commercial mega hub port in the Far East. The port of Busan, despite its excellent merits as a first class natural harbour, has not been exposed to balanced development but has suffered from unbalanced growth caused by inadequate management policy and operation technique. The paper mainly puts emphasis on introduction of the key elements of modem concept port, i.e. the concept of the second or third generation ports and requirements for becoming a hub port. Fortunately as the Korean government’s policy line is focused on liberalisation in every sector of industries, the port of Busan has the main chance to seek innovation in regard of its infrastructure as well as suprastructure. It is well reflected by the fact that the government allocated total US 10,450millionforSOCinvestmentinits1996annualbudgetwhileitdidUS 10,450 million for SOC investment in its 1996 annual budget while it did US 212,440,000 for construction of port and relating infrastructure. Taking into account possible co-operation with the adjacent port of Kwangyang and a new port under construction in adjacent Gadok Island, the port of Busan may be provided with enough capacity of infrastructure to be a hub port. However, for the viability of a modem port, suprasructure is important as well. Among the various problems the port of Busan is now facing, the prior question is how much the port related people as well as shipping people know about the complicated mechanism of modem port operation. Only a few are aware of importance of marketing strategy in the modem port management and the essence of marketing promotion. In chapter four, after summarising the essence of port marketing and guidelines for promotion activities, the paper makes a conclusion by recommending four suggestions: 1. Minimisation of the government’s intervention in port management 2. To set up a training body for the education of modem port concept 3. To organise a delegation for overseas promotion activities 4. To open the port of Busan representing offices world-wide as many as possible. These are least but first conditions the Port of Busan should pay heed to without which there would be no feasibility for the port to face 21st century’s shipping environments

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