
A two-channel Kondo impurity in the spin-1/2 chain: Consequences for Knight shift experiments


A magnetic impurity in the spin-1/2 chain is a simple realization of the two-channel Kondo problem since the field theoretical descriptions in the spin-sector are identical. The correlation functions near the impurity can be calculated. Using a modified version of the numerical transfer matrix DMRG, we are able to accurately determine local properties close to the impurity in the thermodynamic limit. The local susceptibilities (Knight-shifts) show an interesting behavior in a large range around the impurities. We are able to make quantitative experimental predictions which would allow to observe two-channel Kondo physics for the first time directly by doping of spin-1/2 chain compounds.Comment: 2 pages in revtex format including 2 embedded figures (using epsf

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    Last time updated on 03/01/2020