Planning the Teaching Activities on Soil Management for Agricultural High School Students in Kyung-Nam, Korea


The purposes of this study were: (1) to determine the nature and extent of certain selected methods now used in teaching soil management, (2) to identify the major difficulties experienced by teachers in teaching soil management to high school students, and (3) to make recommendations that may provide more effective method~ of teaching soils in vocational agricultural high schools. These recommendations should apply to the situation that exists in Kyung-Nam, Koreao. A questionnaire on soil management problems was prepared by the writero Ten teachers of vocational agriculture in Kyung-Nam, Korea, supplied. the information required under the supervision of the writer. The main problems related to soil management taught in the vocational agriculture schools were making compo:Slt, improving acidic soils, crops adapted to community soil, providing organic matter, cover crops, soil suryey of the community and water erosion in the community" The major problem that appeared to be neglected was assignment concerning soil management on the student home farmso The common difficulties encountered by teachers in teaching soil management werei (1) lack of time to visit students' home farms during school term, (2) the number of students prevented effective supervision on the campus farm, (3) lack of facilities that were related to soil management, and (4) insufficient referenceso The study revealed that improving acidic soil and applying fertilizers were t,he two general programs emphasized in teaching soil managemento The author's ccmclusions were that teaching problems on soil management should: (1)be planned to meet the needs of farmers in the community, (2) emphasize the solving of problems of the students including a study of soil management needs on the home farms, and (3) provide. opportunities for the students to exhibit soil management accomplishment at fai and shows.Agricultural Educatio

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