Feasibility of a Dementia-Focused Person-Centered Communication Intervention for Home Care Workers


Objectives: This study assessed the feasibility of Be EPIC, a dementia-focused, person-centeredcommunication intervention for personal support workers (PSWs). Be EPIC’s foci includes theenvironment, person-centered communication, client relationships, and clients’ abilities, socialhistory and preferences.Methods: Feasibility was assessed using semi-structured interviews and focus groups with PSWs.We used a phenomenological approach to assess: acceptability, implementation, practicality,demand, and limited efficacy.Results: The theme supporting the criterion of acceptability was helpful/relevant training. Themessupporting implementation included realistic simulations, interactive training, and positive learningexperience at the adult-day center. The theme supporting practicality was support to attendtraining. Demand for Be EPIC revealed two themes: participants’ personal motivation and barriersto applying newly learned knowledge and skills. The theme reflecting limited efficacy wasapplying newly learned knowledge and skills with home care clients. Four themes emergedthat mapped onto Be EPIC’s foci.Conclusions: The findings support Be EPIC’s feasibility and highlight the need to address structuralbarriers from employers and government to ensure the delivery of person-centered dementiacare.Clinical Implications: The findings highlight the need for and positive impact of person-centeredcommunication training on home care workers, especially the value of learning by doing,reflective practice, and peer support

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